Does Cave Story deserve the praise it gets?

Does Cave Story deserve the praise it gets?

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Deserves a heck of a lot more praise than Undertale.

>playing a literal who game

It's great, except for hell. That was trash.

>tfw finding curlys panties by accident
felt good.
didnt even know about the other endings in my first few playthroughs.

yes, it was a great game, one guy made a game that not only the best indie platformer ever made but started the whole indie trend.

Anything is better than that garbage, but Cave Story just obliterates it in every regard.

Naw, Hell was good. It's an optional challenge so it's fine. It's not unfair or anything, just very hard.

how about:
undertale is fine but cave story is the better game

It's good, but overhyped by people who haven't played very many action platformers.

It deserves less.


>undertale is fine
ughhh yes, I love animal farts in my face

Back when indie games were just called freeware, Cave Story was insanely influential for its time and indie devs are still riding its dick to this day.
Can't believe it's already been 13 years since I first played it.

>It's not unfair or anything
It doesn't even give you a save point before the final fucking boss, and that's after going through a really hard area and another boss.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Do you have autism or something?

>Back when indie games weren't easily monetized because digital distribution had not gone mainstream.


>It doesn't even give you a save point before the final fucking boss
Yeah, it's a gauntlet challenge. It doesn't give you a save point because you need to prove that you can get through the entire thing in one go. It's the only challenge like this and it's optional. It's perfectly fine.

>it’s “optional”, so this objectively poor game design is fine
>and by “optional”, I mean it’s mandatory to get the best ending

It's like you have to go through hell and back to get the best ending.

I think it's received just about the right amount of praise which is to say a whole lot. Like others said, for it's time Cave Story had a huge amount of excellent content, and it's completely free. It's aesthetic and music are also fucking incredible.

I'd rather eat my own asshole than play through that shit again.

It's called Hell for a reason, get good or get fucked

Is this game better on stick or pad?

Explain to me "objectively" how it is poor game design. Objectivity is a meme you dip.


Don't you have a Dark Souls thread that you should be fucking up?

That final boss has four extremely different phases. To even get back to it requires a lot of tedious backtracking. Losing to a very challenging final boss witha ton of different forms shouldn't be a monumental setback that requires you to literally go through hell again just to taste his nuts and get fucked again.

It’s not even that hard you fucking soyboy

Not until 10.

Finding Curly's panties is probably the hottest thing that's ever happened in a video game.

"Losing to a very challenging final boss with a ton of different forms


be a monumental setback that requires you to literally go through hell again just to taste his nuts and get fucked again."

You see the issue with that being objective is you used the word shouldn't there. It's the final OPTIONAL challenge of the game for people who purposefully seek it out since the only way to unlock it is to skip the jetpack and save Curly. It's only there for you to challenge yourself, so making it more challenging is sort of the point.

And it's not tedious backtracking, it's a dash through the hardest level in the whole game.

Four extremely different phases with very simple patterns like every other boss in the game. Two of these phases just try to jump on you, one circles the room and another stands still. It isn't challenging to understand what they do, except for maybe the first one because he moves pretty quickly.

Not him but doing the exact same part over and over again to the point you memorized it just because you can't beat the boss that's after that is only challenging my patience, not my skills.

Hell is bullshit, and you all know it.

>he never fucked the pink bunny

I would agree in most cases, but Hell is supposed to be a gauntlet. Part of the challenge is making it through that level without losing too much health so that you can fight the boss. The game doesn't give you any help at all for this final bit which makes beating it actually really satisfying.

If you didn't have to go through Hell every time, beating Cave Story wouldn't be something I still remember doing years later.

This game was highly praised, so it give the original a try and ejaculated due to how absolutely charming and fun it was.

The fun ended when I failed to discover the rope and returned to Mimiga Town alone.

I would replay it yearly if it wasn't for this shit.

Every so often I go back to my Cave Story+ save with the modded Aeon Genesis translation patch and try to beat the Sacred Grounds. And every time I give up after several exhausting, miserable hours.

