Capcom stabs Nintendo in the back by releasing MHW to PS4, XB1 and PC only

>Capcom stabs Nintendo in the back by releasing MHW to PS4, XB1 and PC only
>Switch get MHXX instead which is a port from 3DS

Is this the biggest betrayal in gaming history?

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As a person who fell for the Wii U meme, I'm extremely happy to see Nintendo babies screeching about losing their games.
This is what you deserve.

What? MH had an exclusity deal or something? Doesn't really explain why Frontier is on every goddamn platform.

Same tbqh, people who cry over what system Monster Hunter is on isn't a Monster Hunter fan.

>MH originally on playstation
>Tri was some wii bullshit
>4 and X on 3DS
>switch back to sony

>Biggest betrayal
>Monhun started on Sony
>Now is going back to sony

two more months boyos. I cant wait

this. nintendo home consoles can't be trusted

Nintendbros are still mad about losing Monster Hunter.

I imagine so since they are seething and pulling out potential sales constantly.

Real question is if they were fans to begin with, because putting it on the Switch will just be massive regression and most people want the series to move forward.

>Sony mishandled MH IP
>MH devs wants nothing to do with Sony after MH3 and goes to Nintendo
>Release 3U, 4, X release 3Ds
>MH dev comes back to suck Sony's dick by releasing MHW

MH devs are nothing but two faced hypocrites

>Sony mishandled
Capcom literally said they released on the most popular console at the time. You are just spouting rumors and speculation.

The only partnership made was Iwata over the 3DS.

Are there people who seriously want to play Monster hunter on a kid's video game console?

alt-steam PC release WHEN?

>expecting loyalty from crapcom

at the end of the day nintendo consoles couldnt offer what they wanted to do with the franchise. you couldnt make a game like this on the switch

Switch fanboys are the port beggers of the gen, they want all the games on the Switch, even if they run and look like shit. Its a console brand thing.

its because they have no games other than first party nintendo games and ports. the nintendo games are great but youll probably get 4 good ones a year, so the rest has to rely on ports

>because putting it on the Switch will just be massive regression
The Switch isn't the 3DS

You clearly don't own a Switch.

Are you enjoying Xenoblade 2 in crisp 368p?

>you couldnt make a game like this on the switch
Where is this coming from lol

MHW is nothing impressive, its only impressive compared to the other MH games

its also not the pc/xb1x

So? Doesn't change his statement.

Didn't you play MH in 240p?

You don't own a Switch if you played and seen the games. I own one myself, its an extremely limited platform. Even tons of indie games had issues running and needed delayed patches.

Even simple games tax the console excessively, look at xenoblade. If World has to run at 360p, whats the point of even getting it on the Switch? Not to mention the performance is awful.

>tfw no MHW on switch

>we should deal with slightly less shitty things, because we dealt with shittier things in the past
Fuck off.

>He actually has a image for this exact situation and finds it within minutes of the OP..

Are you batman?

Of course it does

What proof of concept does the Switch have that even comes close to world? Even Mario is testing its limits and needs res scaling and dof tricks to hide the hitches.

No, it doesn't. It still would be held back.

it makes sense that MHW isn't on switch but I'd eat my shoe if no monhun besides XX really doesn't make it to switch. they can't ignore the switch's success if they want to make as much money as possible

It's not a double "X" it's a double CROSS

>Even simple games tax the console excessively
Like the PS4 couldn't handle Tetris?

>No handheld MH

I'll pass.

Whats being held back lol

I dunno,why don't you show me whats so impressive about World at all compared to other games this gen

What does that have to do with the Switch exactly? Were using first party game examples here too, which have no excuse.

MHW is not anything amazing from a technical standpoint, they could have put together something that works exactly the same way on the PS3 or Xbox 360.

>plays 240p MH fine
>720p screen MH is unacceptable

I'm still gonna play world but this is killing me too. portable gaming is like 70% of my gaming time since my job takes up so much of my time

They are being kind enough to release Megaman 11 for the Switch as well.


Again, give me a comparable proof of concept game on the Switch that you think it can even handle World.

See above. Its not super amazing looking, but it has a ton of modern effects, lighting and much better texturing, animation, AI dynamics, etc.

You said simple games taxed it and i showed you simple games taxed the PS4. Whats your point lol

Oh ok, software engineer, my mistake.

Switch can't run MH World at 720p. Xenoblade 2 doesn't even look as detailed as MH World, and it runs it at fucking 360p lmao

>MH devs wants nothing to do with Sony
that myth has been debunked dumbass

Again, what does that have to do with the Switch being unable to run the game?

>MHXX was a launch title on South Korea Switch

t. your ass

I have like 1500 hours in FU and im kinda happy that capcom want to release monsta hunta worudo in playstation but, seriously what the fuck is this casual shit? Is the generic dino-kun that dumb? Holy shit fucking westerns

>kid's video game console
did you also have a kid's PC when you were younger or was it just a regular PC ?

