Mom, I posted it again!
Other urls found in this thread:
>why fighting games are hard
the same reason RTS and quake-likes are hard: it's the only game out there that people've been playing for ~10 years already, maybe more
If you're too fucking stupid to understand that image or fighting games in general, then you need to find a new hobby. Vidya is not for you.
Post the one where the walls like "skill" are blocking the fun
Your english comprehension needs some work.
Honey. Your tendies are ready!
A good video
Memorizing is hard! Cater to me! I' m a nu-male soy cuck!
The reason idiots think fighting games are hard is because they can't find any joy in losing
They lose over and over and instead of learning and having fun, they get salty and go "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE"
The people who can't "git gud" at fighting games are the same people who have developed no skills, will conquer no mountains, and will die with no accomplishments because they don't have the desire or the drive to do so.
Fighting games are not hard, you're just a little bitch.
>fighting games are hard because i set them to japanese and I dont speak japanese
> the inputs are not really hard or an important barrier
Game simplifies move inputs
> reeee fucking casualization not a real fighting game
Fightards are fags
Calm down on those memes there user
I've yet to meet or talk to anyone who hates simplified inputs, usually the criticisms are more specific for example
>input leniency makes certain combos being too easy reducing risk reward for going for max damage, simplifying game
>removing certain command inputs causes input overlap/moves being removed entirely which leads to a game that either control poorly or lowers game depth
But ofc this is Sup Forums and Sup Forums is retarded
well, it's a mix muscle memory, skill, training and you really have to like it. But more importantly you have to like it.
It's like if I make a Sup Forumsirgin use Vim and mock him/her how can't even exit of a document.
Fighting games aren't hard because of those motions, the truth is that there are people who don't struggle with any of that shit but are still garbage at fighting games. Myself included.
Someone's offended
I honestly find fightans to get into simply because the playerbases are really small.
I think less than 20 people play GG on ps4 in my region. Even decent connections are not enough to play with people from other regions and having to go extra mile to learn some stuff is kind of a bore.
I can't really bitch at people for not playing fightans.
How much you want to bet it's a white person who keeps saying this? Why are white people so bad at fighting games?
why are you such a racebaiting nigger
dude every genre you listed has been around for almost 25 years
I'm white as fuck. Try again.
Great video, but you missed the point entirely. Fighting games aren't hard because of the inputs as games like Smash Bros and Rising Thunder has already proved.
Nobody has trouble doing these motions on their own.
Linking them together, especially with strict timing requirements, is the hard part.
It's stupid that some turbo nerd can do a 15 hit combo while you can only do a simple 3 or 4 hits one because he's younger and spends all his time playing video games.
Before you idiots say something, Smash is not a fighting game.
The video was made by a korean.
Nice try Jamal, you won't fool me
It's not stupid that a game rewards dedication and skill. You're stupid for not figuring out how to avoid getting hit though.
Kill yourself, samefag kike.
If you can define what a fighting game is, I might believe you.
If you suck and hate video games so damn much, why are you even on Sup Forums?
Execution needs to be replaced with a better mechanic. I have no idea whats better but it needs to disappear or become strictly for simple motions like quarter circles. Especially get rid of the bullshit where every grappler in every game needs 360 or 720 inputs. Chain grabs arent even as bullshit as that.
The most fun I have is using characters like shotos in Street Fighter, Mai, Nine, and Bullet in BlazBlue, and Carmine and Linne in UNIEL. Execution doesn't get in the way and you can get into their real potential faster without having to bullshit training mode for dozens of hours to make sure you can do all their special moves right.
The only one I don't understand is the first one
>It's stupid that some turbo nerd can do a 15 hit combo while you can only do a simple 3 or 4 hits one because he practices and makes an effort to understand the game while I don't
>execution is the issue
>not matchup knowledge, spacing, hitconfirms and mindgames
Yeah enjoy simplifying that.
>user is upset because he can't play video games
How are those Japanese visual novels treating you, white boi.
Nope. You mean ''I want'', not need. Fighting games don't need to be tailor suited to your preferences. They're doing just fine as they are.
Usually, the trickier an input is, the more damage you'll get out of the move. That's why grapplers have 360 and 720 motions. It's a powerful move that usually requires a jump-in unless you're a monster butter churner. It's part of the character archetype.
If you want a simpler fighting game like you described, where supers are mostly 236 motions, try Guilty Gear, Skullgirls or DBFZ or something. Want even simpler than that? Rising Thunder. If you're not going to support ideas and concepts like this with your wallet, don't complain about games not catering to you.
