Watch the game awards

Watch the game awards.

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no way fag

I'm sad hydrobot won't be around for this year. Apparently Keighley took all of the memes the wrong way

Hydrobot was based

Hell no, I'm not falling for that shit again.

>not using a straight razor instead of the cartridge jew

I shiggy

>1 blade
>5 blades
Razorlets get out

It's like I'm on Sup Forums but with reddit users

Thanks for bumping the thread

Careful guys we got a hardcore channer here

You mean it's like reddit but Sup Forums users?

It's gonna air at 3:30 in the morning and it's still the weekdays. I have dreams to see and work to get up to.

Geoff uses all that fishy ambivalent wording in his announcements that makes it clear he's got nothing to show.

I'll watch if this guy comes back

Was Hydrobot /ourguy/?

Better believe it.

>he doesn't pluck each hair one by one

casual detected


>larping as a muslim
haha so funny

finna get a 12 pack of beer and get mildy turned on by doritos pope sucking off kojima all night long.

Things just got a whole lot more interesting

>only one by one

Fuck that shit. Fuck the establishment trying to co-opt the cultural discourse over video games.

Kind of hoping EA gets their own personal shilling time slots like in the 2015 VGA. Especially given recent events.