This is what 2B actually looks like
She is not as sexy as they put it into fan art
You have been lied to
This is what 2B actually looks like
Other urls found in this thread:
a2 is better
>Not as sexy
Gay here, you're wrong. Even in game you're wrong.
Her ass has more polygons than the entirety of super Mario 64
>Thick thighs
>fuck-me stripper boots
>cleavage cutout
>hips twice the size of her waist
>full cock-sucking lips
>hot black dress that shows leg
>not as sexy
>those legs
>not sexy
That's blatantly wrong, OP.
People post webms of her in-game to prove how sexy she is all the time, and your pic isn't really evidence to the contrary.
Her model is hotter than a lot of fan art. Fan artists take it too far a lot of the time.
fake news
user I think you might be gay
what did he mean by this
>not as sexy
>not sexy
>big ass with a slim body
>flat chest
>cute face
Try again, OP
>>flat chest
what did he mean by this
wew lad
That is sexy as fuq though.
jokes on you I fucking love high heels
>not as sexy
The more I look at 2B, the sexier she gets.
I love the fanart and yeah it doesn't always look like she does in the game. It's neat to see different styles. But c'mon, she's sexy as hell in the game too. Like I just couldn't take it sometimes.
This was a stealth 2b thread, right?
9S is a very lucky boy
Are you fags seriously this illiterate?
What do you not understand by "not AS sexy"? Noone says she doesn't look sexy at all, the point is that fanarts extremely exaggerate her assets and how much skin her dress actually shows. In the game she looks like some opera singer just with one thigh half exposed.
No, it's other way around.
In Automata's setting you can build a hot sexy android on a factory. But a guy who repeatedly drags her out of suicide attempts and gives her life meaning and always protects her is a one-time thing.
she's sexier
I want 2B to stroke my dick with her high heels.
Her ingame/canon model is much better than the titcow and gigabutt fanart versions.
Okay you have a point here.
Too bad A2 wasn't as lucky tho.
>titcow and gigabutt
This is the worst. 2B is just so perfectly shaped. And they have to ruin that.
A2 gets along greatly with 042.
Though all main characters are lucky to have 042 as their father figure, that guy is absolutely based and will only continue to evolve after game events.
She's a machine everything is synthetic.
Shit, i meant petite tits
In reality everything is synthetic
Nature or god, we are all just water and atoms
We are just robots made of flesh
I'm not saying she doesn't look good, but most of the shittalking this game gets comes from the assumption that the devs were trying to sell this game on sex appeal, when the game is actually really tame in that regard, and the whole assumption just comes from people only seeing oversexualized fanarts of this game 99% of the time.
Self destruction is the only fanservice-esque thing in the game and not like 2B even looks more sexual there than some basic street fighter character.
a man of taste. Tired of all the thicc faggotry
petite all the way
it's attractive because it's dehumanizing because you cannot see her eyes
I really wouldn't call 2B petite.
Good to see another man of reason.
>Self destruction is the only fanservice-esque thing in the game
>the first dialogue you hear in the game from the npcs is about butts and tight clothes
Really makes me thing
It's sex appeal for the fact that 2B is literally the entire marketing gimmick for this game when she's not even the main protagonist. So all that people see is her.
>OP wasn't just being ironic
>he's actually dumb
>>the first dialogue you hear in the game from the npcs is about butts and tight clothes
shes 5’6 with heels my dude. Other than her weight she is smol and cute
play the game faggot
I literally deleted this shit after 2 hours of playing because of that and other things
Sad that only first Nier was good and now it's gonna be a franchise for waifufaggots
5'6" isnt actually small man. Most women her age would be 4'11"~5'2"
Dude I see what you mean. Of course it's not a porn game or anything like that. I mean it's nowhere close to that. But the Yorha androids' design is extremely sexy. It's not even a bad thing. It's interesting what they do with it. But it's distinctive. First time I saw that I went "lol wth?". Then I read some reviews and figured that I had to play this. I think that it's sexyness done right, but it's still a bit much.
I did play it. I guess yo're just making it up.
I'm not OP and the thing you've posted is literally the one fanservice-esque thing in the entire game I was talking about
the game has no real protag, it's not like it's false advertising with 2B's sex appeal. She was just the first character that was made and also the one who got into the demo before the game was even finished.
