>Multiplayer expansion?
>Chibi mobile psuedo-port?
>VR spinoff?
>PC port with 4/8k support?
What the fuck is Square Enix doing? Do they have any idea what they're doing? Are they making a franchise out of a single game in a franchise? Is this 4D chess and I'm a brainlet? Or are they just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks?
Other urls found in this thread:
They're making a great game with post launch content and side media as a different entry point? What's the problem exactly?
>They're making a great game
That's nice but what are they doing with XV?
>prequel for mobile
>prequel for handheld
>Movie sequel
>Spinoff game sequel to the movie
>Prequel phone game for the spinoff game sequel to the movie
>Anime OVAs
>Mobile spinoff based around minigame
>Another mobile spinoff on a minigame
>Ports to PC, mobile and PS4
>Full scale AAA Episodic remake
You new to FF?
Most of those have been one-off ideas over the long course of the series. What I'm asking is: is any of this good business sense? AFAIK XV did well enough, but the movie/anime seemed to just be very expensive advertising, VR has no playerbase yet, and they're seemingly pumping content into a (mostly) singleplayer game like it's more than that. It's not a bad thing, mind you, given the jewery of the current industry
>I don't know how to business: the post
kill yourself already xv-kun
The anime was released for free on youtube and was funded by Sony (aniplex), and the movie was funded by Sony (aniplex/stage6) too and only got a cinema limited showing because fans requested one, it wasn't gonna get one otherwise. The dlc and expansion are all for the main game as post launch content, not separate entities, the PC version is just the game on PC, the VR thing was done because Sony approached them to do it. The phone chibi thing is basically just a chibi version intended for kids and looks very low budget. FF having a media franchise expanded out of one game isn't odd or really new.
You forgot another mobile game in 2019 and the new empire thing
>What the fuck is Square Enix doing?
>random sperging
>square sucks
>random sperging
>square obsession intensifying
What the fuck are YOU complaining about ? FF fags are the most retarded fandom ever. it's like taking the worse from Sup Forums and Sup Forums and combining them. Do you even realize that for XIII that they actually made a non canon spin off and called it a sequel and confused the fuck out of everyone even more ?
ane is just liscensed, not made by SE, machine zone made it and advertises it everywhere. what new mobile thing for 2018? afaik only the fan requested dlc for the main game and the PC version is coming next year.
>is any of this good business sense?
FF sells by name and marketing hype, not by quality, it has always been Squaresoft/Squenix ultimate cashcow.
Did you also complain about Cloud and Aeris having a cameo in FFT, or Ehrgeiz and all the subsequent spinoffs for god knows how many platforms, plus movies, OVA etc.?
How come FFXV is suddenly opening your eyes to what the FF brand has been since well over two decades?
Do I also need to remind you about all the FFXII milking with Revenant Wings, FFTA2 cameos, Suntory's FFXII Potion drinks and whatever else?
Are you FF fags that oblivious about the absolute state your franchise has been in since literal decades?
Yet they keep posting profits. Why didn't you stop it?
Just a reminder that pic related is doing well and was a good business decision. Chad Tabata is always right.
Like they care.
They have like 4 or 5 mobile gacha machines printing yens 24/7.
FFXV had 4 demos stemming from over a year prior to release, and it ended up being the highest selling FF for its 1st year compared to any other FF.
And that matters to suits?
>Do I also need to remind you about all the FFXII milking with Revenant Wings, FFTA2 cameos, Suntory's FFXII Potion drinks and whatever else?
mentions a good sequel, a cameo and some random limited marketing item: I MADE A POINT.
I'm saying it sold because people liked what they played and wanted more.
>one game
>suddenly representative of the whole series
You remember FF7, Ivallice Alliance, Crystal Chronicles, and Chocobo games right?
>why is this one FF doing all this other stuff
>because this other FF did too and made bank
>but that doesn't count because the others didn't get the same treatment
It's called game as service
They are going to update the game with infinite paid content
Making a game with all the content in day one is outdated, that's why single player games are no longer attractive to companies, they need to add multiplayer, and satisfy the player for a long time with each patch
this is either the definition of a backfiring thread by an assmad sperg.... or some brilliant shilling thread using reverse psychology to remind everyone how hard square is working on their game.
They're trying to fix FF's reputation and at the very least not leave things on a low note.
