Is there anyone who played one of these bootleg video games like "san andreas vs avengers" etc.?
What is even on the disc? San andreas with mods?
Is there anyone who played one of these bootleg video games like "san andreas vs avengers" etc.?
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Lots and lots of dolphin porn
Man the graphics for Oblivion are a lot better than I remember. Faces still suck tho.
Yeah it's a modded version.
Wtf, Dewey grew up to be one ugly fuck.
Are Slavs the most powerful race?
I bet he would be considered Buddha in Asia
laughing so hard right now
Why are Russian girls hot but Russian men look like mutant potato people?
Just remember that at least this kid has family and/or friends that love him enough to take photos with him when they go out to have fun times together, while you're shitposting on Sup Forums.
There are lots and lots of ugly russian girls, they stay in russia.
Hot ones fly to america or to any other english speaking country for a green card marriage, then a divorce and living an easy life
u sure m8?
>photos with him
He's alone, dumb nigger
Cameras have timers
The least ugly Slav in all of Slavland
She's just fat otherwise looks like Kirsten Dunst.
more like Kirsten burst
Holy shit, what happened to Dewey?
She would be pretty attractive if she lost weight. Nothing really off about her face at all besides the optional jelly roll cheeks
He's the real killer of jfk kenndy
You might not like it, but this is what peak russian looks like.
She looks completely normal other than being fat. He looks like the Oblivion character creator gone wrong.
Such a sad story...
no, americans are
Latins are. Latins from Latium, not Mexicans.
Cherrypicking ugly men/kids for Sup Forumsshit does not an argument make.
He ain't dead, nigga. He just couldn't show up to the reunion.
You sound like a Russian potato man. Go join a circus.
You sound like someone who can't take a joke or is a massive newfag.
>he doesn't know
You're the one who is butthurt that I made fun of you god ugly Russians?
Are you underage by any chance? Or just autistic?
back in the day you could get bootleg pirate copies of western games where some russian dude with a cheap mike would dub the games in your language with a thick ass accent
t. slav
But you're still an ugly mutant, I'd kill myself if I looked like you.
I'm actually handsome though.
Maybe by Russian potato standards.
Probably didn't want to be diddled by Cranston again
He's a fucking High Elf.
Not a race.
Why do Mexicans and other spics call themselves "Latin" if they don't originate from Latium? Is it a WE WUZ ROMANZ thing or something?
Kids face is actually aesthetic as fuck. Puberty and getting his ears fixed would make him a 10/10 chad
Can someone post more ugly children so I can feel better about myself?
topkek his nose is a little too big too
Yeah, I'm Russian, so I played a few. One was Warcraft 3 with like a hundred custom maps pre-installed, another one was Serious Sam custom campaign that was designed like garbage and barely fucking worked. I actually played two bootleg Serious Sam games, second one was a crossover with the Mummy movies, the ones with Brendan Fraser, the plot had his son from Mummy 2 (who was very old by the game's time) ask Serious Sam to stop Imhotep from resurrecting again. The campaign itself was just a mix of pre-existing SS1 maps that were slightly tweaked.
that bitch just fat not mutated like the guy
it's boy sminem
Hell yeah! I played Counter strike 1.6 with like 1000 maps, weapon skins and custom sounds. Got it in Poland very cheaply, I'll try to look maybe I'll find the box
Dewey from malcom in the middle and Eninem had a baby.
Funny, because it's probably true.