Here's why:
>Recollecting weapon XP is a massive, thankless chore
>The falling block room is RNG bullshit
>No save point before Ballos makes it impossible to practice

Hell is bad game design.

This is always the part I find least enjoyable having played the game a couple times. I feel like the game is pretty good before then, slumps at the jellyfish juice segment, and really only picks back up after you find those damn dogs. After that though it's pretty much all amazing.

How is it a thankless chore? It really helps defeating the enemies and bosses, don't see why it would be any different than the rest of the game other then that it takes away your levels at the start of Hell. They aren't even hard to level back up.

Falling block room is hard, but it's not RNG bullshit because you're completely capable of dodging everything regardless of how the blocks fall. It might be a little easier or harder on some runs but it's very doable.

It makes it hard to practice not impossible. It's supposed to be hard.

I'm still not seeing any ''objectively poor game design'' here, user. I'm seeing ''Thing I personally find difficult''.

What if that's the point? To challenge your patience.

I think the game deserved its praise. Nowadays it's underrated. People and publications have forgotten about just how stellar it is and how it's better than a lot of popular retro games.

All the Nicalis versions are sped up to achieve 60fps so you might find it more forgiving with a faithful 50fps version such as the original exe or NXEngine

More or less. It's not one of my favorite games, but it's a damn solid game that stands easily against how many years have gone by now.

post more cute curls

I still play it yearly.

>this game being genuinely hard without memes like enemies having a lot of health or anything is bad design

>backtracking 4 (FOUR) times for this if you want the bubble gun
Just kill me.

Last time I checked it was $30 on Switch eShop. Is it worth it?


>I will not live long enough to marry a sentient bot

I am hurt and in pain.

Last time I checked, it was freeware.

False, Undertale has much better character development, humor and music.

t. has beaten Hell with all the Polar Star variants

>paying for cave story
I still have no idea how they managed to get people to do this.

The fucking + version isn't even worth $10. How is this allowed? Fucking Nintendo.

Well it's not a particularly good gun until it hits level 3 so it's not a huge loss. I still pick it up every time anyway though.

Not really. The new optional stuff like the lighting (pic related) and the sorta ugly water physics doesn't make it worth 30 bux.

No. The game play was decent at best plus I got a bunch of stupid rabbit people going boohoo every two seconds.

If you want me to care about a story then build up and pacing are a must, you can't expect me to care from the get go.

Also having a major part of the story be altered by collecting a power up in a video game is completely asinine.


Does Curly even have a vagina? why does a robot need panties?

Bubble gun is practically required on hard mode. That shit is a lifesaver.

Game made by japs, of course she has a vagina

Japanese indie games are the best

>be too poor to afford console license
>release your games online for free or sell them someplace like komiket
>game is successful, you make money
>you use that money to make an enhanced console port and focus entirely on consoles that day forward

Every Jap indie game went this route. I didn't think PC was that dead, but shit, I guess it must not be worth giving your newer games to PC.

What the hell is going on in the top right corner of the Switch version? It looks like they remade the visuals and fucked up the tiles completely.

It's the best version of the game (most exclusive content of any version, fixes to Jellyfish Juice and jenka's dogs etc), but it's not worth the extra $20 over the PC version.


>Take a game that was in $1 bundles years ago
>Put it on a Nintendo platform
>That'll be $30 :)
Why does this keep happening?

Japanese PC market isn't remotely as lucrative as western is. Just the way things have been there for years on years.

>character development
is this a meme? I played it because everybody just couldn't fucking stop cumming over the character development. I even bought it physical, I was fucking ready to give it a try. And the characters were terrible. The writing was horseshit, the only character that was anything close interesting was Undyne.
Undertale never made me laugh, but it was okay, i never really cringed at least. Cave story never intended to be funny, so your point is stupid
They both have superb music, but undertale was better by far.
The gameplay, the story, the visuals, everything besides that was vastly superb in cave story. The premise of undertale was way cooler, but the execution was horseshit.

>Booster falls down a cliff
>If you ignore him he shows up later and is fine
>But if you go down after him he dies.

How does that work exactly?

>Cave story never intended to be funny
So YOUR point is stupid. You're the one who said "Cave Story just obliterates it in every regard".