Fucking this, only NEETs can keep up with fighting games, I might be better than some schmuck but the moment I go up against someone who's strung out on ritalin and plays a high-tier character for eight hours a day, what am I supposed to do? I can't practice for eight hours a day, there's just no time.
Why do fighting games cause so much butthurt on Sup Forums? Why is this the only genre that make you faggots cry for casualisation?
It's one of the only genres left untainted by casuals. Leave it be. Not all games need to cater to everyone.
You lose. Your opponent is better than you, so you lose. It's a simple concept in competitive games.
If that upsets you, stick to casual games, or just play with friends.
practice smarter. people like filipino chimp work a 9-5 and they still make it into top 8s.
Nemo was a japanese office wageslave and he managed to beat some of the best players too.
Basically stop with the excuses you fucking shitter.
>not playing the character with the lowest combo execution and just enjoying the mindgames and footsies
Sup Forums does not know how to play most video games. Fighting games just happen to expose them for what they are. They keep going on and on about how they are above normies then all of a sudden when it comes to fighters, they do a 180 and say they have no time because they have a life. It's insane and proves that this board is full of normalfags that would go full crying wojak if they are presented with games that require actual enthusiasm and effort to play. It's probably why they love low tier waifu simulator "games" and Smash.
Kill yourself, samefag kike.
Because Sup Forums is casual as fuck. It's not just fighters.
Kill yourself, samefag kike.
You do understand that Sup Forums can't do even that, right?
Sup Forums complains about Smash too. They genuinely don't know how to play against actual humans in general.
Pretty much any game that rewards a skilled player will kick the average Sup Forumsirgin's ass.
>just like un-age you synapses man, practice intelligently somehow, just no-life work and game man it'll all work out
I hate getting old and slow or I'd show you what-for
user, you are repeating yourself. Are you broken, do you require assistance?
>There are people out there that think Dark Souls games are legitimate fighting games
Let thank sink in for a little bit before you fling shit at each other.
How old are you? 60? Otherwise you're just making excuses for being bad.
Unga characters are fun as fuck, I don't care what anyone says. I chant that "ungabunga" shit constantly to myself as I'm swinging my same big dick normals and specials everywhere and losing to players with half a brain.
Even Smash fucks these people up.
This is the board who claims counter strike somehow doesn't take any skill to play by posting those 3 year old webms (you know the ones) and then at the same time has 3 threads at the same time defending Overwatch. Sup Forums is 99% casuals.
Overwatch's skill requirements are mostly in the form of teamwork, map awareness and positioning. It's a simple game mechanically, but that doesn't mean it doesn't take skill.
At least if we're talking at higher levels of play. It doesn't take much skill at all to win a casual game of Overwatch.
It's not bad it's perfectly average. Which is more frustrating than being bad
>Dark Souls games are legitimate fighting games
I have never heard anyone say this other than "IT'S THE DARKSOULS OF X" memes. I pray this is not real.
>Smash is not a fighting game
then why are people always fighting about it?
What fighting games do you play?
I've been getting into BlazBlue and finally started to figure out how the systems work with each other. However, that skill is hard to put into practice online. I still get destroyed. But, at least it feels like I'm going somewhere and not just practicing the same combos and set-ups in training mode.
lmao you have 38 year old players still going hard.
fuck off with the shit tier excuses
I've been playing mostly GG.
I don't like most characters but Pot and Axl are kinda fun. Pot required da way too much work though, not sure if I'll keep going with the game since most people play the hard match up characters.
SFV. No time for more.
I want to learn Alpha3 vism memes for fun but yeah, no time.
Sup Forums jerks of a shitton about muh skills. But none of those retards actually play at an acceptable level. It's much more about circlejerking and being accepted as some elite. Pretty funny, considering the same people shit on NeoFAG for being a hivemind
Under Night at the moment. sfv, stopped being interesting and I hated only playing ragna and sol in their games because I just couldn't get used to anyone else.
Migrated from SFV to learn Tekken 7. Feels fucking fantastic, lemme tell ya.
they aren't desu its quite easy to get into them since they are so fun, and you can practice in training mode and can make custom scenarios for practicing something special like gaurd jumpr or option selects, while games like rts and fps are hella hard to practice, learning fighting games is really not that hard but people lose interest in them a little too quickly in them, if you enjoy them and keep on playing as your source of entertainment you will automatically get better.
i am actually really surprised how people can play fps so well, like even normies here are really good in counter strike
>At con
>Casually play against AI in Injustice, mostly mashing buttons semi-randomly and not even knowing how to launch characters special skills
>During the loading take a look at console nearby and two guys sitting before latest Guilty Gear in japanese
>One of them is giving lecture about characters animations canceling, hitboxes, frames and all the technical details
I will stick to button mashing, okay?
mostly Blazblue and Under Night when I can find someone willing to play with me.