5'6 with heels
and those are some enormous fucking heels
without them she's as tall as 9S
thats pretty small for me
are you a spic or something?
>the game has no real protag
No, 9s is. He ultimately serves as the audience's avatar and you'll notice that the story heavily revolves around him. Heck, A2's role in the story is sidelined to give 9s more spotlight.
Oh boy oh man, here we go again!
I am tired of the animations and fancomics that portrait 2B like a submisive when she is more like a dominatrix
I think that it's sexyness done right, but it's still a bit much.
every fucking Square Enix game has this much sexiness in it or even more.
Kainé had a much more sexual design in the original Nier, yet hardly anyone complained about it. You know why? Because she didn't had as much fanarts. Now 99% of the thing people see about Nier Automata is sexualized 2B fanarts and people make the assumption that it's a much more sexualized game, when that's absolutely not true at all, people are just too retarded to realise this.
I kind of want 2b to brap on my face
>you'll never be 5'6 and look up into your man's eyes
missed the > from the first sentence
9s is the only one who gets to see that side of her.
That's because Kaine was barely advertised. When you talk about Nier, all you remember is Papa Nier being plastered in the cover. Which is the opposite for 2B, especially when all the cosplayers tried cosplaying as her.
>not Kaine outfit fitted into 2B's body
>just 2B's head pasted over Kaine's body
fuck that
Have you actually heard her original VA, retard.
She's a submissive kuudere in love with one guy for years.
You've gotta realize what it looks like the first time you see it though. She wears high heels and it looks like some kind of fetish maid outfit. And the game looks super japanese so people make assumptions. There's some symbolism to their outfits but people don't know that.
Yeah Kaine had more exposed skin, but it didn't look as sexual. Even though she's more naked oddly enough. And the androids don't even have genitals by default kek.
Despite the game being near impossible playable while it keeps crashing on my pc and shitty dev support you had to be turbohomosexual as fuck to this 2B is not hot you blind fuck
>thats pretty small for me
>tfw I'm only 5'6"
>tfw 5'11" and feel like a manlet
I dont remember that 2b was in love
cosplayers cosplaying her is the same as artsist making fanarts of her. It's not the marketing team's job.
Also the west not getting proper nier posters/covers doesn't mean Kainé wasn't part of the trailers, and didn't look much more imposing than 2B on them.
Also, just look at the NierA covers and say that she looks more sexual than any fighting game female character. Noone complains about those games either, yet everyone is somehow bitching about this tame as fuck design.
Tfw 5'4"
>delusional waifufaggots
Did you read any of the weapon stories?
Trade me please, I'll do anything.
is this relevant to anything
>you're just making this up
Waifufags are so fucking pathetic
OP's shot is a bad render. A-pose, flat lighting, no composition, simplistic textures, shitty baked specularity, little or no subdivision, static hair mesh
I'm not either of those things, I asked a question and got a non-reply.
>it's dehumanizing
It is. Yorha does dehumanize their androids in many ways. It's a theme in the game. In 2B's case, it's making her suffer greatly.
I don't think it's making her character design more attractive, but it's making it interesting. You're implying a lot of implications there.
Why censor the tits when there's nothing there either
>flat lighting
you should play the actual game if you think that looks flat.
It is relevant to the entire story of 2B/9S as it's connected directly to their prequel novels.
>it looks like some kind of fetish maid outfit.
No. The androids look like fucking opera singers, that's their whole art direction. Not fetish maids
Yeah Kaine had more exposed skin, but it didn't look as sexual.
Just look at her bra and say that with a straight face. Just because they have nailed 2B's design and she looks more attractive (and in result more sexy too) that doesn't mean her design is more sexual. I feel like people just don't notice the difference between the former and the latter and the only thing they notice is that their dick get's harder by looking at 2B.
missed the > from the quote about Kainé
>The androids look like fucking opera singers
what the fuck am I reading
Sexiness is subjective, I can see a jellyass hambone waddling down the street and be revolted, but some of these guys would cry thick and fawn over them
The first dialogue you hear in the game is between Yorha cyborgs descending to the surface and the bunker, all strictly connected to the ongoing operation. Unless you count the monologue about life being and endless cycle of death and 2B hating God and whatnot.
We all know barbie doll A2 is hotter anyway.
It's a nice sentiment user but no. She's meant to be sexy, that's okay.
whats wrong with 2b