what are some games about grocery shopping?
What are some games about grocery shopping?
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Fuck off
That's not a videogame stay on topic you nigger
What is this bitch doing?
stupid bitch
great thread
Almost as bad as Dobson
Not strictly about grocery shopping but I'm sure you can do that in one of the Sims. God I wish they did another open for business type of thing. I played that shit so much.
>12 pack of ramen x2
>frozen veg
>hot dogs
gg easy
but you can easily live with only that for a week
I could definitely live off that.
Fuck off, video games can wait. Do you see this bitch bought SEVEN goddamn likes?
At my supermarket this would've costed $4.
She needs to quit shopping at upmarket shit like wholefoods.
>paying for likes when you can get free (you)s
yeah, one person can, but how many of these are going to be single mothers with 1 or 2 children already? There is a reason why the picture of OP says families instead of someone.
lol somone post that one picture of some fat chick saying she would eat healthier if the government gave her more money
There are times when i would legit be alot happier if dobson were just dead
He completly wastes his live away being angry about shit he has no real idea about
He just wastes his live
>7 limes
Or if you don't want to eat shit, buy rice and beef instead
>yeah, one person can,
bitch pls stop being an amerilard and eat like a pig
at what supermarket do you go to? I've never heard of one where I live where all of that is around $4, give or take a few USD.
What even are games? Some?
Nigga just buy rice, beans, and meat and if you have money to spare throw in bread and eggs. Boom. Weeks maybe two weeks worth right there
The stuff she bought probably did cost $29, but she is clearly a bad shopper.
Rather than buy a normal lettuce for like 40c, she bought and organic super food(tm) healthy lettuce for $4.
You can apply this logic to everything she bought.
>that avocado
not seeing the problem. I could make that work.
Haha I get the reference, guys.
wut, 10 eggs costs $1 USD here
>$10-$20 for a single meal
What did Andrew Dobson mean by this?
It's not a joke user, I know it's hard to believe but she bought 7 limes to feed a human being for a week
Maybe there's 3 bottles of rum offscreen.
Who the fuck would buy Limes if their on food stamps? is this to simulates an alcoholic?
also not american what can you tell of those brands, are they high class or low class
Oh me? id be buying top shelf shit i thought we were talking about feeding out kids not ourselves
>no meat
This is such shitty advice though. How many people here have tried living on rice + beans and a bit of whatever else you can afford?
Not only is it the most bland fucking food on the planet, but you never, ever feel satisfied after eating. Like you can eat until you burst but you still feel hungry.
>buy 7 limes
>doesn't have any other ingredients to make something palatable with limes
>buying one tomato
>or one potato
>or one avocado
>when you are supposed to showcase "buying for a familly"
Are those people orphans raised by a machine? How can people not know what doing the grocery for other people work?
>says black beans
what do you think, Eisenstein?
ALDI. The eggs would be $0.78, the rice and beans each $0.39, the romaine $0.36, the onion $0.15, the yam $0.22, and so on.
Nah, they are rich and do not cook at home.
no user, 20$ for EACH ingredient, despite in any restaurant you can buy a meal for 2 (TWO) people with that money
I'm getting real fucking sick of the current trend on nu/v/ being "post a twitter screencap/political news/etc. and ask 'what are some games about [thing in picture]?'".
$29 a week? around here a single mother with one kid gets $500 a month for food stamps
maybe it's time for those poor people to move
>doesn't have any other ingredients to make something palatable with limes
Tomato, Avocado, green onions, parsley. She's making a little portion of guac for the vegetarian tortillas
Maybe those families should get a fucking job.
For 30 dollars you can buy 15 triple pizza boxes at any supermarket
Are you telling a family can't survive a week on 45 pizzas?
That picture makes me angry.
Please link the source so I can confirm that the author is a retarded early 20s "journalist" (TL note: journalist means blogger)
>gets 7 limes, fresh herbs and 2 types of lettuce
I made $5000 in the past year and can get more sustainable food than this shit. God this pisses me off.
>mommy what's for breakfast?
>pizza, sweetie
no wonder poor people are often so overweight
Mate i'm talking about the brand, the same weight in beans will cost more for one brand to another, and not being knowledgeable with the American brands i ask if those are expensive or not compared to others.
I live on South America, people eat rice, beans and meat daily. Some people eat almost only that.
