Why didn't Ciri just shoot Eredin?

Ciri can travel into any world at will. She even described in-game, how she once visited a world where people get implanted with microchips in their brains and wage war using satelites.
So why didn't Ciri just hop into one of those futuristic worlds, grab a blaster and shoot Eredin and his Wild Hunt? It sure would be more useful than whacking heavily armored elves with a sword.

Pls respond

Because the writers didn't want to pull anymore than they have to out of their asses. Because that's the version of the game available in this timeline. Maybe you should have hopped into the best timeline when you had the chance where Ciri turned Witcher 3 into high budget Armored Core game midway.

Plothole I guess. If I recall correctly, in the books she jumped only to worlds with approximately same tech level(for example our world in medieval times), so that wasn't an issue, but game writers probably didn't really think the implications of her jumping to some sci-fi world trough.
Maybe she just went there for a short while and quickly jumped elsewhere because of how overwhelming this world was for her?
By the way, correct me If I remember it wrong, since it's been a while, but didn't the books end with her settling down in our world(getting married to one of Arthurs' knights I think) and games just completely ignored that?

Because she's married to me.

Dumb waifufag

why doesn't she just use her powers a bunch in that world and trick eredin into invading cyberpunk 2077?

Because people in CP2077 will just treat Eredin as some radical marketing strategy by some megacorp somewhere and probably join in on his shit for the laughs. He'd probably be able to track down Ciri easier there too considering majority of CP cities are surveillance states.

Witcher 3 doesn't have that great of writing. Main reason people think it's good is because "oh this is so cool hanging out with geralts friends" or "oh this is so dark and mature."

cyberpunk we deserved

What people liked was having almost all quests with some story rather than 'kill XX goblins' or 'go fetch my boots'. Even if most quests were resolved the same way (go there, follow red tracks, make a moral decision, kill some monsters).

This honestly, W3 writing was shit compared to 1 and 2, excluding the Bloody Baron arc and DLCs

It is never EVER explicitly stated that the devices are technological in nature.
I overheard some people talking about that scene and say "It's implied Ciri actually went to our world during the world war!"
It's just way too vague - if you recall from the Witcher 2 one of the witches uses a magic WMD that permanently scars a battlefield and singlehandedly destroys two worn-out armies.

So firstly: What Ciri is talking about could also be magical in nature, and therefore roughly on par with the already dimension travelling magic of the elves,
and secondly: even if she did have a gun it might be that crude bullets might lack the strength of character, the literal power of a person, to fight through Eredin's defenses

There are people out there who think Witcher 3 has the best writing in a game ever.

In reality its some Polack riding on the Game of thrones hype wave.

>I have no idea what the fuck am I talking about: the post
First, Sapkowski didn't write for the games and second, his books are much older than GoT(TV series, not sure about the books but I think as well)

Witcher is at its best when it's grounded.

Epic fantasy is always shit.

le ebin baron abortion quest

This. I liked Witcher 3 (and it’s my first Witcher game) but the overarching story wasn’t great. Didn’t give a fuck about muh wild hunt or Ciri, just wanted to dick around in fantasy medieval Europe as Geralt.

The books are fucking trash too user but yes I am aware that Witcher 3 deviates from them.

Your favourite game is shit.

Its described in the books.
She is the traveller that can travel through world but she doesnt mastered her powers yet, she is forced to go through one world to another like on shuffle without a clear destination.

Its cool described in the books when she
1. meets the knight of Arthur and Merlin etc
2. some german knight in todays Poland
3. a world where she is nearly fucked by some incest cannibal

Your opinion on them doesn't matter, the author had nothing to do with the games' production(which is why he's so butthurt about them) and definitely didn't rip off fucking GoT considering that most Witcher books came out before Martin wrote the first one of his

And it's not my favourite game, I myself stated(in a post you fucking replied to) that its writing is shit. I'm just pointing out your dumb shitposter mistakes, stop projecting

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