Leave weeb shit to me

Leave weeb shit to me.

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believe it

>everything that is japanese is weeb
the state of reddit

>Black Clover got a game before Kill la Kill

wasnt it because Platinum got fed up with so many people asking for KLK that they said "fuck you, fuck everyone, we are NOT making a KLK game, ever"?
Then again, there are many other companies which can make a KLK game, so its weird nothing happened yet.

Its will be amazing game

I watched one episode and dropped it because of how shit the main character's voice is, it's just about the only time I can remember wishing for a dub.




Goddamn this series is so shit. I can't believe such a low effort, generic manga is picking up this much steam. It's literally "What if Naruto was wizards".

Watch this one be an actually good licensed anime game.

Its weet dream of kishimoto

>Naruto is literally one of the most popular anime/manga series of all time
>"Woah why is this Naruto clone so popular"

I'm actually more surprised Little Witch Academia got a game first.

There's a trailer out for the dub and the hero sounds a hundred times better in English.

What narutofag like more boruto or black clover

I guess you're right. Maybe I'm just disappointed that boring hacks with no creativity can make a hit series.

Its will last 5 year if not more

>From the Creator of Naruto
Is this right? Isn't this from Yuki Tabata? Naruto was Masashi Kishimoto what's going on here?



>magazine publisher really, really pushing their immensely derivative and shitty new shounen because they're desperate to find SOMETHING capable of boosting sales and subscribership

Asta is such an obnoxious, perpetually yelling autistic shit that it's not gonna happen though. He's the equivalent of a guy whose capslock key broke and now it's ALL YELLING ALL THE TIME YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Is this satire?

I don't know if it's real, but if it is, maybe they mean Pierrot

I ironically like Black Clover. It's a fun manga that doesn't take itself too seriously.

He's the exact opposite of a Chad though.

>hur dur le protagonist voice xD

Black Clover is actually really decent, a thousand times better than Naruto and if you don't like it, you don't like shonen at all.

No, and those screams are only from the first episode


Same. Been watching the anime on crunchy roll and it's pretty good.

Black clover is bad and you should feel bad

I like watching Black Clover ironically

Who the fuck would watch black clover when my hero academia exists

Yeah i like the manga too, it's filled with cliches but i think it's pretty fun, the anime on the other hand...

>People actually like this shit
Must be terrible only liking the flavor of the month

The first 6 episodes are dubbed

*obnoxious screech*

HAHAHAHAHA he's like that the tnire time on episode 5 ALL HR DOES IS SCREAM

Yeah, the voice actor will lose his voice by episode 20

Japanese Phil Fish is so fucking salty.


How is Black Clover better than SAO? SAO has catgirls

>black clover
>flavor of the month

Both are shit. Watching just because I don't have better things to do.

I read both black clovers last few arcs are better than my hero

They're both trash, but SAO has the girls going for it.

yeah the voice is horrible. stuck with the manga


That got to be the most literally retarded character quirk ever. Holy shit, how can you shounenfags tolerate this, at least in Dragon Ball the screaming meant that something cool would happen.

Does SAO have a white haired stuck up royalty girl?


I expected "naruto staring rock lee" but then in the end of the first episode the fucking devil shows up and gives him the SUPER SEKRIT 5TH CLOVER GRIMOIRE OF DARKNESS that just ends up being a sword that lets him negate magic so he has the advantage

it's literally the most boring fucking shounen MC power of all time, how do you make a battle shounen and then seemingly go out of your way to remove any and all actual variety or strategy from the fights. Even the fucking kid in boku no pico academia has a bit of a gimmick even if he mainly just becomes really strong and punches people

Gintoki is so done there.

How is the Black Clover manga at least?

He have demon form

Once it gets into its groove.
Pretty good. The growth of finral and Vanessa is great.


Only the sword negates magic he's just a normal human with a great sword.
Ergo he can still easily die to fucking magic

Are you seriously using this as an excuse that black clover isn't intelectually lazy and generic as shit in it's powers, a fatal flaw of any battle manga?

I mean christ naruto at least does some fun stuff with his clones now and then, even if every single fight just ends up being "power up my laser hand and win" or "turn into the ninetails"

Asta has only one 1 important fight on his own. All the rest were three v 1 or plain loses
The real bullshit character is yuno who won against a magic captain

Because it is.

Only won because Lil is a magic spaz and blew his own crystal up.

Yuno have 4leaf clover it much like wizard king level

Still bull that he even has magic on a comparable level

>wizard king
>Manga says magic emperor.
Why the change? Magic emperor is so much cooler


the state of reddit

Perhaps it just a translator thing.
Magic emperor is still way cooler

I hope you appreciate the irony of posting that while shitting on annoying characters.