Buy a bag of rice, a bag of beans, a bag of pasta every month and meat daily.
user, OPs image is a big hollywood star. She's a multimillionaire who probably hasn't gone shopping or cooked a meal for herself in decades.
it clearly says gwyneth paltrow. are you underage or a cave dweller?
If you eat pizza everyday you just skip breakfast
...it's Gwyneth Paltrow.
You're literally just wrong and have never bought dried beans, rice and lentils. The eggs and black beans would be $4 on its own.
Yeah that variety of Avocado is garbage, I'll never get why it's the most common one. There are far tastier versions. I wish my avocado tree hadn't gotten destroyed by a hurricane, it'll take years to grow back to normal.
i feel you
A dozen eggs cost like 80 cents at Aldi here
It's Gwyneth Paltrow, lately she is less known for acting and more for promoting retarded diet choices.
Yeah I guess, would just suck for kids
>imagine being
>at computers
Every time
>imagine being at computers
>so fat you look and see food
Why would you waste money on stupid zero-calorie greens when you could get as much high-calorie carbs as you can?
Fucking failure of a man
I can make a filling and not terribly unhealthy meal for about 3.50
I'll show you if you let me. Just 3.50
wtf $30 is like a month's worth of food.
>MFW this is the most interesting thread I've seen on Sup Forums in months
holy LEL
this wouldnt be more than 1.50 in the midwest
Rice+beans creates a complete protein. Honestly you could live off of that for a week rather comfortably. Rice and beans with corn, peas, diced tomato, garlic, and onion. No idea what she was thinking with the lettuce though.
a ham pizza isn't worse than the "typical" pancake eggs and bacon people get as a kid. factually better actually.
this is an old meme newfag
>being this retarded on food and money
same, i think its the overall lack of games being made these days
people here are noticing the trolls
... Sho?
>not just making bachelor chow
McDonalds is so fucking expensive, fucking fatasses trying to make excuses
Limes are fucking expensive dont buy seven fuckin limes if you've only for 29$
>mcdonalds bad
>fruit good
>eats at mcdonalds daily
>his mac couldnt even run undertale and runs skyrim sub 10 fps on the lowest settings
They're honestly some of the better threads.
Limes aren't that expensive compared to lemons
I'm in New Mexico numbnuts, I'm pretty sure that counts as mid-west
is it? usually getting a normal cheese and chickenburger for 2,50 every day after work
They look like basic store brand stuff
Just plant a lime tree in your backyard if you want fucking limes so much.
>Rice and beans
Fuck yeah, buddy. That shit's a complete protein and five bucks'll last you a week. eggs and greens were a good choice too.
>Limes & avocado
Great taste, but this is a huge mistake, that's like $8 for a couple vitamins and a flavor kick. Exchange for more rice& beans and a generic V8
damn thats a pretty cute creature you posted there would hug
The real fun part is that out of a racism thread, a porn thread and this thread, the mods deleted the other 2 and left this one. This is confirmed videogames.
Can't get a job anymore because she's one of Weinstein's whores.
>lack of games being made
i think too many games are being released right now and their getting longer and longer aswell making it harder for me to play em all
>every day
wew lad
Shit load of rice and chicken breasts goes a long way. Just add some sauces and cheap veges.
Why do people feel they have to have restaurant meals every night? You don't have to be living on ramen noodle either.
A fun fact about avocados.
If humans had never cultivated avocado trees they would be extinct. They were once eaten by large animals, such as ground sloths. These were the only animals big enough to swallow the whole seed, with the digestion process aiding the seeds germination. Once these animals went extinct the avocado lost its primary seed distributor. Without them the seeds would have stayed inside the fruit and rotted off before they could be digested and germinated.
But along came humans who took a liking to avocados and cultivated them. The avocados we have today also have much more flesh than they originally had. They've been cultivated to offer more flesh than seed.
iam pretty thin and dont get fat no matter what i eat so i just eat whatever i want
>All these people complaining about the limes
How else are you meant to avoid getting scurvy?
Yep, that's how you do it.
limes can be up to 2$ each depending on season
this is why you never rely on outside sources for reproduction as a plant
Wow, it's almost like you're subscribed to the same "science channels" on youtube as everyone else on the internet!
til you turn 30
just watch, lad