Do you like video games?
Do you like video games?
Why is she playing Mass effect with a controller?
why is he playing ass effect without a controller?
I like video game lolis.
is he going to be okay?
Just think, somewhere out there, there's a person who had absolutely nothing better to do with his time than to make this thread. Really makes you appreciate your own life.
there a lesbian version?
>taking Sup Forums seriously
Made me think
>that sweet ass
>those stirrup leggings
oh my god, sauce please
I mainly like video games with large amounts of replay value. I want my game to be an adventure, not a movie.
How can some males be this lucky? Is not fair
Open cuny
If you weren't a repellent alt-right frogposting loser who felt owed sex by women that maybe could've been you.
who else /muchtheonion/ here?
>that surprised look she give you when you first lick her butthole
I feel like this place has some weird obsession with facesitting. I can never tell if its a common kink or just the sheer amount of lonely subs here
>me eat ass,delicious
>Sup Forums
Why do you assume this?
leftist shitters associate Pepe the frog with the alt right, the alt right loves it, and the rest of us don't give a fuck
>over 20 replies already
>no source
me eating the banana
>baginas on Sup Forums