What would you have done differently?

I would have retconned the entirety of MGS 4, the worst game in the series.

The way enemy patrol and reinforcement works to be just like the preview demos, shit were way more interesting back then

give the player the choice of forgiving big boss and carrying on his legacy or exacting revenge, with the canon ending being forgiveness

also not fucking open world

Make multiplayer similar to MGO2

I would've finished the game.


it should've been linear

Should have put more enemies in and had some actual fucking level design. Also more cut-scenes are a must, forget those idiots that shit on MGS4 they know nothing and are still salty that MGS4 is an exclusive.

I would have take my job seriously, I would have made a plot that matters and the third act being MG from big boss perspective,


Or otherwise just ended the game around mission 31.

Less helicopter silliness, no dumb credits at the start of each mission, more indoor environments to sneak in. It was a very good game but I think the open world approach pales in comparison to previous MGS, where you're dropped into this one mission and then it all plays out.

I would have dropped the open-world concept.

Instead make each mission a small sandbox where you can approach the mission in whichever manner you please.

i forgot how much that was to each previous mgs. one mission, one goal, one setting, focused. probably why ground zeroes was so much better, less fluff, more stuff.

I would have released a complete game.

These sum it up well. The levels should have been designed like Ground Zeroes. It was the only thing that came out of this that wasn't a retarded mess.

Also there weren't nearly enough missions where weapons were acquire on site. I don't like that the game made me feel like a god with fucking everything at my disposal at all times.

Random stuff happening on MB when visiting.
Hubs instead of openworld.
The better the soldier is,the better their gear/ability to avoid capture is.
No Volgin.
Make it less obvious your not the Boss.
More boss fights.
Game ends with you fighting Solid voiced by Hayter.

Jesus this. Finding a sniper rifle used to be a big deal. In TPP you can just start with a grenade launcher, machine gun, and rocket launcher all at once.
This might sound autistic but you shouldn't start a stage off with anything more than the tranq and a handgun.

This game was casualized to hell.

don't you mean
>less stuff, MORE fluff

I didn't like MB in general. It would have made more sense as an encampment in some mountain ruins.

Mechanically? There is nothing wrong with what is in the game. The only issue is that there isn't more of it. I wanted at least another map (Guantanamo Bay).
If I was going to complain about anything regarding the game itself, what is in, it would be the awful boss fights (what little there is) and the missions you are forced to do with added difficulty (that should be optional).

The game needed more time. More time to add new areas, to complete the mission 51, to add more content and depth to aspects like mother base. Mother base feels empty. They showed during the reveal videos a more lively base.
People walking around doing chores, at shooting range, preparing for extra ops missions.
The metal gear you get to see but never get to play because it was too "OP".

The rushed ending that needed a better build up, something that could have been easily accomplished with more story driven missions.

The game has it is has little to no flaws. It fails because there isn't more in it.

>Change the story
>Make it so you don't have to fulton every other soldier during the main missions
>Debuff Quiet
>Make the kid part less shitty and add an option to kill them
>Make a better mini boss squad. Like other "ghosts" like Volgin
>Have a proper ending

That's a big problem with the open world nature of the game. Instead of a linear game with an immersive story, you're just running around doing silly sidequests and grabbing collectibles. You couldn't really know where you were in the story itself when the game encouraged you to spend hours going off track.

Open world games do not work unless there's actual potential for role playing.

Less cutscenes and more time on the map

More prcedural content, mujahedin should have been on the map fighting the soviets themselves with the player either getting involved or avoiding it depending on the situation.

Also; way fucking harder AI. If you go lethal the game is an insane cake walk. And even pacifist is pretty ez mode.

Should remove all marking too. Most cancerous shit ever in an Open world game.

>killing kids
user, people were already on their asses for Quiet and including child soldiers at all, it would not be a good business idea to rile them up even further.

I enjoyed the open world nature of it. I think the maps were too big tho. It felt too big because they were incredibly empty and instead of having a good amount of bases and military complexes to explore, you had like 2 more bigger heavily fortified areas and a shit ton of bland outposts.

I love Ground Zeroes. I love Camp Omega. How open it is, how it gives the freedom to engage and explore the base as you see fit.
Ground Zeroes gave me a Hitman vibe.

You have an objective inside this area. Accomplish the objective the way you wanted, not strings attached, no only one solution.

Wish Phantom Pain had more of it. Bigger outdoors and indoors military installations scattered thought a open world environment..

- bigger or ANY indoor locations for sneaking
- ANY use to mother base, like being able to talk to story characters, or go into the canteen, sickbay or ANYTHING
- get rid of the cassettes and put that shit into real cutscenes
- make the "villain" a fucking villain

Then don't put it in the fucking trailer, and have it be more interesting than the actual shitty story.

this, holy fucking shit

can't believe an MGS game had zero actual indoor sneaking areas.