If they left XV as it was at launch, it'd be like if they moved on to the next number after XIII instead of making two "slightly-better" (in the eyes of the general public) follow-up games.
Their plan is to have XV remembered as "that FF game that had a poor core-gamer reception but got lots of additions in the long run and eventually became worth playing at least".
Once FFXV is finished, it will be the best Final Fantasy game of all time.
>mentions a good sequel
>a cameo
Which started the convoluted Ivalice continuity clusterfuck where nobody knows what's canon and what isn't.
>and some random limited marketing item
One of many, that suddenly doesn't count because?
And this is even without counting stuff like Itadaki street, the PS4 HD port, the countless mobage and whatever else.
Oh, and since we're talking about Ivalice, let's not forget all the Ivalice alliance crappy games like Crystal Defenders or FFTS.
Squenix always jewed people with countless spinoffs and crap when it comes to FF, FFXV isn't ANY different.
They've spent too much money on this bomb to let it fail, so they're trying everything to recoup costs.
I'm looking forward to the new content but I'm pretty sure they said 2018 is the cutoff point for new content, BD2 and Tabata has already started on his new IP and other devs from XV are in charge of the DLC and updates, but Tabata said they have to have a cutoff at some point because they can't just keep doing it for one game.
>They are going to update the game with infinite paid content
that's a lie; they've been adding content to the game frequently at no cost. also the anime was free and the movie had a very limited theatrical release
XV is meant to be a franchise because of how much time and money was dumped into it.
We'd be lucky to hear of a XVI announcement, just an announcement by the end of 2018.
XV already broke even on day one and profited ever since. SE cited XV as the main reason for their FY2017 HD console games sector profits. XV sold more in its 1st year than any other FF did.
>What the fuck is Square Enix doing?
Throwing money at the problem and hoping it works.
Or hoping that if they keep insisting something is great, enough people will eventually buy into that. see also: Lightning
>>mentions a good sequel
retard alert.
not taking inflation into account, of course
>10 years of wages
>recouped by 6 million sales
They wrote off FF Versus XIII.
Oh look a real life shill
Here's your XVI announcement.
>Revenant Wings
If that's a good sequel to you then the FFXV Empires is amazing.
>XV sold more in its 1st year than any other FF did
Considering many past FFs took a year or more to eventually release worldwide, I mean... yeah.
It's technically correct, but it's also kinda bullshit at the same time.
XV is great and the only reason they greenlit the 2018 DLC was because of fan demand. Episode ignis was gonna be the last new thing for XV until the higher ups saw demand from fans at Gamescom, PAX and TGS and only greenlit 2018 content because of that.
Lightning only got sequels because 14 bombed so they shat out quick low budget outsourced sequels with reused content to make any money they could
>XV is meant to be a franchise
every numbered FF is meant to be a franchise you dipshit. if they are not pushing spin offs as canon (XIII-2) there is literally nothing wrong with it.
Compilation was a 10 year anniversary project of an iconic game regarded by a lot of people as a masterpiece, a game that was an icon, and partly defined the generation it was a part of.
I don't even like VII that much, but the thing was a fucking cultural phenomenon. And the compilation was a celebration of a decade of its lingering influence. XV is nowhere close to that.
How is Empires?
>every numbered FF is meant to be a franchise
No it's not
It wasn't in active development for 10 years. Do you think Mother 3 was insanely expensive because it came out 12 years after it was revealed?
they come from a culture where honor is a thing
and theyre trying their best to live up to expectations from them
>XV is great
It's nice that you think so, but a lot of people also disagree. Don't say it like it's a fact.
>they greenlit the 2018 DLC was because of fan demand
cool beans
>Lightning only got sequels because 14 bombed so they shat out quick low budget outsourced sequels with reused content to make any money they could
Lightning got sequels because people like Lightning a lot, because people are idiots.
See also; XV.
>It wasn't in active development for 10 years
>They literally released a trailer for it in TWO THOUSAND SIX
FFXV has been in development for easily over a decade.
I wouldn't bet on any XVI announcement before VIIR is released.
If they aren't stupid they would want all eyes on the remake of the most popular entry.
XV was shit, but to be fair, like, they only had to pay like what, 10 people's wages for a good 6-7 years? And these people probably worked on other things. I know Nomura did.
Let square enix do their thing i think the franchise is finally found a way to move farward from those akward ps3 xbox 360 days ffxv was not a great game in general it just needs a few tweeks to make combat more enjoyable( camera fix and difficulty/ skill cap raise)
>No XV content in WOFF
Why? They're pushing it everywhere else.
