GTAO is getting a new heist Sup Forums

GTAO is getting a new heist Sup Forums

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when are they making gta 6 tho?

>online only dlc again


Liberty City map when?

this looks fucking good

Great now there'll be ANOTHER influx of fucking fags that don't know how to do a 2 year old heist chain.

Retards like those that don't drop a weapon for the prisoner on Prison Break, retards that fly all the way to the landing zone without DESTROYING THE HELICOPTERS LIKE IT FUCKING TELLS YOU TO on Valkyrie, retards that shoot every single fucking hostage they can see on Pacific Standard, retards that take so long to do a simple fucking snake mini-game on Fleeca Job that I'd be able to journey to Skegness and back and they still would be fucking stuck on it.

It's hard enough now with the amount of fucking autistic shits that can't even perform a single task without adding more.

Play with friends user...
you do have friends, don't you?

> he hasn't built up a crew of retards to play this game with over the years

Wow actually adding real content to online. Didn't think this day would ever come.

i feel sorry for all the people hunting for the jetpack for years only for it to be added in a DLC years later


New heist? I still haven't even done the old ones. I don't know why but I thought GTAO was really boring, and I even sorta liked GTA4 mp

Fuck that, multiplayer only cancer

Yeah, and it'll only cost you 100mil to buy all the gear and vehicles necessary to actually do the heist, so better start grinding, or you can buy Shark Cards, available on all gaming purchase platforms now.

You've either not played heists very long or are just plain fucking baiting. I've hundreds of hours in PUGs and private groups. People are just plain fucking stupid at the end of the day.

You're probably one of those that chucks a sticky bomb on someone's car because they beat you to the first objective.

No user heists are actual content. This isn't adding a new car or plane, heists are real content.

>"oh cool new South Park episode is here!"
>it's about American "politics" again for the 28th consecutive time

They have to finish RDR2 first, I think that they will announce GTAVI in late 2018 and release it in early 2020.

You didn't read my post properly friendo, I said the gear, as in vehicles and weapons that are good enough to use in the heist

I've never had problems with my friends in heists except the one guy who we all know is an idiot (he vapes into the mic). Everyone doesn't do stupid shit.

>GTA V came out almost 5 years ago
>still no announcement trailer for a new game
>GTA V announcement trailer came out came out 3 years after GTA IV
>instead we get shitty DLC for the P2W online
Rockstar is dead

my friends are good at vidya, lmfao @ ur lyfe tho
yeah I fuck with sticky bombs, but only when there's victims such as yourself in free roam

Yeah, they shat all over last weeks cliffhanger.
Classic Trey and Matt
They could never tie up season plots properly.

Are you fucking dense? Vehicles and gear are provided to you during heists. You have the option to purchase them after doing them to either use in freeroam or replays.

The vehicles are always given to you in the heist, the set up missions are you stealing them etc.

Not all of us have a herd of sheep to follow us through setups and finales. Some of us prefer to lone wolf.

rdr2 is coming out you mong
I think this guy is just some shitter

RDR isn't made by the same rockstar branch.

Rockstar have never done the same thing for the sequel. No idea why you would expect them to follow a pattern. They might push out content for GTAO for the next 5 years.

You never get the chance to see me in freeroam because the first thing I do is boot everyone out and make it a solo public so cancerous little niggers like you can't jet grief. Let's face it, you do that too because you're simple little leaflet.




yeah well then stick to doing missions you friendless faggot
> psssh Ima get rich in gta solo, that'll show them
> *gets run over by crews and sharkboys in their newest meme vehicles on the daily*

the MP and SP teams are separate you fucking retard.

RDR confirmed delayed again.

Red Dead is developed by Rockstar New York and GTA is developed by Rockstar Scotland.

ok but when's story dlc?

>another update where most of the stuff is probably cost billions
fuck that why don't we talk about gta san andreas instead?

Would rather have a closed circle of IRL friends than a group of vapeniggers. Go stretch your ear lobe some more.
>implying anyone ever makes it into my public session

>SP team

most of this content is shit from the cancelled SP dlc


>flying deloreans

When did GTA become Saints Row?

people still play this trash?

that's great damage control, but at the end of the day you're just a faggot who dodges free roam
like who's gonna believe that you don't have "gamer friends" by choice, it's literally just people who you play games with when you're both online
truth is, you probably have 0 friends buddy

The game itself is good, the community puts it down. All the edgy APB grills have moved onto it so it's full girlpower now.

>GTA V came out almost 5 years ago

as soon as rockstar learned people were willing to pay exorbitant amounts of IRL money to turn GTA V into saints row

what's the current state of gta rp?

>dodges freeroam
There's no way to dodge freeroam, are you fucking disabled?

I don't have gaymer friends, because they just end up being people like you. Illiterate monkeys that still dig into Hot Topic. Look up "capital letter" and "full stop", then kill yourself.

I have lots of friends, but they're work friends. I have beers with them, I don't play fucking video games with them like a fucking soyboy.

