he's right you know
He's right you know
right, wrong. irrelevant.
he's still a fucking faggot.
he might be a fag but at least he can save the world don't believe what the railroad niggers tell you
the railroad are also faggots. the institute is the faggiest of them all for actually believing killing random civilians and replacing humans with free-thinking, human-like machines is """"""""""""""""""""preserving humanity"""""""""""""""""""".
>he cares about right, wrong, the future of mankind, or the sake of society
Fuck it. Fuck it all. Blacks, whites, men, women, robots, everyone is treacherous faggot and a bastard. The only rightful destiny for the world is another nuclear holocaust, this time done right.
>he can save the world
>Let's focus our efforts into creating machines that can think for themselves, make them do our menial labor despite the Gen 2's already do that, and produce them them the hundreds to replace the surface dwellers with the reason being to [404, file not found], instead of the rad eating plants that one lab was cooking up.
lel, fuck no
Hey! You don't talk to my son like that.
I think we all know the true saviours of the commonwealth and the wasteland.
Do you have the Enclave one?
What was the point of anything they did? They just fucked with people for the hell of it, they might as well just be Vault Tech remnants.
Plus he was a shitty leader anyway
Noice thanks mate, are there more?
>Also let's put Super Mutants up there because...uhhh reasons.
its better to control those you can freely control instead of those brainlets surface dwellers
There literally was no point. If you tried to ask them about their motives they would just say "lel you wouldn't understand it faggot".
So they don't have humanity's survival at their best interest, just themselves, got it.
>he's right
>gives no explanation to the abductions or presence of super mutants
Bethesda can't write for shit
regardless of what the institute did before and during fo4 you become the leader so you can just make them change their ways to what you want or you just turn them into super mutants.
>trusting a bunch of mecha-tards on a glorified hot air balloon
I'll stick with my cowboy hat and solid stone castle, thank you very much
they do but brainlets are scared of change especially things they don't understand
You say that like it's surprising.
much like the contingent who insist fallout 4 is good
stop using that word
are you 12?
Just this last one from the same artist but I don't have any more in that style.
Create machines capable of thinking for themselves.
>Instead of making themsleves appear to the surface dwellers with their techno marvels and help them you back-stab them and nuke the peace sumit, send all the "imperfect machines" ou top with a KoS directive, create Super mutants and unleash them up top because reasons.
>"WTF why are the dumb surface dwellers shooting at us?"
Yeah why are the Institute being under fire, makes no sense at all.
>he fell for the power armor seduction
brotherhood fags are the worst
very nice, thanks user
they're preserving themselves so they can eventually rise to the surface and bring their idea of civilization, it's just that for some odd reason they decided that they want to build these perfectly human-like synths to act as Spies and cleaners. Not even as a robot army apparently, instead of taking care of themselves they need to bless something with sentience and remind it everyday that they belong to the Institute. that's the dumb part if you ask me, especially when they already perfectly the formula with animals like birds and brahmin so they don't even need to kill and replace humans when it's even easier and cheaper to just toss out an unassuming bird or a brand new Brahmin for a city farmer
Thank you.