why is this stupid game so stupidly fucking hard?
what the fucking fuck i reached the first boss the Faggotmancer Apprentice and all 4 of my people fucking die of heart attack what the fucking fuck
what the fuck am i ucking supposed to fucking do to win in this goddamn cancer artificial difficulty cancer of a shit game
Why is this stupid game so stupidly fucking hard?
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Just play on easy mode.
A hand's breadth from becoming unwound.
Your people are expendable. You grind so your final team of elite motherfuckers can do one final act and that's basically it.
how the fuck do i do even the first fucking boss
i took the best fucking 4 i got
by the time i reached the boss all of them were having fucking heart attacks for fuck sakes
noiw i lost them all
fuck this shit trash game
refunding right now
why is it that so many who shit on this game say it's hard?
l2 stress management
you are bad at management and bad at planning and bad at strategizing.
>by the time i reached the boss all of them were having fucking heart attacks
Their best wasn't good enough.
It's very grindy. A lot of people don't have time for that and just let their pawns jump into the fray.
How much autist can people be to die on the easiest boss ? All three necromancers is just like a wet fart after hag or vvulf.
>It's very grindy.
they literally added a game mode to stop people from crying.
You're only supposed to start Monster hunter threads with hardcore shitposting
The game is grindy by design. It's just what it is, regardless of game modes.
Give up on the game and come back to it months later. Maybe you'll enjoy it once you've accepted that the game is designed to beat you to a pulp. What doesn't kill your drive to play the game only makes you better. It's alright to give up, the game isn't for everyone.
Your first four and first boss are likely Crusader, Plaguedoctor, Vestal and Highwayman. Make sure you have the two toxic-causing abilities on PD. Make sure Vestal has self heal, party heal, single heal and stun. Make sure the HWM has lunging stab and point blank shot. Make sure the crusader has a stun. Vestal R4, PD R3, HWM R2, Crus R1.
Bring about 12-13 torches, keep the light up at all times. 12 food. A few holy waters, some herbs, 2 shovels at least. When you know you're planning on camping, try to save it for the mid/end of the dungeon and wait for your torch to burn down to maximize gains.
When fighting generic enemies, prioritize rear enemies/stressers first. HWM should lunge, PD throw plague, Vestal use her stun or damage-heal. HWM will be your primary damage-dealer, alternate using lunging stab and then point-blank-shot. PBS will usually 1-shot anything in the first rank except really tanky skeletons, so try to make sure Crusader focuses on stuns or hurting Rank 2. Killing 1 enemy for sure is better than spreading damage out over 3 enemies in a turn. If there's a heavy enemy up front, either stun with Crusader or aim him at weaker targets and soak the damage. Pull up a guide of curios and what to use with them, you're already shit so you may as well just use what help you can get.
Necromancer fight; have Vestal/PD/HWM focus Necromancer. If you're lucky and get stuns off, great, but don't count on it. Just load damage on him with those three, and have Crusader deal with the shitty small undead the Necromancer spawns. If HWM is in rank 1 after a lunge, use his PBS to deal with the small undead instead and let crusader get a hit on Necro. Heal as needed but if you load blights and get decent rolls, Necro should drop in 3-4 rounds easily.
Any there any good and BALANCED class mods out there? Or are they all shit?
literally all shit
fun though, if you're as bad as I am
there has to be some sort of cheap cheesy way or combination of things to do to win in this cancer ass stupid trash game
it's called modding the shit out of it
let me guess, console player?
>fucking hard
mate I'm a pleb and I even play it without light/torch.
Necromancer is easier than The Collector.
why would you even want this thing?
>Actually losing to the first necromancer
This is some quality bait, even idiots on their first run in the game can handle him easily
It's not horrible for a flagellant especially if you specialise him as a healer. He can only use his best heals if his HP is low so there's potential in reducing the self healing he does. There's much better trinkets though, then again there are lots of worse ones, so if you dont luck out that could work.
>tfw no plague doc gf
>Surprises the enemies like 50% of the time
I mean, you can still win with a good strat, but come on man. He got lucky as fuck with that.
Would you Sup Forums?
The sin is not in being outmatched, but in failing to recognize it.
Necromancer is pretty much the boss you try the biggest meme combos on.
Not meme'ing
Get the fucking good, faggot
Just grab a stunner and stun the shit outta of the Apprendice Necro
Then for the regular Necro, use ranged characters to nuke him
My first 'successfull' Party was Vestal, Flagellant, Crussader and Leper, in that order
Use to be even better since it didn't have minus healing before. But with that you could take less food with you and you got a bit of a HP boost. Or you could take as much food as you normally did and not run out of it as quickly depending how many had a Bloodthirst ring. I would often put it on someone like a Vestal or an Antiquarian. Though I don't use it much later in the game due to the other trinkets so I think making it rare is kind of silly since it isn't as good as scouting trinkets.
Biggest pushover reporting in.
You can do that if you keep your light level maxed out.
>entire team is close to heart attacks before you even get to the boss
>still try to fight it
Hahahaha nigga just walk away
Is it any good?
Only downside is kinda low variation of enemies.
Will it be good?
yeah boys!
The Flagellant is pretty fucking good
Bleed based character, huge heal bursts, he will wreck in dungeons with low bleed resistance, such crimson court
I hope so.
And I hope it will be the last dlc so they can start on a sequel.
They cant really keep adding much more stuff because the game will become a clusterfuck.
>tfw have a main religious party and developed the shit outta of the abbey
>this event
The caretaker used my flagellant stress heal REE
>Flag in Warrens.
Cant stop the rape train!
>someone is stressed and only accepts to be destressed in a specific room.
>caretaker occupies that room.
Indeed my brother
Although I ran a support Flagellant, he kept both my Crussader and Leper alive for the entirity of the game, while my Vestal giving secondary support heal, but also nuking and stunning
Too bad when my flagellant died my main party went to shit, he was level 4 in a level 5 party
Lol git gud. It's possible to beat this game without losing a single character on non easy mode.
Equip it before resting to eat 3 food instead of 4. Then take it off before going to battle.
yeah. don't be absolute trash.
Same with me.
Lost my rank 5 flag to because I forgot that those rapier fags in the courtyard got riposte so he got riposted to death when I used the dmg + self heal to attack him.
Took me 10 weeks before I even got 1 in the wagon to at least get one.
And my wagon is 100% uppgraded.
This is a good post.