>Grand Theft Auto
Oh great, what good ne-
Nah, I don't pay2win, thanks

>That goy who bought it 3 times

what do you win by paying in gta online?

Ima buy this the 4th time for my x1x I think

lmao it's like pay2participate at this point
>hey you want to get involved in some GUN RUNNING ACTION or whatever
>well buy an apartment
>no not that apartment, it isn't big enough you fucking idiot, one of the expensive ones
>okay now pay to turn something into a headquarters or operation center or something as well
>good now yo-
>where's your cars and shit?
>go get some cars with guns and armor on them, same store as the other shit
>okay now you're ready to start earning money in GTA Online!

Have hackers found a new way to give people money yet? I've only got like 10m in X80 bonds left.

That was me

thanks Rockstar i'll watch it on stream

have you no shame

shut up you disgusting pathetic virgin
> i have LOTS of friends
> none of them play video games
> when I play video games I've never ever talked > ridditposting
> about muh friends I totally have them
> look up "capital letter"

I bought for the xbone because my friends moved to it. And PC for mods.

this was me

why are you still replying to that filth

This post has layers.

Shit. I don't want to get excited, but the armored vehicles are cool. I'm a sucker for trucks.

i joined some mode where if you ignored the objective and slaughtered NPCs you got a good million for 20 mins effort or so. this was just last week

> lets use more unneeded spaces in greentext
> maybe just a few more

>let me just back myself up hold on-

>now i'll use some grammar to pretend i'm different

Haven't heard of that, but then again I haven't played in a few months.

considering it's a guy who puts having beers on some sort of social-master pedestal, it's probably just one layer of pasty cheeto-assassin
shut up you asocial midget

OK buddy.

muh dick

>i'll just refresh my dynamic IP
>that'll show him

Remember what it was called?

You don't even know what asocial means you fucking vape monkey.

> can't make friends in a sandbox videogame
> better explode my asshole online about it

Believe whatever makes you feel better pal.

it was pretty lowkey, just got invited to some 'lotsa cash' named thing, tried it out, and the host told me not to cap the flag and just have fun making money

so we did. i dunno if the reward would be higher or lower with more players but with two of us we each landed about a million once all the rounds finished up

PS4, I should specify too, though i dunno if jobs are different between versions or not

whoa what the fuck happened to gtao? dropped it a looong time ago

> still uses retarded unnecessary spaces in greentext
>actually thinks his SJW nigger shit is affecting me
You're late for your daily lootbox opening.

Sure thing, Chris-Chan.

nobody plays this garbage

its just saints row now and GTA O is just kids, ghetto faggots, brazillians, mexicans, and russians

This is like, a whole new level of projecting, holy shit.

oh it's
Hi friend. What's your alias this time? Bell end?

seek help

>links a post twice
>let's play pretend some more, user!

so basically you play games and don't even have any friends to talk to about them, besides other faggots like you here on 4chinks who're too aspie to use the mic in public lobbies
that's it, that's your story
sounds shit
instead tell us about them BEERS you managed to cop outside the walmart you work at, with your best real life close knit circle group friend - the janitor
did you go home after to angrily play gta online lone wolf style? or did you put on your big boy pants and go out after you crazy pregame sesh, to hit on them laaaadiez?
stupid fucking virgin

>da evul russians!
>flyin cawrz!

>targets people on Sup Forums
>is posting on Sup Forums
>implying there are any walmarts here or anywhere nearby
>fat fucking cheesebuger nigger

>did you go home after to
Speeek Englesh.
>and they say i'm projecting

check out this virgin over here still pretending he doesn't "want" to have vidya friends

>still keeps using virgin as an insult on Sup Forums
>the same guy that thinks im putting having beers with irl friends on a pedestal


you did put it on a pedestal though, you put it there big time
and now that you've mentioned how you're totally not asshurt about it, you've proven it to be true as well
14 year olds go for beers for their friends, bud
con fuckin gratys

>14 year olds go for beers with their friends
Further proof of disability and overall dyslexia.

>you did put it on a pedestal though
I mentioned it. In once sentence. If anything, you're proving your insecurity of virginity by posting it as an insult towards an ANONYMOUS person THREE TIMES.

Can't wait for flying pegasi mounts in RDRO

Why should i reinstall this game?

They nerfed the previous heists

The lobbies are shit

the items in the game are designed to be cashgrabs

Hackers rule the online part

>being so bad you can’t into money management
I bought all of the most expensive properties by playing the game. Play 2x XP gamemodes and buy shit when it goes on discount. Sell high end cars and make bank.

>get money from hackers
>quickly spend it all before Rockstar remove them
>can now enjoy the game

>money management on GTAO
Pop that on your CV and see what your next interviewer thinks.

I agree with all except Valkyrie since you can just outspeed them, land, and shoot rockets at them as they catch up.

Also tfw had to learn how to fucking solo the Deliver EMP heist since people are legitimate retards.

Just get a trainer or a ped dropper or whatever. They still work.