Which system has the worst fanbase?

Which system has the worst fanbase?

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nitnendo isn't a system dummy




more like ashleighthewhale

it's ironic as that statement itself is literally racist

Roaches are the worst

They should just come out with it say they meant "wh*te sexists", since applying that law to "asians" wouldn't be very progressive.

>it's actually a real picture
Holy shit I thought it was just a meme.


>not getting life for murder

What the fuck?

>yall white folx is demons

she got double life

or close to it anyway

Nintenbros. They are the most insecure and autistic.

She will never have kids. Her life is over.


if prisoners can smuggle drugs in, they can smuggle dick in

>rscottyg lashes out

When will they make muslims raping kids illegal?

das rite

>getting more than 21 years for anything ever
Prison should be rehabilitation, not just punishment.

>that's a 10/10 on tumblr


>being forgiven for being a murderer

Stop oppressing them you islamophob bigot. You are the reason there are terror attacks (and not the hundreds of violent verses in quran telling them to do just that, Islam has nothing to do with it).

Rehab is for thieves and muggers.
Murderers should be hanged.

rubs belly


I fucking can't

Proof that science is racist

your favorite

is this the generalization thread?

What if they had a reason for murdering? Would you forgive them then?

Only if they had been murdered first.


Manslaughter and self-defense aren't murder.
Learn how law works.

No more then what you would encounter in everyday life.

if you intentionally commit a crime after 18 you should be euthanized.


if she had just given me a blowjob or a fucc instead she could have went on with a decent life and some dollars in her pocket but she's an independent woman who don't need no man and now she's a dependent woman who's gonna get slammed

*smacks lips*
Ayooooo where da white milkies at?

Holy shit

This is why you choose to meet at a police station if you're buying expensive shit on craigslist or kijiji

>When Zeitz showed the gaming console to the young man, he tried to yank the machine into the car. Zeitz struggled to hold on to the PlayStation. That fight against being robbed in front of his own home led the teenage girl to reach between her legs to grab a .25 caliber handgun. She fired a shot, and the bullet pierced through her boyfriend’s hand before finding a mortal spot in the side of Zeitz’s chest.


Obvious case of a white person thinking that any accurate portrayal of black racial features or culture is racist. I'm surprised she didn't think to circle the nose either which is common in black american or sudanese babies.

>Thanks for sharing.


Nintendo by far.


Or, you don't buy shit on Craigslist at all.


>Prior to the botched PS4 mugging, Vivian and Dixon were looking up “how to rob someone” on YouTube and texting back and forth

And yet those kids will most likely be pussy slayers when they are older if they aren't already. XBOX WINS!

>thinking you can rehab niggers when they don't have enough intelligence to work in a human society

Basketball americans cause this, american whites really believe niggers look like pseudo whites with ape features instead of downright alien to whites as seen in Africa or the West Indies.

To be honest, we need Sup Forums as a containment board

Well, at least she has a funny story to tell while getting brutally beaten, shanked, and violently raped in prison.

To be honest, you need to go back

Not only does proving a single poster is from reddit, that still does nothing to prove that the poster is a Nintenbro.

Also, he's not wrong. Sup Forums literally has threads where they discuss creating a white ethnostate. It's the most cancerous of all boards, and brings the entire site down.

That's not Nintendo, that's just your typical Sup Forums poster.

to Sup Forums?

How long has "Nintenbro" been a filter word?

Do you enjoy Sup Forums shitposting outside the board?

Nintendo, since they also made this shitty thread.

Seven or eight months now.

He's subbed to /r/zelda you dumb cunt. Fuck off to resetera where you belong nigger.

Why do you people hate Sup Forums so much?

Hands down.

t. homosexual weeaboo furry

Yes i do, anything to piss off the faggot fuck mods and liberal normalfag new users like you bitch boy.

Sup Forums-esque rhetoric was never as prevalent on the site until Sup Forums came to be.

>Being a fan of Zelda makes you a Nintenbro.

whatever people made unfunny shit like this

but the savings user

I didn't bring up race, all I did was post an article. It's everyone else who brought up race. I wanted to talk about fan bases

As an enlightened member of the master race I can honestly put all feelings aside and think in terms of pure logic unlike the console peasants. The platform with the worst fanbase is by far Xbox.

Progressive lunacy is the mainstream thinking process in the west. Many of these fags who are against racist dont live near 30% black communities.

>Another white boi getting killed off


Massive gateway board for newfags and reddit cancer, which then spreads to the rest of Sup Forums. If you look at Sup Forums demographic statistics, younwill see that there was a massive influx around the time last year's election occurred.

>you need to live near a lot of third worlders to know they are cancer

That's way too late

Can't deny that

Because its driven by government propaganda and serves no purpose except brainwashing and fear mongering and promoting groupthink

No it isn't, racism is power + prejudice

Who is that

happens every time there is a major incident or event.

Some online homo person that gets passed around.

>Massive influx
Yeah, as someone who's been here for over a decade, that's when whiny, projecting, revisionist newfaggots like you showed up.

Kill yourself newfag.

>He doesn't know

It's better than BLACKEDposting and chink dickposting at least

I'm not even liberal you pinhead. Get a clue.

I don't hate it. I just dislike their shitposting just to derail threads. Although, their conspiracy theories can get out of hand.

Come on, black skulls and features are definitely different, but their babies don't have dollar coin lips.



So brave i cri evry tim

shut up kike, you can't change words

>getting brutally beaten, shanked, and violently raped in prison.
Sounds hot

Fucking shaniquas.

find me a fucking baby that looks remotely like that

I don't hate pol or the opinions that come from pol, don't hate reddit or the opinions that come from there. I just hate faggots and yard grease, people who force their world views onto others or only see things from one perspective.