Currently trying to learn Hazama after playing nothing but Valkenhayn and it feels weird.
>Unga characters are fun as fuck
All those backturned mix ups and delayable moves, it was love at first sight. I still don't use [4,3] enough though.
Just UNI, with Blazblue on the side but I don't practice that. I could go back to Persona but no one plays that game.
I forgot how much stupid fun persona was.
Kill yourself, samefag kike.
I played T7, GG, BB, Uniel, and Kof 14. GG and BB are pretty much my main games though until DBFZ comes out.
street fighter iii 3rd strike
was regular on fightcade lobby but now exams are kinda in way, but still its my main multiplayer game and don't really play any other
>"Anyone could be the next Diego"
HOW THE FUCK could you call yourself a fighting game enthusiast yet you think Daigo's name is Diego?
That's like if some guy called himself a huge Basketball fan and made analysis videos, but he thought Michael Jordan's name was Michael Johnson.
I'm white and I bet I could beat you at literally any fighting game with any character.
>He doesn't know about Diego Umejuarez
How new r u?
Because I'm not autistic enough to sit in a practice room learning how to play a game that isn't even fun means vidya isnt for me?
Probably because FPS games are much easier to grasp than fighting games. You dont have to memorize combos, you dont have to think about frames and such, all you need is reflex and aim. Sure, there ARE people who discuss things like recoil, rate of fire and so on in CS but overall you mostly pick the weapon you find most suitable for your needs and go nuts.
Seriously, almost every "UBER 420 PRO" says that only AK-47 and M4A1 matters, plus maybe Deagle, Scout and this retarded AWP but I enjoy playing with various SMGs more, in CSGO especially MP7 and UMP-45.
i really want to get into fps since there is quite a big community for it here, and fightan i play are quite dead and new street fighter games dont work with out internet ;_; our country have servers for games like cs and dota,
how can i aim please tell me
i think it truly is a non white thing for being good at fightan
tbf those images are pretty bad at representing what the actual inputs are. Shroyukens are alot easier to do when you try the proper inputs instead of doing that retarded zig zag motion.
>and new street fighter games dont work with out internet
they have offline modes like any other fighter.
if that wasnt the case tournaments literally couldnt work because of the logistics involved.
Which BB are you playing and on what system? Guessing CP on PS4.
i meant with 'our'
i am still salty about ultra street fighter 4 i fucking loved it to death and still spend hours in training mode for no reason but oh my god the online,
i wish ggpo becomes standard for fighting games its amazing how well it works even for 3rd world country internets
>like fighters, don't care for FPS
>all friends in HS liked shooters, didn't care for fighters
>more people were always willing to play FPS games
>no scene here, tried to start one with no luck
Shit's lonely man.
i exactly know that feel, a shitty tournament happened in our college and it was for mortal kombat x even then only 10 people joined and all like all others were in fifa, fuck this
what country man how about some games in fightcade
>tfw want to play fighting games but the only friend I have who's into them has been playing them since before he could read
I wish I could train under him but any time we play it just turns into me getting thrown across the screen while asking for help and getting increasingly frustrated at myself while he just sits there looking all "seriously nigger?" and gets frustrated at me for not having fun. Like shit, I know losing and improving is a necessary part of fighting games but when the other guy is that much better than me it really doesn't feel like I can learn anything from getting trashed
It's especially frustrating because I can demolish him in any other genre
>how can i aim please tell me
Aiming is not something that is told, its something you practice. CSGO have several custom servers dedicated to training aim, Im pretty sure there are simple games and exercises on the internet that helps as well.
Like always, you start against bots on lowest difficulty and go up from here.
servers for training aim?? wow first time hearing about them gonna search about them thanks mang can see a new light of hope
I could really need someone to just sit down and play fightan with for a couple of hours. Someone who's good enough to teach me what I'm doing wrong, but still someone I can eventually beat or at least get even with.
I suck at learning. Whenever I'm playing online, I try to take my losses as a lesson, but I can't really tell what it is I'm doing wrong other than losing. I need someone to tell me how to improve one small step at a time.
Problem is, no one has the patience to do that. No one wants to play me and give me advice like that.
I had someone like that once. They asked for help learning the game, so I obliged. Then one day out of the blue they called me an elitist who just wanted to discourage them and unfriended me. Some people can't take criticism.
I have the patience. Do you play on steam?
I have many fighters but not all.
Add me, my shift at work is over soon and I will have about an hour after I come home until i have to leave for the other shift.
At least when I played 1.6, there were there so I guess it didnt change that much in case of CSGO.