Name one (1) girl that is good at video games.
Protip: you fucking can't. Girls barely play games and those that do are fucking terrible at them. They only ever stick to playing as healers or support if possible because of their natural, instinctive drive to act as caregivers.
Name one (1) girl that is good at video games
My ex is good at playing with my heart
Why women are like this anons?
The top female (male) gamers all used to be or are still technically guys so...
recommend shooter with qt grill mc other than tomb raider plox
only the cute women are
>you will never be a qt girl with a gun in your mouth
why do i even wake up?
Why do people still make these threads? It's not like "girls are good at video games too!" is a popular opinion on Sup Forums. Everyone here already knows that women don't really play video games so these threads just devolve into r9k tier women hate threads.
Since women exist only to be used as meat. They want nothing more than for a man to control them and to use them. To be molded into a little whore, her skills and your desires put at the forefront.
Finding a piece of clay worthy of molding over an extended period of time is a fucking pain though.
I played wow with one, she was decent. Ended up exchanging phone numbers and then having phone sex. I lived my parents house at the time, and would have to go outside and then walk into the woods to jerk off while talking to her. I would come back inside a few minutes later with leaves and dirt on my back. One night my dad went out to where I had just finished jerking off with a flashlight to investigate what I was doing in the woods every night.
I will never forget the look on his face when he shined his flashlight on my pile of cum that was on top of a bunch of leaves.
Girls play games, op.
They just play them on your heart, not on console or pc.
Who's that?
I wanted to post a counter-argument, but even after a lot of research, i can't. Well played user
lmao. Your dad's hilarious.
>says women are terrible at games
>plays mmo moba dogshit like a fucking casual teenage girl
the ironing is delicious
Why did she have to toy with me! She fucking used me man... I loved her...
Your protip reflects a statistical trend, but even bell curves have extremes. It would be more accurate to state that MOST women are not as good at video games as MOST men.
There’s a chick that plays cod4 that I’m freinds with on Xbox live that pretty consistently comes in 1st or second.