I heard you can't even buy this game on Steam anymore. It's dead, Jim.
Why is it called lawbreakers?
how much are you paying me to do it?
Because it has a diverse cast.
>11 players worldwide
I'm assuming that EUfags play on EU servers whilst USfags play on US servers etc. if so how would you even find a game with this many people? Would you legit have to get on IRC/Mumble/Vent/Teamspeak/Discord and have to manually organize custom games?
holy fuck her skin looks like it was sandblasted
>none of that $60 multiplayer only bullshit
shit, I never had seen the full size before
what the fuck did they think when doing that ?
Hidden message. No white people in the game, only lawbreakers.
>tfw this is supposed to be the Tracer of the game and Cliffy said we'd love her.
>tfw no black weeaboo gf
>player numbers surge during work hours
I have a theory that Boss Key Productions employees come back home from a hard day's work of simulating Lawbreakers having an active playerbase and relax by playing 2hu.
Why is Chris Tucker in future drag?
I'm trying but I can't find it on the steam store!
he is right tho.
multiplayer means various people actually playing
Why even bother at that point? Wouldn't BKP be better served by having them make video games then having them play a dead game?
um no
This image should be banned forever and threads auto-404. I am not even a Sup Forums shitter and still this is fucking disgusting.
Tried playing it when it had a free weekend a few weeks ago and waited 20 minutes to get into a match. When I did finally get in it was a laggy, stuttery mess. Uninstalled.
You don't need to be a Sup Forums shitter to hate this pic, just about all the characters are atrocious to look at
>put a futa nigress in the game
>make she ugly and unappealing for fetishists
I mean, come on it's like they dislike money or something
no way fag
None of this 60 people playing bullshit.
I actually feel bad for the developers. It actually looks kind of fun
>60 people playing
it went free again?
Cliff Bleszinsky is a pretentious edgelord, who tried to hype the game for features like cuss words and blood
So of course he names it LawBreakers to sound rad and rebellious
>Looks like a psycho.
That's the final boss of the game right? Right?
Only if you can't handle an african princess, white boi
>more overall human time and effort has been spent discussing how dead this game is than actually playing it
The final boss of the game is the one person playing it
Yo Sup Forums, start fucking playing Lawbreakers right now or else..
>Please play with me
>I need you
Yeah, it doesn't look that bad, but it's the victim of a terrible art style and a terrible marketing campaign
ok you faggots asked for this
>False flagging everyday