so how exactly does whitey compete?
So how exactly does whitey compete?
Other urls found in this thread:
by having a future
Source QUICK
by having a higher IQ and bigger shaft
yeah, taking care of his wife's black son
>bigger than mandingo
this famalam ding dong desu baka tbqh
By having money and a career.
What's going on here?
>Sup Forums cancer has come to Sup Forums
Haha funny picture he is in pose like a monkey
Monkey black
video games
video games
video games
>10 years old are getting more pussy than you in your lfietime
>m-muh dik
video games
learn how to sage retards
An then they complain about absent fathers and having no money to raise their 9 kids...
video games
LMAO dicklet whitebois
video games
Sage doesn't work anymore
video games
what size is considered dicklet status?
wtf my boss saw this on my monitor and now I'm in JAIL
video games
yes it does you lying shitposter
Sageing is for the weak.
video games
World's largest penis record has always been held by a white man.
is that a pone or Nyx from quacke chums?
Video games?
muh dick!!!
Literally worse than OP
thanks, now the mods will actually do their job and delete the thread
>World's largest penis record
>Obsessing this much over penis size
I'm convinced you're all gayer than futa and trapfags combined.
So you put sage in opinions?
t. dicklet
Sup Forums is worthless as a videogame board. We may as well have some fun.
anything under 8 inches
video games
video games
Video Games
how is this thread "fun"?
you know i heard this area called //b where its filled with your kind... I think they would enjoy your company.
video games
Sauce me OP.
video games
video games
guys what is sex like? i'm 32 years old and i'm a virgin still
video games
>ayo white boi can't compete with BBC
>gets told
>ayo white boi, why you care about dick size lmao, it don't matter haha
Niggers gonna nig.
i want be her
It's literally the same shit console kids do when talking about graphisc and PC master race shows up
video games
That's one of their best documentaries, actually. If only because Liberia itself is such a shithole.
video games
video games
wtf thats not video games
Sup Forums believes The Witcher 3 and Telltale's The Walking Death are the zenith of gaming.
That's why any criticism Sup Forums has towards any videogame gameplay-wise should (and need to) be safely ignored.
At least post the better sister.
>all these poor attempts at GETS
>nintendo autist spams shitposting thread
>doesn't sage so everyone sees it so they can come bump it too
Fucking retard.
The moment where a kid smokes cocaine and talks about him raping a pregnant woman is my favorite.