You need the Booster Pack to escape from that pit.
If you fall down, he gives it to you so you can escape.
If you jump over the pit, he keeps it, and is able to escape.

>why does a robot need panties?
Even if she is sexless, she still identifies and presents herself as female. Maybe she wears panties just to feel more feminine.
Ultimately though it's just a gag.

Apparently it was lucrative enough to make them money. It seems like Japan is built upon the culture of selling out, where you betray your customer base and your personal values for the sake of money.

Wrong on all three counts, including the "Cave Story never tries to be funny" bit, but it's okay, I understand it's hard to detach yourself from the Sup Forums hivemind, and it's necessary to loathe Undertale as much as possible.

Simply understand that even if only Undyne had character development, that would still be more than Cave Story has, that there are multiple segments in Cave Story meant to be humorous, and that Undertale's musical complexity shits all over Cave Story's, which has a few memorable tunes but nothing to the degree of Undertale's best. Also, while i'd agree that in general the gameplay is better, Cave Story has more elements of objectively bad game design than Undertale, the Booster being perhaps the most notable.

That isn't remotely exclusive to japan.

>musical complexity
>objectively bad game design
also subjective, and considering you think that the casual shit that is undertale's gameplay is better, it's the opinion of someone with no taste

Never played Cave Story before actually. Should I just play it on my laptop or should I get it for Switch?

Well the laptop version is free.

If you have a friend or someone else to play with, the Switch version has co-op I think, plus it has different arrangements of the OST you may or may not enjoy, so it may be worth checking out. Otherwise just play the original for free. The side modes later releases add aren't super worth it, though I do like them.

PC version via NXEngine
Use the money you would've spent on the Switch version to buy Kero Blaster

Curlyfags assemble!

Shitter detected

I love it, but no. It's fun, well made, and definitely a great game from start to finish aside from that one room in sacred grounds with the falling blocks, that room fucking sucks but it's been overrated to hell and back. It's not a metroidvania at all, either, no idea where people got that from.

Also, Kero Blaster is a far better game and Pixel actually still gets money for sales of that one.

I want to hack curly and make her horny 100% of the time, unable to completely sate her lust for dick.

It's a great action platformer but it sucking at it's Metroidvania side makes it seem overrated for me
It being a landmark title for indie games were deserving though

Pixel gets money from every Cave Story version if you care about that

The Switch version is on the right, user. They fixed some of the weirder tiles.

I think you're overlooking the fact that the game came out in 2004. It literally laid down the template for all indie games to come.

>"dynamic" camera

>Made by one man
>Good platforming
>Good soundtrack
>Aged well
>Start the whole indie trend

Reminder that the Switch version is worth buying for two things: Co-Op and the fact that you can stack all five dogs on your head at once in Sand Zone meaning you don't have to keep backtracking over and over during that segment.

more curly images pls

As a game it's pretty good, but the praise it gets it largely for being influential which it absolutely is.

>Switch version has animated portraits
Oh, neat.

>Instruction manual that comes with the Switch version calls Quote "Mister Robot"
I mean, the manual and the music disc were cool little bonuses and all, especially considering this isn't even a special edition or anything, but come on.

>done by one guy in his cave with a bunch of scraps
>dev actually knew what he was doing and wasn't a total hack
>so good others are still copying it
>raised the bar for all indie devs that sadly few can attain today

I want to hack Curly and increase her desire to shit to 100%

It does what almost every other game fails to do nowadays: convey information without spelling it out for you.

At no point will the game or a character stop you to explain something. There's no tutorial, no introduction to the story or setting, nothing that sits you down and explains that you're inside a floating island inhabited by a race of rabbit people that was recently taken over by an evil doctor from the surface.

You're given almost no information about anything and yet you're provided enough throughout the game to piece the whole thing together. That alone deserves some praise, along with the fact that it has great platforming and combat.

Quote's name is a spoiler you nerd

user, that's intentional. Quote's name was always intended to be a spoiler, since you only learn it after Curly gets her memories back.

The only ones I have are extremely lewd