>Fairy Tail was "what if One Piece was wizards?"
>Black Clover is "what if Naruto was wizards?"
Is there a "what if Bleach was wizards?"?

In DBZ, people scream because they are under unimaginable physical stress, just like anyone irl. Trashsta screams because the sly is blue.

Soul eater?

Why do people always think that source of reaction image means anything?

I don't think anyone other than actual Japanese children who reads Jump likes Black Clover.

Why do almost all shonen now start with a weak ass protagonist with nothing special and is at the bottom of the barrel in terms of power and has to gain more power as the series progress? I like how Dragon Ball and One Piece started out with Guku and Luffy already being strong but had to start advancing when they went up against stronger opponents. The newer shonen anime just can’t compete.

I mean, they're basically the same thing, it's just the protagonists start at 0 instead of 100 and just work their way up to the same point.

That isn't ironic, that's just you liking something.

What vidya game is this

Also medaka box > all other shounen

soul eater isn't something you can pin down as being "other series but X", it's a mix of way too many ideas since it started as three separate one shots that were glued together.

except that starting at 0 means you have to deal with the protagonist being a whiny loser complaining for the first arc or so while series where the MC is already decently competent let you focus more on the things that matter in a battle manga (the world, the characters as a whole, the action)

>medaka box
You mean the manga that tries to alternate between "man shounen manga sure are stupid and formulaic, huh?" and being an extremely stupid and formulaic shonen manga because of dude meta-irony lmao?

The manga that was literally saved from being canceled due to a single character, who was more popular than the rest of the cast combined?

Because I found it funny. I was wondering if that user felt the same way.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
JoJo>All shonen
>inb4 its not shonen
>inb4 le ebin jojo animemes

Except that's wrong.
Usually they give the MC a power in the first ~5 chapters and also focus on developing them.

Then why was Fairy Tail better?


>generic battle manga #99999999999
It did have some fucking fine girls in it, I'll give you that.

There's a big line between "Gon doesn't know nen right away" and "naruto/asta/deku are legitimate failures/losers that aren't good at anything for the first several chapters/arcs/volumes compared to their peers"

>the protagonist HAS to be a fucking annoying whiny crybaby piece of shit
Not really.
Most authors use it as a crutch but there is no reason for the protagonist to be a shitty person just because he is weak.

>Fairy Tail
The only thing Fairy Tail was good for was fapping.

>"man shounen manga sure are stupid and formulaic, huh?"

But the manga did nothing to even suggest that attitude. It was literally meta-shonen, and more a celebration of the elements of a shonen series for shonen fans.

>The manga that was literally saved from being canceled due to a single character, who was more popular than the rest of the cast combined?

Every single plot point from Kumagawa onwards got better and better, and his immense popularity is due to his role as a perverted take on both a hero and an antagonist, which they played with and utilized better on plenty of characters from his point of introduction onwards. Brainlets like you are what Black Clover was made for.


Okay, and...?
What's wrong with a Shonen protagonist who isn't the strongest/most liked person in the room from moment 1?

Then it's clearly better than wan piss because it was even more generic, with shittier girls.

Both are shit. Who cares which one is better.
Especially if both are by the same author, they're basically the same pile of garbage.

First of all, you sound like a dipshit. Second, who the fuck has ever said that Jojo isn't shounen? It's practically the embodiment of shounen, so much so that most manga in that demographic have drawn at least some kind of blatant influence from Jojo for the last 30 years.

I'm just saying JoJo is infinetly better than 99% of shonen and it is definetly better than Medaka.
And a lot of people do say that it isn't shonen. I don't know why, though.

>>inb4 its not shonen
I want you to point me to a single person who has ever said JoJo wasn't shonen, because they're the most wrong person on the planet.
Even when it changed to seinen it's still basically shonen.

>But the manga did nothing to even suggest that attitude.
the entire joke is that medaka is literally unbeatable because she's the protagonist of a shonen jump series.

I think they like jojo but hate shonen

Actually characters in "DBZ" screamed because Toei tries to pad out episodes as long as they can

In the Dragon Ball screaming lasts for a panel or two at most

Yes, which is why Zenkichi AND Kumagawa were both struggling through the entire story to find a way to beat her. Kumagawa failed because he knew that he was an Antagonist, and was doomed to failure, so he chose instead to join the secondary protagonist, who gained a literally "Fuck Story Protagonists" ability and erased her ability to autowin fights. At full strength Zenkichi was capable of defeating her, which is why the entire narrative shifts focus from Medaka and friends to Zenkichi's Bizarre Adventure.