The Video Game Awards 2017

The Video Game Awards 2017

MGS6:Death Stranding

9 hours to go.


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I wanna suck carmels feminine penis and fuck venom snek in the bum

>MGS6:Death Stranding

I can't imagine being this retarded, even ironically.


>joost is the boss
>mads is the sorrow
>norman is solid
>keifer is big boss

Fucking confirmed.

the fetus is ocelot
del taco is a philosopher


too bad the series is dead

>People actually want DS to be MGS or SH instead of something new
Also who is this carmel person people keep posting about


Caramel suicide stream when???

Nailed it, user.

>stolen baby
>c-section scar
>normandy 1944
>soldier controlling the dead in a river

made by the real boss (using a skull logo) who has continued his work in secret while the "war economy" continues as a decoy

>konami erasing kojima's name from games in the lead-up to TPP, just like the blacklight in GZ (exactly one year after GZ's release)
>the PT hype and denial
>leaving KOTF out of TPP.
>we have literally been made to feel a phantom pain

can you imagine the shitstorm if it was though?

9hrs to Peace

What did Kojima mean by this?




6 = e

What did he mean by this?

e = end?

That was posted in fucking September

What's your point? He's been working on it since at least 2014.

He warned us, 2 weeks after that he met up with Geoff and the King Kong director with his team to discuss stuff and drink

Doesn't Konami own the rights? No way this will fly.


The bad blood is a false flag.


does reddit allow for you to edit a posts afterwards? i remember someone tricking gabe into saying HL3 was in production by editing a post.

surely guillermo would know this by now, he seems pretty savvy with tech and does ama often it feels like. so the fact that he didn't just edit koinma into kojima furthers the theory i feel like.



it would say if he edited the comment

It would be one of the craziest things fucking ever in the video game industry. But what would even be the point of the ruse? Like seriously it's been two years since mgsv, no one fucking cares about it anymore. This would do nothing, but it would amazing simply from a wtf angle

But that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, since Konami lost a lot of revenue due to this. Why set up this ruse if you fuck up your business like this?


Koinma = KONAMI

Not if he edits it fast enough


What do tin cogs have to do with anything?


>since Konami lost a lot of revenue due to this.
why do people keep saying this?

a very small minorty of the gaming population even fucking know who kojima is, or even fucking care about the konami scandal. there's not nearly as many metal gear solid fans as you think there are, they are just a dedicated group. how could they have possibly LOST revenue if MGSV was successful? It made all its money back on day 1 iirc.

Hey remember when MGS2 was going to be MGS2 -and- MGS III.

Wait a second...
The number 6...
September is the ninth month of the year... 9
6 is an opposite of 9..
Putting them together would make.. 69!

>mfw europoor
Tell me guys where can I watch the livestream and read the caramel gets btfo thread?

Konami didn't lose any revenue. They actually made more since the split from Kojima.

So, in the end, was he a CG or not?

So should i buy shares in Konami now?

But seriously, MGSV should have shown how history was written to demonize Big Boss as a ruthless merc who was preventing US global domination due to holding significant military power. And they should of done something big at the end, such as Liquid using the Metal Gear with Russian nukes, trying to nuke the US to begin WW3 and BB having to take the fall to prevent it, becoming a wanted man and the US and USSR teaming up to take him down - then ends with the opening scene of Solid infiltrating Outer Heaven.

My shitty fan writing is already 1000X better than MGSV

How would he make Death Stranding a MGS Continuation unless Sony pulled some weird hostile takeover shit of Konami



I see, I just checked it up and you guys are right. I somehow recalled them making less since the split up.

But I still can't wrap my head around the Ruse Idea just yet. Part of me WANTS to believe. But after seeing SURVIVE and PACHINCO I kind of dislike the idea of another MGS. Also because V had a lot of cut content.


inb4 caramel

Sweet my ban is over so I can keep on shitting on Caramel.

what did kojima mean by this?

nice try user I ain't clicking your degenerate shit

he did say it would be carrer suicide user

I really hope Death Stranding isn't MGS... I would rather it be Silent Hills.

