How come an interesting universe as W40k only gets mediocre games?
How come an interesting universe as W40k only gets mediocre games?
DoW I is one of the best games ever
Not to mention Armageddon and Sanctus Reach. Sure, Armageddon is just a reskin of Panzer Corps but that shit's fun.
Because mediocre devs keep asking GW for the WH40k IP.
It's a terribly made RTS with god tier voice acting
Because games workshop literally only gives the license to 40k out to shit devs so the video games won't "compete" with their terribly overpriced board game shit.
DoW1 came out more than a decade ago
GW doesn't want competition
More people playing 40k video games = less people playing the tabletop game
A shit game though will make newcomers think, "the lore is awesome but the game is shit. Guess I'll have to play the tabletop game if I want more of this."
>DoW1 came out more than a decade ago
Implying that DoW1 doesn't hold up
>Its another W40k Turn based indie game episode.
Warhammer fantasy gets great games like Total War and Vermintide. What the fuck happened to W40k games? If they're going to make Turn based games, I wish it was like Chaos gate.
Because it's not an interesting universe.
that's the million dollar question. my guess is that GW's main profits are in tabletop and they don't want an actually good game stealing away some of their cash, so they license the IP to mediocre at best studios to prevent that from happening because they know the games they produce will be bad.
DOW1 and DOW2 (it was still very good you faggots) were anomalies, as was space marine. they were accidentally good games. DOW3 was a retched pile of shit somehow and I'm afraid that's the last we'll ever see of good 40k games it seems.
the emperor protects
Here’s your (You)
shit studios keep getting the license for it. fact is there are a fuck ton of 40k games, but they all. fucking. suck. except for like 2 or 3 of them but that's it.
Not in like an insulting way, it's just not interesting. Humanity struggles against aliens and powers of the cosmos.
Why would it, though, honestly? You don't see people quitting D&D after the release of Baldur's Gate, and those games were almost similar to running a one-shot of pre-made WotC adventure.
They should make a Gears of War- esque game for 40K.
They should make a Gary Grigsby's War in the West/East-esque game for 40k you mean.
t. Nier and SMT player.
>tabletop 40k gets better
>40k vidya crashes and burns
>tabletop Fantasy is literally killed off
>gets best GW-licensed game of all time
What did GW mean by this?
You should have just said it's too grimdark and edgy, which would have been an actual critique.
Summarize anything like that and it's bland.
Now imagine if 40k actually updated to resemble a modern fucking wargame with all the innovations that have occurred in the genre