The largest gap from jp to us release was like 9 months and only one game had that. Most came out 3-6 months after.
FF13 didn't reach 6.6m until January 2013 according to SE, it came out in 2010. There was only 3 months gap between JP 13 in Dec 2009 and west 13 in March 2010, it had only around 5.7m at the end of 2010
XV hit 6.6m in November 2017 and came out November 2016.
because you put a penis in your mouth
Wow, a game that was always intended to have sequels because the creators had a new best girl.
I already proved you wrong and you ignored it.
>Oh this must be a stupid thing from 2010 when XIII came ou-
>This year
And people try and say Lightning isn't being shamelessly whored out.
Probably saving it for a future DLC
>Considering many past FFs took a year or more to eventually release worldwide,
>enough people will eventually buy into that
>They wrote off FF Versus XIII.
>not taking inflation into account, of course
seeing you being so assmad is giving me a sadistic high. You must be absolutely seething that XV sold like candy and Square is reacting to fan feedback.
This thread:
>aren't you mad that Square is doing all these things"
and everyone is like
>Square is trying pretty hard
sperging intensifying
>but but the mobile game !
>doesn't affect me
Thats not a gameplay trailer, it was a 1 minute cg teaser animated by 3 people who aren't even game devs but just visual works department people and who left SE in 2009. Versus was not in active development for 10 years. Mother 3 had a trailer in the mid 90s too despite coming out in 2006.
>You must be absolutely seething that XV sold like candy and Square is reacting to fan feedback.
Pretty much, older FF fags can't even begin to accept that they're not part of the demographic anymore and that a FF they don't like is successful.
Pretty pathetic for a so called fanbase.
More like they're just playing catch up to what all the other FF mcs are in
>advertising products you're not even making
yeah man
just look at all the other companies that do that like
>XV is first mainline Final Fantasy game to get a worldwide release on day one
>later claim it broke day one sales records
It really tickles my pickle.
>older FF fags can't even begin to accept that they're not part of the demographic anymore and that a FF they don't like is successful
That's every FF fag, new or old.
The franchise has an amazing ability to constantly and immediately make people insist their FF is the only one worth bothering with, and everything else is absolute shit.
Gotta save him for WoFF2
>older FF fags can't even begin to accept that they're not part of the demographic anymore
oh bullshit. I'm an oldfag and XV was fine, not great but fine. I'd say it's the least controversial FF in recent years. a simple straightforward game, all this "outrage" is so tryhard.
Uh yes like Mother 3? Do you think FF Type 1 is in development because they showed a CG teaser for it in 2015?
Most of that is already added or confirmed.
And it hitting 6.6m in its 1st year has nothing to do with the simultaneous worldwide release. Again FF13 didn't hit 6.6m until 2013 despite coming out Dec2009 JP/ Mar2010 west.
>I'd say it's the least controversial FF in recent years
Its the only FF game in recent years. 14 first came out 7 years ago
>14 first came out 7 years ago
>That can't be right
>30 september 2010
>I'm an oldfag and XV was fine, not great but fine
I'm an oldfag, and thought XV was fun enough. Will happily replay it again once all the updates are out.
This sort of shit flinging has been happening across the entire series' history.
I v II (US)
VII v IX ( just had a thread of this shit )
VII / IX v X
The series is notorious for fanboys of all ages starting stupid arguments over the games.
Yeah but ARR onwards is considered 14 proper and that was 2013
Not counting the mobile games of course
It's been a hell of a ride.
Yes, there was even that image comparing them that I remember being posted since like 2010
>tfw IV and V bros don't fight
One's more 'open', the other is a hallway. People got really defensive one way or the other.
The arguments always boil down to linearity, then the X fanboys leap into the fray because 'XIII is just X' gets brought up, and then shit hits the fan.
I don't have a problem with XV's premise, I like contemporary fantasy for FF, hell, I wish it was even more modern, straight up cut out all the crazy shit like Luna's floating island kingdom and the !venice, or make it more modern with cars and road and ads and shit. If it was up to me, the whole game'd be set in Insomnia.
or move to action based gameplay, Hell I was excited for it since it was the same team that did KH2, which played like a dream.
