What game requires me to use all my brain to beat it?
What game requires me to use all my brain to beat it?
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Sup Forumstards are a cancer on Sup Forums and it's about time we start chemotherapy
>that scale
Whsmat is even the unit used there?
Sup Forumspoints
This statistic is offensive and I demand it to be censored.
yeah orientals tend to have smaller heads so I call bullshit
Laughing my ass off, didn't even notice it.
>Let's have the space from 0 to 1240 be about a quarter of an inch
>Space between 1267 and 1364, though? Oh, you better believe that's a one incher right there
Bioshock Infinite.
what measurement?
I'm offended. Not because I'm a nigger nor on a nigger's behalf. I'm offended by how unfunny and tryhard you faggots are.
Any good jrpg Sup Forums recommends that is very complex to beat?
>brain size
einstein had a smaller brain than normal yet he's the smartest man on earth
What video games did he play?
he didn't play video games hence the
>smartest man on earth
>any jrpg
>requiring brain
My teacher has a PHD and loves to play shit like dwarf fortress.
your teacher isn't the smartest man on earth
not even close
You have to be very smart to get a PHD is physics.
yeah but does he watch rick and morty
>people still hold on to their pedigree mentality when mixed race is the master race since it combines the best part of all races
>tfw i'm mixed master race and have the intelligence of asians, big dick and muscles of blacks, inventiveness of whites and ginga of mexicans
>tfw i'm part of the next step in human evolution
Whoops, meant to post this pic of myself.
what games require next level human intelligence to beat it?
he was smart because he was jewish.
>be brown
>be a c-section
bow to me, brainletts
>thinking i'm offended over being called mixed race
It's like expecting someone to be offended to be called smart and strong
Like i said, mixed race is the master race
I hope you really believe this because it'd be just like a fat feminist telling everyone they're real beauty.
Even if you were telling the truth you're not, you're just as likely if not more so to end up with the dick and muscles of an asian and the brain of a black, all while having the mongrel face typical of mixed people.
Nice CIA meme
>Roachs and gooks smarter than the %56 and europeans
>anything i don;t want to hear is CIA
It doesn't matter how long the bars are. As long as the numbers increase on the left are consistent. The bars from zero to 1220 don't matter because they're all the same. What people need to know is the top side of them, which has differences.
That's not even it, that meme was engineered by the CIA to try to create divisiveness among Sup Forums whites
It's a divide and conquer tactic, it's psychological warfare
The very own meme has a CIA aura
>That's not even it, that meme was engineered by the CIA to try to create divisiveness among Sup Forums whites
>implying americans are white
This is the most retarded post read in a long while. Are you, per chance, black? It would be very telling if you weren't.
Whiter than you, ahmed
>tfw you realize why asians are better at actual e-sports
Not every graph bar needs to start at 0 value
It literally says it starts at 0 value, though. You fucking moron.
what are some games that let me predict numbers?
Except it graphically starts at 1220, you blubbering idiot
Otherwise the chart would be tall as fuck
Are you blind?
Reread my post
If you can't comprehend it i'm out, i'm not getting paid enough for trying to teach a drooling retard
How much are you getting paid
You are being trolled dude
I don't know but you would be very bad at it
Do you two work for the same company? Universal McCann?