Those who survive a long time on the battlefield start to think they're invincible.
I bet you do too buddy.
Those who survive a long time on the battlefield start to think they're invincible
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AC7 release date at PSX.
Here comes the snow
I bet you also did before you got shot down like a bitch, traitor scum.
>he doesnt see pixy as his eternal buddy
>traitor scum
>made AC thread
>no replies
>20 minutes later, this
I don't really care though, I just want to talk about how hyped I am.
Why is Ryan Reynolds in Ace Combat? He just takes any job now I guess. He's even gonna play Pikachu.
there are too few of us. the time has to be right
AC threads tend to disappear quickly unless a fan notices them as a lot of newfags have no clue what AC is, let alone have played it
he's actually Seth from Goosebumps
Do you guys think clouds will become a major game element in the new game? They were never really noticeable or relevant in previous games, but had a lot of focus on the AC7 previews.
i wouldnt be surprised if a mission is based around how bad the weather is and the clouds play a major part in its difficulty
They affect your aircraft in various ways, whether it be causing you to freeze up, or obscuring your vision to the point where you crash into everything. I'd say they're pretty major gameplay mechanics now.
>AC where you play the losing side
>have to be the one to deploy the nukes
missed opportunity in AC0
>AC game where you join the terrorist organization
>last mission is you and your buddy in the games superfighter solo destroying hundreds of normal pilots and aces thrown at you to try and stop V2 launching
>final boss is some literally who in an F-22
>he beats you
>they have to grind you down to beat you
>poor fuel quality was affecting thrust
what was it that made him so liable?
>final boss is some merc in an F-15C
>he kills you in a few seconds
>it's the final boss's birthday today
>the final boss will realize the victory that was denied by a traitor
Nice thread you have here.
Would be a shame if someone were to nuke it.
dis is belkan territory rald stop
So how is Belka going to be behind everything in AC7 this time?
Selling weapons to both sides and inciting the war. I'd also be willing to bet that a glitch in the drones will cause an important plot twist, and will have been purposely inserted by someone. Probably Belkans.
that scientist dude in the trailers is definitely a belkan
theres no way he isnt
I'm so fucking hyped looking at the AC7 trailers. This can only end badly. Hold me, Sup Forums.
there is nothing wrong with being hyped over one of the best video game series of all time
Just think of the good times when the AC0 trailer came out.
Fortunately, Ace Combat is an easy formula, so it's very difficult for them to get it wrong. The only thing that could have gone wrong would for them to not use Strangereal, and we've known from the start that it wasn't the case.
The composer from the gold trilogy is onboard and the gameplay is exactly the same as it was on the PS2 games. There's almost no room for things to go badly from here.
a formula thats so timeless it can be repeated for an eternity and still be perfect
AC needs to be appreciated more
>But I don't even have a country to call home
What does she mean by that, isn't she a princess?
It's a jet soap opera with plane controls. Considering how timeless it is, i'm surprised by how there are no Ace Combat clones.
Yet, what is a nation?
>A nation is comprised of the individuals who live in its borders.
- Detlef Fleisher a.k.a Rot 1, 12th October 2005, University of Dinsmark, Belka
>A miserable little pile of borders.
-Dracula, Count 20th March, 1997, Playstation and Saturn
>yfw >
>tfw didn't get to play the good ace combat games
You can always start now, just go for the Holy Trinity and then, if you want more, get the rest of them(3 in particular).
>The inevitable Stonehenge 2.0 unveiling
>not Excalibur 2.0
There can only be one true ace.
nothing else comes close
Fug, forgot the image.
Osean corporations are undermining the will of the Erusean people
I just want 7 to have one final trailer that's Zero tier
>Not all three in one.
gee i wonder who could be behind this post
im literally playing AC5 unsung war on PCSX2 emulator right now and works amazing
>not buying a used PS2 just for those games
It's actually worth it. You might just try out some other classics you've missed too and really realize how bad modern games generally are.
easier to just emulate it than waste 50 quid on outdated hardware, necessary cables and controllers
>not being original hardware master race
>not playing Ace Combat with component cables like a übermansch
What difference does it make, you ask? With Component cables, you can read the disclaimer tiny letters on this screen on your CRT TV. That's how much it helps.
and with a decent graphics card it'll look 5 times better than on original hardware
dindu nuthin
>PS2 emulation at that
>shooting up the internal resolution to ridiculous values
I always tell people that playing video games with composite cables is akin to drinking fine wine cupped in your hands. By the same analogy, playing an old game with an emulated higher resolution is like fine wine mixed with coke, only because you really like wine and coke individually.