I have a problem with its execution. Combat was ass. Incredibly well animated ass, but ass nonetheless. The story was all over the place, the world has no cohesion, it feels like a bunch of shit strewn together with no singular vision, and pretty much every character outside of the main boys and Ardyn was fucking nothing. Luna was a goddamn joke, especially considering how much they hyped her out.
This kind of edits always creep me out
wow, it's been awhile since I've seen XV thread corrupted by usual XV-kun
I thought he gone complete twitter, but I guess craving for (you)s get to you eventually
Oh god the fanboy rage on both sides of this was something to behold back in the day.
>Nintendo vs Sony
>Amano vs Nomura
>Cyberpunk vs Fantasy
>The first use of FMVs
And so on and so forth.
Pretty sure it was a vintage gamefaqs rivalry, but 7 was literally against every other popular game at the time. People were easier on 6.
Talking more about just general fandom when VII was announced.
People on a lot of the old boards, like alt dot and Japanese boards, were pissed.
It's all in order to gain time for the future remake (VersusXV).
Remember how all the FF7 compilation (animes, movies, sequels, prequels, etc...) was just a prelude to the real FF7 Remake.
>Remember how all the FF7 compilation (animes, movies, sequels, prequels, etc...) was just a prelude to the real FF7 Remake.
The only thing i really liked out of all that was Crisis Core, and thats forever psp exclusive unless they Gackt more money.
We keep telling you this isn't happening
The versus xv thing was a fake leak that was supposed to be announced already
Stop posting, unless you want to be caramel 2.0
And to think that this is where XIV's money is going towards.
give Gackt*
They aren't on bad terms with gackt, that's just a rumor Sup Forums made up
Yup. That's why the term vapourware exists.
>set up a huge new angle with Genesis in Crisis Core, in storyline leading up to his resurrection in Dirge of Cerberus, the last game in storyline
>people are prepped as fuck for the at the time PS3 game to finish off the storyline initialed EC to follow the theme
>nothing happened
>The versus xv thing was a fake leak that was supposed to be announced already
Actually, the leak precisely stated that VersusXV was supposed to be announced after the first or even second part of FF7Remake was released.
>Ruined the most awaited title in gaming history
Now they are just doing retarded investments into absolutely unnecessary products. With the funds that they've got from the fans, fans who trusted in the VersusXIII legacy that was promised to them 10 years ago.
Now it's just a silly damage control charade, and SE obviously hired some tumblr level directors and artists to further produce half-assed content for the game. Telling you, the moment you include westerners in your development team, it all goes to shit.
But okay, prove yourself Square Enix. Turn the tide, and deliver the promised content.
>- cut Leviathan battle
>- explorable World Map (with ship, airship and black chocobo)
>- explorable cut continent
>- explorable Insomnia and original Regis story events
>- fuckin story (doesn't need explanation)
>- legit FF hunts and sidequests
>- more optional Summons
>- more dungeons
>- more fuckin FF Bosses.. what a disappointment, some silly scorpion enemy getting called "Omega Weapon", and being reused for 2 more boss fights under a different name. What were they thinking?
>- Trials of Lucis - finding each Rulers sacred burial tomb, and proving yourself before your ancestor.
This was one of the original ideas, Noctis was always a sick child, and had not much experience in combat or the outside world. He was pushed into all of it when his father died, forced to become king, and suddenly be responsible for hundred thousands of lives. Fleeing Insomnia due to the occupation, and beginning his journey from complete 0. A long journey, that would sculpt him into a worthy ruler. One aspect was to find the rulers of the past, and prove yourself before them.. If they deemed you worthy, you would gain their support and knowledge. A surge of power, their weapon, and their Astral guardian, which was an Esper (like it is Bahamut for Noctis). Just look at the shitty Kingsglaive movie, the rulers are literally manifestations of Yojimbo, Odin, Shiva, Laeviathan etc.
It's what you degenerate fucks deserve.
>What the fuck is Square Enix doing? Do they have any idea what they're doing?
They're desperately trying to act as if XV is a thing when it clearly isn't a thing.
>Actually, the leak precisely stated that VersusXV
Was supposed to be announced already
He also doesn't know shit because he thought final fantasy worlds get their own world in KH. When they never have, never will, and was already confirmed by multiple people on the kh3 team that it's never going to happen
>after the first or even second part of FF7Remake was released.
He said that had to do with kingslaive. Which has no signs of happening right now
You fell for bullshit leaks. Get over it