No kids die in the trailer you turkey, it happens in the game and the camera pans out to reveal he shot the door lock and not the children. Why don't you actually play games before complaining about them?

GZ was the only part that felt like it belonged in an MGS game.

The open world could have worked if they flushed it out a little. Have civilians working on fields or families walking around that run inside and cower when a gun fight starts. They just did a poor job with it.

I would have added more neverending cutscenes, since that's what people like you want.


Also the fact that you have any item you could ever want at your fingertips made the open world world pointless.
It could have been exciting to actually find and use stuff like rocket launchers or snipers that only exist in a few locations.

Doubt there was any salvation for that story, at least while it was in Kojima's hands, it was a mixture of mid-life crisis inspired admiration for a woman and wrong influences. Possibly even subconscious hatred for a series he could never escape from.

The trailer made it look like Big Boss was killing children AND Chico. While it never happens in the game, it was still presented to happen. Its just manipulating the trailer to make the story more interesting than it actually is.

Less openish levels, ground zeroes would be the max open it gets with much of the action taking indoors.
Your heli acts as your mother base instead of the motherbase itself, you could customize it etc. The big plant adds absolutely nothing since no gameplay.
More enemy variety/animals/monsters/mutants. This game has wormholes, it sure as fuck could have had some fucked up beasts/mutants/specialunits
Moar bossfights.
Lock on aiming like in gta 5.
Thats it, games was great otherwise

Ground Zeroes didn't have any distractions outside of camp omega. No long sections of emptiness.
The only thing I didn't like about camp omega was the lack of indoor sections. Actually, that became the norm after MGS3.
Nevertheless, the more dense feel inside the base gave that claustrofobia feel that you need in sneaking games. Camp Omega was amazingly crafted.

Maybe they should have used that design philosophy for TPP. Have big military installations for you to explore, instead of smaller ones scattered throughout and empty open world.

Again, something like Hitman

>monsters and mutants
>lock on aim
die underage

>more linear story progression across GZ sized maps, with thoughtfully designed levels that still permit nonlinear gameplay
there i just made the game a million times better and it kills me that they didn't do this to begin with

I'd have went on a worldwide spemding trip AFTER I finished the game

>What are earlier metal gear games
no you die

is caramel suicide stream tonight or tomorrow?

Cut a lot of the filler episodes and keep the ones that were important to the story. I love the game, but it was way too long for a mgs game and a lot of the later missions suffer in level design because of the amount of them. It was obvious the later ones (run up to this post and grab something and leave the area) were rushed and were not going to be the final missions.

Add mission 51 before mission 46 and gives out the big hint on what happens in mission 46 during that mission to lead into that one.

And speaking of which, in mission 46, let me play as Big Boss this time around

That's exactly what they should have done. The base in the ending should have been a hollowed out mountain with Sahelathropus hidden deep several levels in the base like the secret military weapon it is. It could have also given us a proper build-up for an ending with a multi-phased boss fight.

I was a little mad you couldn't change your camo on the fly.

Big Boss goes full Cpt.Walker mode.

Except instead of being a pussy like Walker, he keeps doing evil shit without shedding a tear.

Then all of his allies slowly begin to leave him because of all the shit he is doing. Imagine how powerful a scene of Kaz turning his back on Big Boss and leaving would be.

Final boss fight is against a young Solid Snake. And you are destined to lose.

I like this a lot

>Final boss fight is against a young Solid Snake. And you are destined to lose.
Imagine. Just fucking imagine if this was the MGSV we got. An actual ending that tied the whole series together.

A bunch of levels that are GZ quality would have been the best.

-story would be on screen and not on tapes
-unique bosses with various mechanics, some of them optional and present in the world, some randomly appearing during your typical gameplay to surprise you
-no made by me every 5 mins and the story would be one continuous mission with no interruptions
-most of the gameplay happening indoors, even when out in the world the focus is to infiltrate bases and move in complex indoor environments
-hunting teams assigned to track and kill you, they would steal a key item from your inventory so you would have to track them down in a timed mission to acquire your item back
-if you successfully defeat a boss in some major base that base becomes yours and you gain new perks and items needed to progress the story
-fighting for territory constantly on the borders of your bases, heavy use of metal gear solid 4 constant battlefield tech
-you can make one of your captured bases your motherbase
-customize your own base leaders with experimental weapons
-about halfway through the game you are notified of solid snake and you can send your base leaders / bosses to try and kill him
-the last boss is solid snake successfully sneaking to your motherbase and his gear is based on bosses you sent to hunt him down
-every time you make a new game the bases are randomized both in location and size, and the world topography and secrets as well

Instead of going for an open world, they should have made many tight maps like in ground zeroes.

Its a fucking videogame the silly faggots shouldnt get all upset over some pixels

>drop open world completely
>each level instead is GZ quality
>multiple objectives in each level if you extract and come back the difficulty is increased depending on how you extracted last time
>finish the fucking story

this, that open world shit doesn´t work with this game