Games are to be played how they were originally intended, specially a master-piece like Ace Combat. You're missing out on the authentic experience.
It's fine if you don't care and just want a quick fix, but it's a really pleb way to experience something. Not to mention anybody that claims to like video games should already have a PS2 stashed away in their house somewhere.
I bet you're one of those faggots who are against modding.
No, I like modding, just not excessive amounts of it. I just don't like things that really upset the appearance of the original.
Although I do confess that I actually had fun playing the completely vanilla versions of both Skyrim and Morrowind.
>you have to played games restricted by original hardware when you can easily use it on a better machine
>playing it at full resolution with proper rendering and the ability to appreciate it in full hd is pleb
>if you dont have x then you dont like video games
i have a ps2 sitting in a draw next to my pc and i dont use it simply because everything runs better on PCSX2
just because it looks better and runs better doesnt mean the experience is ruined, thats like saying a gun is ruined if you replace its rusted parts with new and fresh ones
Even if it looks better, it's not the authentic experience. That sort of thinking is what makes people jump into new and shiny things just because they're new and shiny.
>bro, snow
What did pixy meant by this?
Oh no I missed out on the amazing 480p experience
so enhancing the native resolution to give new vibrancy into a dated game which the years have not be kind to graphics wise is equal to people running to shiny things and makes it 'not authentic' even though im playing the exact same game but just which more colour to it
okay bro, lemme just appreciate this amazing authentic experience
Oh the image isn't garbage finally? When i last tried anything higher than native would cause huge black vertical lines to appear because idunno
you have to use a dev build as it has some feature i forgot about that pretty much stops it
When was the last time you tried?
PS2 emulation made some pretty massive improvements like a year or two ago.
Fuck you, Larry.
They definitely will. There was some gameplay footage on YouTube with the director narrating and telling us how the cloud cover will affect game mechanics, like radar, lockon and icing. Pretty interesting stuff.
>the years have not be kind to graphics wise
Not that guy, but the PS2 Ace Combat games still looks pretty nice even today, resolution aside.
they are surprisingly decent considering theyre all over a decade old now, although they still are somewhat dated
Not. The. Same. This is no different from people that play retro 2D games with smoothing filters.
The worst part about the PS2 AC games are the ground textures, and you can't do anything about that. The resolution itself hardly matters.
>>>>>cloud cover affecting radar
That's not how radar works you fucking japs
They are, as is day-night apparently. In the demos they've stressed that it's easy for enemies to try to lose you in the clouds. There's also other environments they mentioned.
I hope to christ bamco releases 4/5/0 hd physical release on current consoles, and 6. I hope that just in case 7 doesnt deliver, i at least want to play the rest of the series on better hardware.
>muh peace
how is it not the same? you are playing the exact same game as it was released 10ish years ago, just with better looks
purists are a fucking mistake
Yeah it's not the same, it's better and that's the point, unlike filters.
Have a great ground texture at 1080p by the way.
>Yuktobania develops basically an anti-aircraft nuke capable of destroying all planes up to an altitude of 5,000 feet
>instead of doing something sensible, like placing the bomb in the middle of the ocean and detonating it whenever aircrafts fly over, they put it on a slow, easily evaded missile
That just makes it even more dissonant. The HUD elements and ground textures, even with enhancements, still have the quality of a pre-rendered N64 background. On the other end, the plane is really sharp, and that paintjob makes it look like a naked, texture-less polygon plane, even though it's actually really high texture.
You cherry picked a really bad screenshot to post. You made a 1080p PS2 game look like a Saturn game. Although admittedly Ace Combat is not a very good choice if you want to showcase higher resolution for old games.
We know how high res work, thank you.
Cheesiest moment/lines in the series? I don't anything else quite made me c-word like that.
>PS2 emulation will never be as versatile as Nintendo emulation
>high res texture packs for PS2 classics fucking never
It hurts
cheesy as fuck but still an incredible ending
i want to blow her country to pieces
I want to fuck the evil out of her
Some have tried.
>the gameplay is exactly the same as it was on the PS2 games