How do you think Lady Maria prepared for the Hunter's arrival?

How do you think Lady Maria prepared for the Hunter's arrival?


Did Maria just hear all the Meteors and shit outside and thought to herself it would be really rad if she pretended to be dead? Imagine her sitting there with her eyes closed trying really hard not to giggle while the Hunter approaches her.


Imagine if the hunter started undressing her while they thought she was asleep. I bet she'd be very embarrassed haha.

I bet she watched you make your way over there while organizing the arena so she could pretend to be asleep in time to make it all look cool. I bet she also smashed the portrait and had that cup of juice set too, and spilled it after you killed the living failures but it was too late to clean it up so she just hurried to her chair while dripping.

I want to bully Lady Maria.

I don't get it

I don't really get the point of this comic. That Maria is an easy boss if you summon 2 guys to help you?

Menstruating. A lot.

I'll bully you.


Didn't she outright kill herself over some drama with Gherman? She was probably at most a conciousness trapped in the nightmare like Laurence


basically. If one person stun locks her everyone can join in, and she doesn't have that much health or physical resistance. The comic isn't that funny because she's a pretty hard boss 1v1

>she's a pretty hard boss 1v1
Come now, cease your jesting.

>It's a Lovecraftian experience
>What do you mean by that?
>Well it's eldritch and abominable and
>What makes it Lovecraftian?
>Well it's unnameable
>But it's a visual medium
>Ok it's squids in space

Reminder that the Japanese have only done Lovecraftian right once.

She is, especially in her second / third phase.

Pretty hard by comparison to the rest of the game 1v1. And ya it's easy if you can parry, but that's like saying the whole game is easy from first try to finish because you get i-frames

>dodge attacks
>attack her
How could you possibly fuck this up?

That, plus it's REALLY stupid for her to sit there and do her lame corpse gag when there's three bad dudes rolling in to fuck her shit up

Those huge horizontal flaming swords attacks she does with like zero windup are hard to dodge. Also the half delayed double-overhead swing she does to end a mid-range combo is some seriously lethal shit

Where does her blood come from?

I had a harder time with Living Failures. Just dodge past her and swing, simple.

Her torn hymen.

>get nudged by a monster
>blood gushes across the street
People from Bloodborne's world have blood to spare

Produced in her bone marrow out of any food + drink she'd consumed

I've died a handful of times to Maria and literally never to the failures. Difficulty can depend on the person

Opposite for me, Living Failures were a cakewalk but I had to parry Maria to death or I died

>Factual Aliens are a bunch of bumbling idiots

>Aliens created by fucking Island of Dr Moreau tier vivisected humans can summon the cosmos n' wreck your shit

they needed human mind without they're just like jellyfish floating around aimlessly without thought just eating and propagating as they may. The monster in mankind is not one of the flesh but one of cruel intention and terrible purpose.

How do i beat Ludwig

No actually i know how to beat him, just dodge to his left, go back, repeat

But it's so fucking hard

How long did it take you to think out that last bit?

About as long as it took me to type it. (2 seconds) I've been reading too much frank Herbert lately.

We've all been hurt by someone user...

The longer the fight lasts the more your odds of your survival go down. That might sound obvious but Ludwig punishes mistakes a lot harder than most other bosses so you need to lay it on hard early as the longer it goes on the more likely you will mess up. Stop second guessing yourself and dodge into his charge like the mad fucking hunter you are.

Hit and don't get hit. Never try to dodge through that swipe where he spins, because it hits multiple times (it fucked me up several times). Use a serrated weapon if you can. If you got a weapon with long reach then bop his head in the first phase because it often staggers him and will give you a visceral (Axe and Pizza Cutter did this very well for me). When he starts spitting from the hole full of eyes run to his left and hit his head.
If you are confident that you can dodge everything well put armor with high beasthood on and pop a bbp in the 2nd phase.

Just beat him

True, being aggresive helps a lot, especially in his second phase where i just go very close to him and go full rape mode

LMAO just don't get hit bro

Stop giving out advice you oblivious retard

>has an invincible at will button
>still gets hit
What's it like being a fucking shitter?

Where's the guro


i mean it is good advice. Maybe you're just..

you know..


So why is she not wearing pants anymore on the bottom but her boots are still on? That's clearly her underwear and she wears dark pants, if not a black pair.

She is wearing pants, it just looks a bit awkward


I liked fighting Maria far more than faggoty Micolash.

She's hard to dodge if she disappears and slices you up in a combo coming from your side.

t. Maria

Nah son, I'm


but he's kinda right

I didn't say he was wrong.

Lady Maria is in Nioh DLC. Just as wild as ever.

It must be opposite day today. I just died three times to the living failures in NG+3 and beat maria first time

Bloodborne 2 never ever
Besides bloodborne story ends. doing a second would just be a rehash

Isn't the instance of them summoning meteors far faster?

You can stunlock Maria same as usual.

