Fate Grand Order

Did you roll her yet Sup Forums?

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No, my 5 star luck was wasted on Vlad.

Doesn't she get canonically erased by france saber?

hell yeah i did

Allen Walker is in FGO

Got her to NP 2 and got a Scat for Thanksgiving. I'm not sure who I should save up for next, I need a good Berserker. Maybe a Caster and an Archer, too.

Yes, but Apoc is garbage even compared to FGO, so being retconned even while its still running is fitting.

Sorry but I'm rolling for the superior loli

Prove that she is superior

>Got Mordred and Drake trying to roll for her

She's Yog-Sothoth with a Yamibou character design, obviously she's OP.


downloading this shit for the first time, how do you do rerolls if you get a shit starter?

Her crit drop and her NP build is insane. The quick cards might as well be Arts cards.

I didn't really care for her at first since I'm not a lolicon, but fuck me I want her so bad. Thank god I'm friends with a number of whales and EX-luck people.

Also her NP is pure kino

Is it worth getting the game just to roll for cute lolis?

it's the only reason to get into it really

If you want, but most of the lolis are SR or SSR, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Got Scathach and Jack from all the Quartz I saved from the beginning of the game. Pretty happy.

Assassins really got the short stick since all the best ones are SSR. Compare to Saber, where most of the best are SR.

Lancer, on the other hand, is a meme class where a normal R sits on the throne.

I thought Assassin Ryougi is pretty good, though?
>Lancer, on the other hand, is a meme class where a normal R sits on the throne.

Cu Chulainn.

How is he better than the SSRs, exactly? I don't see how he can compete in terms of damage output.

He's useful because he can survive a lot of shit. All the SSR Lancers are shit at dealing damage anyway.

He has alot of survival tools that makes him one of the best anchor in the game. Also since he's a 3* it's way easier to max his NP

Because he's not. Cu is solid because he's a fucking roach and takes ages to die, that's his one singular purpose.
Thing with Lancers as a whole is that they are a very weak class. Scat isn't particularly amazing when compared to some of the better servants in the other classes but she still manages to be the best Lancer for a long fucking time, there isn't even anything that can even remotely compete with her until Beach Tama.

Wasn't Sad Vlad a pretty great lancer too at least for a time?

>All the SSR Lancers are shit at dealing damage anyway
Shishou has the highest single target damage in the game right now though?
Even with the limited tools NA has available right now she can still hit close to 1m.

Scat is great when my Jack gives her 100% crit on her buster cards from all the stars she generates, I'm really not seeing a problem.
Cu is fine and sturdy, I guess, but I don't see a reason to use him over Scat. Maybe when I max out his NP it'll be worth it, dunno.

I did, along with Nursery rhyme.

Scat is good for one nuke with her NP but she turns pretty useless afterwards. Her NP gain is also shit so you can't build her NP again easily.

>always go in with mild expectations because of my bad experiences with JP
>s-surely these 210 quartz will get me Nursery Rhyme
>my 2nd Marie on NA
>not even mentioning my max NP Marie on JP
Why do I even try.

>I don't see a reason to use him over Scat
There isn't really one. Cu is okay when you are starting out or just straight up don't have anyone better, he's more useful than a lot of the 4* Lancers, but once you get some of the better servants like Scat there isn't much reason for him anymore. His stats are just too garbage and his skills too self-centered to make him useful for a stall team.

>he's more useful than a lot of the 4* Lancers
Are there even any 4* Lancers in NA other than Liz at the moment?

Literally unkillable.

He still is. The only SR Lancer that's worth something gameplay wise.

Nah. Artoria Lancer Alter soon though, who funnily enough is one of the few 4* Lancers that are a lot better than Cu too.
If you check fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Lancer they are listed in order of their appearance.

>If you check fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Lancer they are listed in order of their appearance.
That's pretty useful, thanks.
>Franky and Nightingale soonish
Should I roll for them or wait for Onigashima for a gold Beserker?

Real men save for raikou

Onigashima it is, then.
I don't actually like her design very much, I kind of want banana loli instead. Call me a fag, I don't care.


I like both


Marie loves you, user.

Not about damage output, it's his survivability, which is way more useful for when the game actually gets hard. He has the highest survivability of any servant in the game right now, due to how broken Protection from Arrows is. Put him and Herc with Jannu or Waver and you'll be fucking invincible.

>NP5 Medea and NP4 Medea Lily

He has absolutely no way to protect the rest of the party. All his survivability doesn't matter much when everyone else will still die and you have no one left to kill shit.
He's good if you put him in your backline as last line of defense when you are new, just started out, and don't have much better, but his usefulness fucking plummets pretty quickly. You don't actually want to rely on getting lucky with enemies targeting him instead of your damage dealers when you could just grab someone that protects your entire team instead.

who would you say does a good job of protecting the whole team out of the current roster in burgerland?

i love my cu to death but i do wish i actually had a tank.

Tell her that Jason did nothing wrong

>He has the highest survivability of any servant in the game right now,
Isn't Herc better in this regard with his bond CE?

Mashu is the big and obvious one, especially once she gets her Camelot buff, but others like d'Eon and Jannu can protect others fairly sufficiently as well. Then you have Medea Lily who will just heal up all the damage your party soaks, Waver's general support and units like Hans that both heal and boost defense

how do you reroll? I just started, do you just delete the whole app and redownload it?

>tfw i literally don't use mashu often because she doesn't gain affection points and stuff

I do have an D'eon, so she gets that skill after an ascension? also I love my Hans and try to fit him in every team i can, ascended him twice so far. everyone else i flat out don't have.

d'Eon's 3rd skill forces enemies to attack her for 3 turns, yeah. Has a 5 turn CD once you upgrade it so it has pretty good coverage.

And don't get me wrong, Cu is very good, he's just more of a pinch hitter that comes in when all hope seems lost and can survive long enough for you to try and salvage the situation with his NP - what he is not is a defensive support that keeps your squishier servants alive.

i can see that, i've had alot of battles won just because Cu was the last man standing, i do wish i had more coverage to avoid that, but gatcha roll's can't be helped.


This almost makes me feel bad for being annoyed every time I get another Mozart in the poorfag summon.


Bullshit. I love my Jannu and all, but she can't protect for toffee. I've had my damage dealing servants nothing personnel'd by a focused triple crit in a single turn way too many times. She's only good for blocking NPs and being cute cute cute!!

Her NP heals, gives you a def buff, and is a 1 turn Invuln. She has a fairly solid Stun and can reduce an enemies NP dmg.
She's good at keeping others alive, you probably just aren't running a team that can really make use of it.

Jannu is top tier m8 specially after they remove the stun from her NP. You can spam that shit for days.

We don't even get the def buff until the interlude, and it's an inconsequential 5% anyway (more if you whale, but I'm not insane enough to do that). That doesn't stop a stupid fucking pair of Rider Hands from critting my Gil for a combined 10k and taking him out. But, hopefully the interlude changes things by removing that awful self stun. L O N D O N can't come quick enough.

The strengthening only removes the self stun, it doesn't do shit to the other parts of her NP.
Anyways, the important parts are her pretty reliable Stun and the HP Recovery + Invuln anyways. With her NP gain and the proper support it's pretty much always up when you could want it after they remove the shitty self stun.