Ubisoft's tetris fuckfest is anything but simple.

>open world vs tiny ass pool

It's the biggest blunder in history maybe

>Xenoblade 2 doesn't even look as detailed as MH World
Xenoblade also has bigger maps than world

you can say "muh 360p" all you like but you still played MH in 240p so you're looking like a huge hypocrite right now

>not super amazing looking
not the same guy but
are we thinking about the same game? MHW looks amazing. what are you comparing it to?

Xenoblade 2 isn't open world, it's just a bunch of fairly large areas that are segmented.
XC2's world feels way more linear and constrained than XCX's world and even XC1's world.

You mean the thing you have no proof of ?

The Switch D44M port serves as a good proof of concept for everything on the graphical side, as for anything technical the game does, I can cite several PS2 games that can do the same thing.


>people unironically think MHW can run on switch

at 360p without shadows maybe

so the 3DS games then

It's MT Framework. It could run on a toaster.

you mean monster hunter ten ten

>Xenoblade also has bigger maps than world
It doesn't. 2's maps are incredibly small compared to XCX and XC. They're basically just really wide hallways.

>mh series finally has a chance to modernize
>for the literal first time since 2004
>nintendo idiots think we should accept a gimped switch port because all of the other games were gimped too

Nintendo fans just want the entire industry to stagnate as long as they get their Mario games and ports.

>They're basically just really wide hallways.
Oh no someone fell for Blunderfags memes

japanese sales dont mean shit for this game. its marketed toward the west. if it flops there then sure

i own a 65" 4k oled, i my eyes gets physically hurt by viewing 360p content.

XX is a better monhun so not really.

So who played the beta? I had downloaded it but worked all weekend. Is it any good? This will be my first Monster Hunter so I'm looking forward to it.

>not monster hunter slightly less sexy edition

I wait for this every thread

Ur mum is segmented, yo mum so biiiiig, she uses duramboros tail as a buttplug

>Buys Vita
>No MH
>Buys Switch
Damn I feel sorry for people who did this.

There's a big difference aesthetically between a game designed for low or high resolutions. It shows in an awful way when you take a game made for high red and start lowering textures into ugly smears, butchering draw distance and having finer details get lost in a mess of a handful of pixels

>MHfags all of a sudden care about performance and graphics with their first real HD game when they've been on 240p handhelds for almost a decade
Yeah I don't buy it


Do you agree that Souls games are less niche than Monster Hunter?
Do you know that Bloodborne didn't even do 3m WORLDWIDE?
How much do you think MHW will sell on the Xbox? Exactly.
How much do you think it will sell on the PC? Not only that. but let's keep in mind that Valve will take a 30% cut and the majority of people will either pirate it, buy it off of a key site (no money for capcom at all due to stolen CCs) or wait for to be 50% off on a sale (of which valve still takes 30%)

Now tell me: Do you really think Capcom will make enough money to make the fact that MHW is multi-platform and way more expensive to make than all previous MHs worth it?

Definitely over reacting, doesn’t look bad in most parts and flows perfectly fine throughout

personally I like what MHW is doing but I do find it funny that people ITT are assuming only nintendo fans hate this game. FU elitists, people who prefer portable monhun, etc are also not fond of world

So you're saying you bought a TV with a really shitty upscaler, and you're taking it out on random people on the internet? Ok then.

you miss quote??

or you too stupid to get it

They put a shitty filter over Xenoblade 2 to hide this

I suspect that game is gonna get patched because the main culprit of the Switch not being able to handle it is a memory leak bug

you dont know how many people have been waiting to play monster hunter games but didnt want to play on a handheld or look at 240p shit. i think youll be surprised at how well it does especially on pc

Pretty sure the Capcom Five getting PS2 ports was a bigger betrayal.

>no monhun
Practice ur nihon ワイト ピグ

It's only a "betrayal" if you're personally invested in the Nintendo brand.

you wouldn't know since you don't own a real tv.

Think again

If you say so. I have my doubts about MHW even doing 6m worldwide and that's probably less than Capcom would want from it to be worth all the extra budget and effort.

Practice your English reading skills, weeb.

>make 10,000 annually for years
>offered a new job which pays you 75,000 a year
>tell boss you’re leaving to take the new position

if the game scores well it will sell well. up to the devs really.

It's garbage and the worst possible way to be introduced to the series.
You won't really grasp anything about any other installment if you start with World.

Not even close. The whole snafu between nintendo and the playstation is.

>jew analogies
>False equivalencies

not a misquote. a joke. XXX signaling a porn movie. XX slightly less sexy. typical worldbab too stupid to realize

If scores meant anything Bloodborne would have sold more than 3m copies to 70m PS4 owners.

>Telling others to practice moonrunes
>Can't even spell things correctly