What went so right?
What went so right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Factor 1:
Good material to be inspired by/build off, Jacob's Ladder, Eraserhead, a mix King's novels (especially The Mist)
Factor 2:
A young, creative, experimental and passionate team (but this would bit them in the ass, with disgruntled members, underpaid people, other shit i won't get into right now)
Factor 3:
This is the most patrician factor and something you'll only understand when you've played all SH games a lot.
SH1 is actually really fucking snappy once you customize the controls slightly and you know some of the hidden mechanics such as insta-reloading.
The gameplay is probably the snappiest gameplay out of the entire SH series, wich doesn't necessarily mean it's as good as RE games in that department, but it's still pretty damn good once you understand how to play by it's rules.
Factor 4:
General execution, shit like creative camera angles, clever use of the fog to get around hardware limitations, brilliant use of sound to create atmosphere etc.
Good team + creative drive + creative, brilliant, dedicated people + decent inspirational material + willingness to experiment + keep pratical gameplay in mind + understanding technological limitations and working around them not against them = good, functional game that will be remembered
Basically Ito+ Yamaoka + That facial animation guy/Character designer = magic whatever they touched.
By the way if you want tot roll a speedrunner tell them to pick up this game.
It's nothing like running RE.
Basically every single door in SH1 has a hidden thing where running at it from different angles will cause Harry to play his "hands on the wall" collision animation, or not.
Sometimes it's completely random, you lose a shit ton of time randomly.
The runner will slowly lose his sanity the more he runs it.
This is actually amazingly correct.
I've yet to find a game or movie that surpasses Silent Hill in atmosphere, sound design, setting, etc.
That said, I've been watching a lot of 90s - early 00s Japanese horror movies and they come close. It makes sense, but despite Silent Hill being set in USA it still looks and feels really Japanese.
Fuck they got it so right.
>General execution, shit like creative camera angles, clever use of the fog to get around hardware limitations, brilliant use of sound to create atmosphere etc.
These in particular, SH is nothing short of genius when it comes to horror
What you're doing and the association you're making makes even more sense if you consider SH2 wasn't made by the same director.
KeiichirÅ Toyama went on to make Siren, wich is exactly old japanese horror movies in video game form.
Currently he's working on Gravity Rush.
(oh yeah the guy that made SH1 also made Gravity Rush, it feels like not that many people know about this)
tell me more about those hidden mechanics
Is Silent Hill, dare i say, a 10/10?
>Nipponese make a better western horror than westerners
america pls
Pratically everything. It's perhaps the greatest survival-horror game, ever.
Let's make this a SH thread by re-posting SH PC Guide + DL links :
SH2 torrent:
SH2 PC fixes site:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "Sh2proxy" is the older, all in one compatibility fix, which is included in the pack.
The SH2 Widescreen website has a detailed step-by-step instructions on how to install the newest fixes.
If you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
If SH3 runs like shit even on a strong PC, check and lower the Rendering Resolution setting.
SH2-4 do not support Xinput & PS4 gamepads natively. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
There's OK emu-settings for SH1 in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Try the PGXP emulator for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.
-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty.
-Replaying them all is recommended.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting,
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors.
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help.
You can reload your gun in SH1 by dropping your aim stance, and then aiming again.
It's that easy.
You never really need to let Harry play out his reloating animation as long as you keep doing that.
that cover will never stop being fucking terrible.
wanna play 1 again now
why the pyramid head and the sexy nurses in Silent Hill 1 movie?
please answer, ok
Honestly, the only fault I see in Silent Hill is how repetitive the gameplay can be. Once you've finished the school you realise that every "level" in every game consists of exploring all the rooms there are and tedious backtracking.
I'm not saying this is necessarily bad, but I do wish there was a little more variation at times.
have this
Oh wow, that suddently makes these promos images of Heather make much more sense now.
because they're icons of the franchise, same reason pyramid head is in the second silent hill movie
moviemakers don't care about things being accurate to games, they just want to draw in as big an audience as possible
The Japanese one is a bit better, but I don't think any of the SH series covers are that good.
That's basically survival horror in a nutshell tho.
However one can argue that Toyama did actually notice this and that's why when he made Siren he forced the player to do all those weird side objectives, just to give you more varied things to do each level.
I like this one
I think of something like Manhunt when I see that cover
*chill guitar sfx playing at 4pm in November*
Best feeling in the world.
I wish there was a way to make that song play the moment you wake up at any time.
Thread music
The Silent Hill series has such an amazing OST. I'll post some .webms/.gifs alongside my favourite tracks.
If anybody has more .webms/.gifs, I'd love to save them. Cheers!
>Tears Of..., Silent Hill 1
Why did Silent Hill take a nose dive after 3?
And even with 3, it wasn't that great.
It wasn't because of the film, right?
>Making Peace, Silent Hill 2
This one is so serene. I absolutely love it.
I've always liked the japanese silent hill 2 cover
that's better
>Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me, Silent Hill 3
The film didn't even come out until after the fourth game. Personally I really liked 3 and 4, but I can understand not liking 3 for being a bit too similar to 2 in terms of gameplay/locations and not liking 4 because it tried to be too different and they made a lot of questionable design choices.
4 started as another game, then they were forced/decided to make it silent hill
I've never seen actual confirmation that this was the case. That entire idea started as an assumption based on how different the gameplay was from the previous two games and it grew to the point where people just started parroting it as a fact.
Yeah I was wrong:
I don't dislike 3 but it's just a really weak sequel, story wise and in monster design, it's more heavy handed on symbolism and what not and not as subtle as 2, bosses also have a weak design and aren't as memorable.
I do love how orange/red the game is, and the more violent rust look, it's honestly my favorite look in the series, and Heather is a great and believable teen character that doesn't come off as insufferable despite how...dumb she can be sometimes, art direction still holds up really good, but those pros don't outweigh the cons for me.
I only played the demo for 4, and I remember not liking the movement and hud.
To be honest, that sounds just like the devs didn't notice. Still love SH1 tho.
Because western movie fucks just did not care and wanted to make cash with "iconic, recognizable things from them vidya gaems".
We are talking about how much of a great game it is 20 years later, you tell me.
Only the audiovisual parts, which are excellent.
Both the story and the gameplay are beyond awful, as expected from a product born from RE's success (which is also a product bron from AitD success, which is also nothing but a failed experiment), instead of love and wanting to do a good game and/ or tell a good story.
Alien Resurrection is FAR better than this shit and any RE.
whats the title of this song in the ost
Spot on user
>During the duration of the game, something always happens before the normal world changes into "the other one"
>You take a small passage in the school's backyard
>You take a elevator in the Hospital
>You pass out and wake up on it
>Then it happens when Harry is fucking awake, they show you RIGHT ON SCREEN HOW EVERYTHING JUST CHANGES
To this day, I still think that's one of the most amazing experiences anyone could have back in the 90's, or maybe even today, it comes so fucking randomly and out of nowhere and I don't think nothing scared me as much as that, it was like the game telling you straight to your face that there's no safe place anymore and that the end is near, but that it won't be pretty.
did he die?
Who knows
Good post, user.
Interesting way of thinking about it. Maybe its time to replay.
The metallic, rusted aesthetic of the transition world is my favourite. I love how well it contrasts with the cold, bleak fog world, which has a cooler palette.
The art direction in the game is absolutely amazing. Everything works together so well to create a unique, organic atmosphere.
durn to yah
Found this video today, pretty interesting analysis of Silent Hill if you're into that.