Why is the community so shit for this game? Everywhere I go, it's just constant racism, shittalking and bad mechanics

Why is the community so shit for this game? Everywhere I go, it's just constant racism, shittalking and bad mechanics.

Welcome to the Internet.

Why does that make it okay though

>constant racism

t. gook

why are you surprised that the community for an historical semi realistic first person shooter is mostly conservative/neckbeards?
this is like going on /k/ and being disgusted all they talk about is guns

Shit game, shit community.

go fuck off retard.

t. always gets killed within 30 seconds of spawning

>constant racism

Why would this bother you? are you a nigger or something?

Can you set the vector for napalm strikes yet?

I never understood this. Communists arn't people.

No I just want team chat to have some actual good and productive communication as opposed to a bunch of racist nazi kids yelling slurs left and right. It's sickening that the servers or the developers do nothing to stop this behavior.

/neo/fag pls leave. Take your virtue signaling with you.

Not sure but i hope they add it soon. Also proximity chat is fucking great.

I don't know why a nigger would get offended at this game. Everyone is making fun of gooks, kangaroos, or GIs. It's actually one of the few historical FPS that actually makes sense to have black people, so no one ever complains about that.

I'm just going to assume youre not an overly sensitive kansas city faggot. Basically what I notice in this game is that teams tend to get stacked as the games go on. So if your team is full of shitters that aren't working as a team, the other team probably is fine.

But if youre just complaining about people saying the word "gook" then you can fuck off. Since there is a good foreign player base, I notice that most the people make fun of GIs more than anything.

then join a lefty safe space discord retard and mute the game voip, there are tons out there. Is this your first day on the net or something?

jesus. Bunch of whiny little bitches these days.

Sounds like you need to go home GI.

When's ARVN

Do you also complain about people calling Germans "Hans", or Russians "Ivan"?

Stop being such a pussy and enjoy the game.

>Constant racism
All I remember is some harmless rice and yankee jokes. what re you on about?

If you are refering to Gook. Gook is derogatory slur. Hans and Ivan are real names.

We should be calling them zipperheads, anyways

Why does it make it wrong? Who gives a shit? Its based on a real war don't be a bitch when people rp

Lefties are just mad there isn't an option to throw literal shit on the GIs when they get home from the war

And they're used in a deogratory manner. Doesn't matter if it's a slur or not.

Getting upset about some folks using "gook" is fucking stupid.

>its an unfunny faggot wont stop his "gook roleplay" episode
Repeating "American Pig-Dog" over and over again isn't funny, faggot. At least "GO HOME GI" still gets a chuckle out of me.
Reminder if you don't taunt the enemy team over positional VOIP you're a scrub.

Mute the voip dude.

I like telling Charlie they can call me John Wayne, though.

Why should I have to inconvenience myself when the world should change for me?

I know it's you Sup Forums you can stop falseflagging now you cheeky cunt.

I see you there faggot!

Well youre asking me to change myself by muting them, why cant they all change themselves by not being racists?

The racism is part of the experience since the old rising storm, and can get damm funny if you ask me, especialy with the new 3D VOIP.

It does. Gook is the asian equivalent of Nigger. No way does calling a German Hans invoke nearly enough reaction

>team winning by a large margin on the last point
>run around with my bayonet out chanting "GOOK STAB GOOK STAB"

Sure it does. Just takes the person being called Hans to be an overly sensitive faggot who claims it hurts his feelings like someone being called a nigger.

Maybe it doesn't produce nearly the same reaction, because people don't generally give a shit when the derogatory terms are used against whites.

The term 'Nigger' originated from the latin word 'Niger', meaning black. Used to describe that individual. You can just as well use 'Hans' to describe a German in that way, and the Russians did so, in a derogatory way.

It's the exact same thing. But you don't give a shit about that, do you?

BTFO and enjoy the game

Roo go home

GI go home

GI wife LOVES Cong cock

>constant racism


Same happens with every "realistic" shooter, you get yanks shouting allahu ackbar and death to the infidels in Insurgency. This isn't new.

It's a staple of the genre, really. RPing as the faction you're playing as is half the fun.

>all these other games have it
>therefore it's fine
Do you see the stupidity in your logic here? This should never be fine anywhere and should not be endorsed by the community.

hop along kangaroo

Why not?

sounds like the real vietnam war

Honestly people should be allowed to say whatever the fuck they want on an online video game. Mute those you find offensive, play with people who share your sensitivities, something. Don't foist the responsibility of your crying onto the community having fun and talking shit in a VIDEO GAME.

>Maybe it doesn't produce nearly the same reaction, because people don't generally give a shit when the derogatory terms are used against whites.

So i'm right then. Your opinion does not matter. Neither does mine. I'm not black or asian but if you call some black guy a nigger and he will knock you out and you could lose your job for it. Call a brit Nigel and he will laugh.

>S-Stop playing the games how you've always played them because it hurts my feefees
You're in a place you don't belong complaining about something you don't understand. It's role play. It you don't like it mute them.

>game about killing gooks
yeah that will bring out racism. plus the devs dont care because that makes the experience rather authentic since racism was a big thing during the Vietnam war. In my experience, depending on what side you are on, people roleplay a little and call the Americans dirty dogs or the Vietnamese slant eyes.

No, that's because niggers are typically more violent than the senseful white man.


I keep reading the tittle like "VietnAAA"



mute the guy then faggot