Googled that shit. It's Lego Batman and Killer Croc
>Kojima has Lego as avatar on twitter
>Killer Croc
>A Croc is a reptile just like a Snake
>Batman - The Dark Knight
>A Parentless Defender of humanity (Like Solid Snake?)

>Top of the Helmet looks a bit like a snake

I think I should just stop.

Kojima is filming a porno confirmed

some guy sitting on cake


Holy fug I didn't know this was tonight

>some guy


MGS, SH, Death Stranding

I honestly don't give a shit because I'm a literal Kojima fanboy and I assume it.
I know Kojima is partnered with Sony on this, but any chance of this also being released on PC? For whatever reason my DS4 controllers won't connect to my PS4. It hasn't been that big of a deal since the only thing worth playing on PS4 is Miku currently.

do i stay up till 1:30am to watch this?

I'm getting scared.

Sure, whatever happens it'll be fun on Sup Forums.

never ever

How much does he loves this drink.

I want Kojimas brain inside my head.

What is that?

Kojima confirmed that the Ludens character in their logo has nothing to do with the actual game. It's just a Shinkawa design based on the logo of the people they hired to manage their online marketing....

>Gabe rolls up on stage
>Large 3 appears on the display behind him
>"I'm glad to announce the third chapter in...... MGS V The Phantom pain"


I'm debating this with myself as well, it will happen at 2:30 am where I live. I hope Demo streams it

what will you do if caramel is right for once
who am i kidding

vitamin C shot

But they added a skull face because reasons

Kojimbo started working on vidya in 1986


Kojima got fucking fired from Konami, you faggot. There is no MGS6.

>The table is set, and Kojima giddily gets ready to get his photo taken with his biggest idol, Mads Mikkelsen.
>Kojima has never been happier. Mikkelsen is the penultimate Scandinavian god; his voice makes women melt and his alphaness commands a kind of respect that even world leaders can't live up to. Kojima is in the same room as this man, eating ramen noodles and drinking sake with him.
>Kojima: So, you rike Japan?
>Mads: I find its customs and its people very charming.
>K: *blushes* I saw you in Hannibal. You are what this game needs. Do you rike vidyo games?
>M: Sure, games can be fu-
>K: Wow, I love them too! Wow.
>M: Y-yes.
>K giggles. Mads musters a smile.
>K: You stay in our house tonight. I insist.
>M: No, I couldn't. The hotel is fine.
>K: Nono, is fine. You take bed. Joost and I can sreep on couch.
>M: Really, I don't want to intrude-
>K: Nono, I meant you sreep with Joost and I take couch. I insist. You big movie star. You need big house. I make sake and we can talk arr night rong. Wouldn't that be great?
>M fakes a polite smile and takes a big chug of his sake

He always come at the last second to stream shit like this have hope.


>Tfw they didn't include the manji on the revised version.

now THAT'S scary

>makes Moby Dick Studio
>makes 7780s Studio
>makes 'new' Kojima Productions

>He believes this

>you sleep with Joost


Of course not. We still don't even have MGS5, after all.

Kojima was never fired from Konami because he never worked for Konami BECAUSE KONAMI NEVER EXISTED. It is a figment of your imagination that was subconsciously placed into your mind in MGS2

Of course I believe this. Konami is a stock company, they are not allowed to lie about Kojima getting the boot.

The only thing I want is something that either explains or rectons MGSV. I don't care if Kojima isn't involved and Survive has to be that retcon so long as things make sense.


All these ruses for so many years

What the hell goes though Kojima's mind on a day to day basis?

Which makes this even more insane. There will be dozens of Japanese businessmen going to prison in order to bring us MGS6. Kojima is a genius.

Why not? It's streaming at 2:30 for me.

Why the fuck would they not mention central european time

If you flip the numbers and reverse them, you get this link

Operation Intrude, I'm scared

came here for this