Can anyone stop SJWs from ruining video games already?
>one of the sexiest and most important wow characters
>turned into a fat blob with retarded pants
Can anyone stop SJWs from ruining video games already?
Why the fuck is she standing like that?
It unironically looks like she's got a 12 inch dick she has to make room for.
Soyboy detected.
t. Low test
Good job, rather than giving any reason for it, you made it so literally no one will care what you have to say and you can be dismissed with a >>>/reddit/
Give them your feedback through official channels once and then simply stop giving them money
Only soyboys are going to defend such degeneracy. You're the reason of white race dying out.
That can mean only one thing
>skintight "evil villainess" catsuit with a high collar and plunging neckline is SJW
What is wrong with OP?
t. bugman
But I thought that everyone loved her thickkk ass and thighs.
The helmet looks ridiculous though.
Go back to tumblr cuck.
shut the fuck up goytoy
>make her sexier
Can’t win with you retards
>the white race is dying out because Blizzard gave mommy dragon yoga pants and thick thighs
>being attracted to a video game character
>actually getting mad over it
Yeah, the look of fat tumblrina is wayy better!
Seek help
Soyboys are leftists (those fighting for censorship and the debeautification/diversification of everything in the media, just for the sake of those values)
You are misusing the term and making yourself look like an idiot.
>that face
Just using your shitty buzzword makes you look like an idiot.
What do you mean? It's perfect..
why does she stand like she shit her diapers
She looks ugly. I could as well play some game with hot girls. I dont wanna look at fat ugly retards in some actiblizz SJW title
Whoever unironically thinks hots team is SJW should hang himself, just because overcucks keep pushing their homos means other teams are the same
Doesnt means
>The grandma of all Dragons
What the fuck is wrong with her head... Her skull is elongated like a fucking alien.
I suppose I can see why some people like her new look though, some people are just attracted to trannies.
>posts a tranny
>Soyboys are leftists
No, they're lowtest, like you.
>ome people are just attracted to trannies
That's the only explanation I can see here, lol. Good thing I don't play hots anymore.
>tfw no matter what you say as long as you put sjw in the OP you are guaranteed to get 300 replies
she's canonically a breeding slave that produced a swarm of precious dragon servants
look at those big fat tits.
why did blizzard give her MOMMY MILKIES
yes please, there is literally no fetish better than futa.
she thic
dude. she doesn't even look like Lucoa, she's more like those trannies who win femal powerlifting contests
> those trannies who win femal powerlifting contests
*licks lips*
stupid sexy SJWs
People actually play Heroes of the storm? waaah
>The helmet looks ridiculous though.
Thats her head
>THICCASStraza is an SJW product
wtf i love sjws now
Her Lich King Model looked a million times better than this, what the fuck happened?
>A reskin of a Blood Elf Female
>Better than a unique model
shes a totall mommy now
she has a prolapsed uterus she needs to make space for
Garbage fetish, I bet most of the thicc fags jumped onto it after that meme died.
dude what? grow up
stop playing american games you immense faggot
hhhnnnnnnnngggggg THICCCCCCCCCC
Develop your own tastes instead of falling for shitty memes.
You can't truly desexualize a female character. You can only make her cater to different fetishes.
>big breasts, flat stomach and thick thighs
Really makes you think
you mean wore, futa fags ruin absolutely everything with their gay fetish just because they can't admit they want to have a dick in their ass
>Complaining about WoW character design
It's all garbage anyway.
transfer that to irl and she'd be a proper fatso
just because she ahs artists who don't let her fat get affected by gravity as it should be doesn't mean she's thin
You can say this about literally anything what can be sexualized.
shouldn't the god of life or whatever have childbearing hips?
user... get help
that stomach ain't flat son, it's literally hanging
You're mom was hanging on my dicc last nite bro
You must be blind
>one of the sexiest and most important wow characters
HOTS characters in general have very 'thicc' models for their female characters - partially so that they can just 'paint' the armor on and make alternate skins pretty easily.
With her being thicker going pantsless would have looked a bit closer to underwear rather then being a plate Bikini - armor looking like makes the pantsless look turn out alright, but in HOTS's style it would have been a bit tougher.
( Keep in mind Blizzard runs HOTS on ESPN - if her default skin was that lewd then they would have been told by the advertisers to tone it down, or have players swap to another skin )
Not everything has to be SJW's - I enjoy the pantesless look more ( And I have a HUGE BOTTOMLESS FETISH ) but its important to see these things outside of a vacuum.
This is what Sup Forums actually believes, though.
>being Fat is SJW
Oh bb, i thought rethugs had the highest obesity rates
>huge tits on display
>clearly muscular
If you don't find this attractive you might consider exploring if you are gay
There's nothing wrong with that body
>exposed midriff, huge tits, bikini armor/skin-tight catsuit
take your fucking pills
sorry she isn't a twig. Also the only thing wrong is they've made her stand in a really awkward position. Legs are spread too far apart and her toes are pointed up and outward. Plus it looks like she's hunched over a bit. If they had her stand up straight and normal she'd look a lot better
She's a fucking landwhale, what's wrong with you?
>anything that isn't an anorexic skeleton is SJW BBW LANDWHALE!!!
memes ate your brain kid
I get that you're the kind of guy who likes his women light and short enough they can be used as a human fleshlight, but in reality that isn't fat
I thought you faggots liked MUH THICC
From your point of view what's wrong with me is that I'm not a fag in denial who has to loudly vocalize about his opinions of the attractiveness of various real or fake women to make sure everyone knows he's totally not gay because X type of woman is totes attractive guys (despite the fact that the kind of woman he likes is the same kind that is rampant in the fashion industry, an industry whose talent choices are almost entirely dominated by gay men who find androgynous stick figure women attractive)
Just go suck a dick buddy, leave judging women to then heterosexuals
>literal manchild mommyfag telling anyone about maturity
Go take a nap and rid us of your petulant idiocy.
I want right to femdom me
Mommy pits
When you have sex you'll be suprised how much tummy clothing can hide.
>What the fuck is wrong with her head.
She takes the form of an elf
What fucking fat you maniac?
>if you transfer thin girl IRL and make her fat, she'd be fat
No shit
You're a fucking disgrace, go to your tumblr safespot before you'll get triggered cucks.
>Those thighs
>Dat belly
>no argument
>instant ad hominem
A childfucker calling someone else a disgrace, that's rich. Off yourself
>Secret Jew Headquarters
>"Oy vey, how do we finally defeat the goyim and conquer dis world?"
>"I know Smendrik! We'll get the art team for some video game to draw a super sexy character into something not so really sexy!"
>"You are a genius Genshrik! We'll conquer the world in no time!"
Someone draw this please with prolapsed genitals, kinda like if Nezumi drew it
>when Sup Forums gets triggered
Sad. I'm sorry that you can't come to terms with your blatant homosexuality.
>furious homo and/or pedo
>calling people soyboys
t. Triggered closet case
You're no longer welcome here, this is *our* board now.
If this ruins video games for you then you're a shitter anyway.
God damn she looks hot in that third one, like a heavy metal goddess or some shit.
No I believe "your" board is somewhere on wizardchan or wherever it is that allows CP
Guys soyboys!
Guys guys!
Hey cucks!
You're a soy
I see the Heores team still has a thing for high quality booty
ITT: weeb NEET virgins think shes fat because she doesn't look like their impossibly proportioned anime grills.