If they just fixed how easy it is to predict and stunlock Maria, she'd be a better boss.


Kos is the best girl. I would make a giant abortion baby with her

Dude, how can people starve to death in poor countries

>get food
How could you possibly fuck this up?

Maria needs to transform to phase 2 and 3 faster. By the time she goes fire period mode the fight is already basically over

Now you're getting it.

She wouldn't give you the option of not giving her babies.

this image makes me uneasy

Diapers to hide her fear.

It makes my dick uneasy

Kos would be terrifying on water.

fucking ocean
fucking old ones

kos was friendly to humans though
very friendly

Would you a Kos

>cosmic beings that resemble marine animals with himan features eg. Legs arms toeso etc.
>a theme of the unkown driving people mad
>spooky undertones

not to mention
inescapable doom
esoteric cults
illnesses that cause comic awareness
everything being in a dream
creatures literally invisible to normal people terrorizing them

PC port when?

idk but Maria is cute

_____ ____

I think Lovecraft fanboys get offended because BB only borrows the themes and general mythos structure of Lovecraft, but the narrative structures have nothing in common.

bloodborne is my favourite kafkaesque lovecraftian survival horror action role playing game. it's hauntingly beautiful and every frame is a painting. it really shows instead of tells. what a masterpiece. a real tour de force. proof games are art. so deep. so profound. it really made me think.

if you're willing pull your hair out over lag the playstation-now version is happening soon. If you want a naively rendered and controlled version

When it's emulated.
Go play Demon Souls in the meantime

To this day, it's still funny to me how the never ever gold face exploded because of that DaS port collage.

But was it kino, tho?

It was OK, 9.5/10

Which can be said of every single Souls boss ever.

>narrative structures have nothing in common
no shit, it's a videogame it would literally have to be p&c and or vn to have the same narrative structure.

The best part about Bloodborne is that it's actually a subversion of Lovecraftian horror. Visually it fits with other kind of Lovecraftian horror, but the concept of the secret hidden cult that worships ancient eldritch beings as the primary religion and how a society like that would transform hasn't really been done.

>charge attacks 1 shot me
>have no idea when she'll release them
More infuriating than hard really

maybe "narrative structure" was not the right phrase. What I meant was : someone who takes the word "lovecraftian" to the letter, will not accept that we qualify BB of Lovecraftian because it lacks certain narrative aspects (for example, the fact that you can understand, face and defeat the creatures you see in BB is very anti-lovecraftian, because you need your protagonist to be somewhat helpless (either mentally or physically) to have a truly lovecraftian narrative)

But on the other hand, there isn't many adjectives to describe the themes of cosmic-horror, tentacles, elder god, descent into madness other than "Lovecraftian".

So the people arguing that is isn't lovecraftian are technically not wrong, but it's still one of the best descriptor for the themes in Bloodborne.

so, are vilebloods basically vampires?
>instead of sucking blood you suck semen for Annalise

>understand, face and defeat the creatures
didn't the guys in the Dunwitch horror fuck it's shit up with magic?

It's not entirely based on the cthulhu mythos a lot of it's also based on the dream cycle. So if anything it taps a lot of the lovecraft essence most other media overlooks.

you can have a character defeat a creature of the mythos, some of them are pretty fucking weak (like the one in Dunwitch if I remember corretly, but I might not)

The point is, you can't win in the end, you're a tiny creature with no power and no amount a guys with cleavers/cannons/pizza cutters will save you from the unnameable space horrors that might erase you by accident lurking in the blackness of the universe.

And that's just too different from Bloodborne's message (even if most of the ingredients are here)

lovecraftian is just a meme word that annoying people use to sound clever. it's like how everything is the dark souls of such and such or how everything is dare i say it... kafkaesque.

that's the entirety of bloodborne's message
there's no ending that ends good for you the best option you have is to effectively blind yourself to it and go about like nothing happened. They're still out there they're still coming you just won't see it. You can't fight the great horrors not if you were a hundred or even a thousand times stronger.

by embarassing herself
>people call her hard
>beat her first try
how can you call her hard when she's right before an actual hard fight, The Living Failures (and orphan later)

Do people actually consider Living Failure hard? The hardest part for me was trying to stay awake from how boring the whole thing was.

that's exactly why it's so hard, you have to fight off the urge to try to kill them faster otherwise you can get rekt

oh, and pray you don't get hit by 2 comets before you're able to heal in between them

No Lovecraft fanboys get offended, the only people pulling that shit is people who haven't read any Lovecraft but want to pretend they did for some reason.

I prefer the more likely cause
people disliking bloodbourne (likely pcfags or xbonies or just your everyday Sup Forumsserial contrarian) and grasping at anything they can you know things you can get from watching videos but not from actually playing the game.

xboners love Bloodborne actually.

I watched the 1st season of it, total trash.

Take a moment of silence to pray for Gilbert, Sup Forums.