>boss gets killed in one hit
Boss gets killed in one hit
Other urls found in this thread:
In Japan, though?
Harry Potter crashing on his Nimbus 2000.
>0,001% of instakill any enemy
>land the crit on the boss
Angry nip bring much dishonour to commie with steel folded thousand times.
Local boy saves Japan from Communists
>games where your character saves his own country
Dark Souls 2 does this with Pursuer and Dragonrider.
assassin class instantkills on crit.
Just think, somewhere out there, there's a person who had absolutely nothing better to do with his time than to make this thread. Really makes you appreciate your own life
someone put B&W santa hat on this pls
> cool boss dies halfway through the game and is cheaply replaced by some unknown guy
> H-he's s-scary guys! The cool boss was even afraid of blandy mcblandy
>Asanuma was assassinated by a nationalist while speaking in a televised political debate in Tokyo.
Watch out for those nazi nationists dogg
Based Nippon saves Japan from being infested with commies
now Jews fear the samurai
Commie cunt getting run through with superior Nippon steel.
I laghed more than I should at this
>murdering someone because you disagree with their political ideology
Congrats on being no better than the communists you hate so much
What happened to the boy? Was he killed?
He got arrested and committed suicide in prison.
Fuck off bootlicker.
>it's bad to exterminate rats that are infesting your property and spreading disease
Go back to your vegan general.
Damn, he was legit
Communists are really dangerous. Should be imprisoned, not killed, but I think the prison part was out of the question in this case
*pssh* nothing personal, kid.
Sure thing Putin!
Not prison, police custody
>Yamaguchi mixed a small amount of toothpaste with water and wrote on his cell wall, "Seven lives for my country. Long live His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor!"
>Yamaguchi then knotted strips of his bedsheet into a makeshift rope and used it to hang himself from a light fixture.
Pretty rad man.
I think you're a rat.
Pre-emptive violence is sometimes required. Communism kills. One life wasted is better than another million.
Yeah, communism really worked out for those countries.
>inb4 it wasn't real communism!
Only retards that have never had actual communists in their country want them.
>We love le communism!
>But we hate le Russia and le ex KGB leader!
Sure thing Mao!
17 year old saves his country from communism
Samurai killes a leftist race traitor
How does Sup Forums feel about the comments?
>he never played an SMT game
You say this but if it involved you you would probably back out like a little bitch.
>M-Muh horseshoe theory
hey, i want to join in the "post pictures of ugly people who support who i dont like" movement!
The Mysterio joke in Spider-Man 2 was hilarious.
>Story "pike the kike in disguise" Yamaguchi
Why do Americans still get triggered over Communism so much? Do they secretly know that Capitalism is a failure and they just don't want to admit it to themselves?
other than Titan souls, what games do that?
>this one man...saved anime...
Well shit hes probably not wrong
Don't worry french nigger I'm european and i hate commies.
>Boss is immune to insta-kill
___ ___ ____ ___ _______
>some fucker was lucky enough to snipe the
perfect moment of this incident
>boss can be hit by instakill attacks
>has worked well enough so far
>lack of any serious alternatives
Capitalism is failing but Communism has never succeeded so by that virtue alone Capitalism>Communism.
>le not real le communism le never been tried before le
You're not european anymore britbong
>Health items are over expensive
>1960 post WWII pre anime loli jap game country
>communists are taking over in elections
>"lets surrender to china and stay a poor hell hole forever because communism is so great"
>stupid gooks falling for it
>based 17 year old is tired of it
>attends event of the head commie fucker himself
>rushes stage with short katana
>slams it into commie scum killing him with the force of all his ancestors
>saves japan from communism
>anime thrives
>vidya thrives
>JAV porn thrives
>manga thrives
>technology thrives
People dont really understand how this kid saved the country
it hasnt tho
Because Communism ruins EVERYTHING. At least with capitalism there are many benefits even if it does eat itself.
>At least with capitalism there are many benefits even if it does eat itself.
Yeah, if you're born already rich like your asshole president.
>>"lets surrender to china and stay a poor hell hole forever because communism is so great"
That's funny since China is the richest country in the world right now. Not that I think what happened was bad, but still.
>stupid gooks falling for it
Communism in Japan was always a non issue
what a success, I can't imagine how awful life would be without all that stuff
Fuck off Sup Forums
>lets forget the 30 million that had to die first
I don't think you know what 'per capita' means
China is captialist.
look at his hand
he knows the sweet embrace of death is coming
you probably don't buy lootboxes either poorfag
the man on the photo is the assassin or the killed communist in his youth?
I'm from the UK he's not my president.
>le capitalism has never killed anyone
lets just ignore all of the famines the brits caused in their colonies.
Just think, if not for based samurai Yamaguchi we may never have gotten all our great Japanese vidya. May he rest in peace.
>some fucker was lucky enough to snipe the perfect moment of this incident
Got the Pulitzer for it too.
Like Poland for example. ~30 years after communism has left it's still got bad living conditions and economy.
Even under capitalism the poorest of the poor is richer than people in communism.
Neither has fascism, it would work you have to believe me.
The kid is the one they are honoring.
Anime when?
The assassin by the looks of it.
yes he is, you're americas bitch now that you left the EU
This looks nothing like the angle of the gif
I wonder what Yukio "Artfag" Mishima had to say about that
People die regardless of the form of government. I'm not even defending communism but you're a retard if you think only communists killed their own people in droves.
i dunno where americans got taught what communism is. its not sjw or vegan or any of that shit. go try telling communist russia theyre soyboys and see how you get on. i think american schools just refused to teach communism and just told them it was bad and jews are good over and over and to buy schoolbooks for 100 dollars a pop
>in their colonies
That's the difference nigger,communists exterminate their own people.
> There are people who unironically wouldn't kill commies given the chance.
What's wrong with you people?
China's government is Communist.
Had he not killed that commie, you wouldn't be here being a little bitch right now.
>whine endlessly about how you shouldn't be violent against neonazis
>"you can just call anyone on the right nazis! It isn't right!"
>glorify killing of communists while painting all non-conservatives as communists
the lack of self-awareness is hysterical, no wonder your country is fucked
>look at China Communism works!
>ruling Communist party in complete control
>suicide nets around factories and office buildings
>horrible long hours of backbreaking labour
>people dying in the street and getting devoured by escalators daily
Woah Communism is about overthrowing the ruling class in favour of the rule of the people and community cooperation, I get it now!
I can't. No helicopter.
I was actually reading up on this recently funny seeing again on 4chins of all places
I know an even funnier game, go ask an oldfag from a former soviet country what he thinks of communism.
please, you losers cant even beat up soyboy antifa in the streets
Mishima would have probably supported the action and sung the kids praises.
No one's said capitalism hasn't done any harm you motherfucker you, we're saying communism is an absolutely abysmal alternative. God you people are like a broken record.
> Killing commies is violence.
user, self-defense isn't violence.
>when the communist revolution is just right