Must play PS3 games?

After playing the entire last generation with a 360 and a PC, I finally bought a cheap PS3 to play Metal Gear Solid 4.

What are the must-have games of the plataform? For now I've got MGS4, Resistance and Gran Turismo 4.

how much did you pay for that?

Also I hope that isn't the exact ps3 model you bought since all fats and most slims are very easy to jail break now.

Demon’s souls
That’s it. Nothing else is worth playing on it

50 euros.


I wanted a hacked ps3 so much, but no money ;-;

Fuck. Well, at least the games are dirt cheap.

>not playing yakuza

-Valkyria Chronicles
-Ni No Kuni
-MGS Legacy Collection / HD Collection + MGS1 + 4
-Demon's Souls + Dark Souls
-Okami HD
-FF XIII + XIII-2 + Lighting Returns
-End Of Eternity
-Ratchet & Clank PS3 trilogy, + HD Collection if you haven't played originals
-Persona 5

People like you are so fucking stupid.

God of War, i think you can play all of them on ps3

MGS4 play that first. Shit was so sick in 2008.
Yakuza 4
Demons souls
God of war 3

Last of us

How hard is ratchet & clank, or can you adjust the difficulty?

>have Bluetooth headphones
>PS3 has bluetooth
>oh wow I can pair the-
This fucking shit doesn’t output audio, but the mic works. Literally why.

>not mentioning Yakuza 3 or at least 5 as well

GTA IV Arkham Asylum, City, and Origins.

>FF XIII + XIII-2 + Lighting Returns

Ps3 has no gaem

El Shaddai

>not mentioning the whole series.

I mean I actually didn't like yakuza 5 that much. And yakuza 3 is weaker than 4 imo.

Alone in The Dark: Inferno

The whole series isn't on PS3, stupid.


No shit...
Listen you autist, you got mad that I didn't recommend the games you wanted. Eat cocks and die.

>How hard is ratchet & clank,
it's literally a game series for children.
I don't quite understand the question.

Fuck off.

>>FF XIII + XIII-2 + Lighting Returns
You have them on pc btw, and sure they cost less.

Yakuza 4

they can be found for less than 10 bucks on any bargain bin these days, so meh.

No you idiot, you just mentioned 4 as if it's the only entry available, and it sounds like it's the one you started with, considering you actually like that turd.

Kek. So what if I did play 4 first? Does it make you that mad that I played your 13 year long series in a convienent way for me?

>+ Dark Souls
This is much better on PC.
>any Final Fantasy past X
hahaha, I want to disregard your opinion so much right now.


>hahaha, I want to disregard your opinion so much right now.
>Do I fit in yet, guys? :^)

Outside of Vesperia I can't think of much a hacked PS3 can give you.

It would be technically save for 6 and the kiwami games.

>This is much better on PC.
Not DaS1, it isn't.
>FF XIII + XIII-2 + Lighting Returns
I am extremely confused by this

Puppeteer is nice if you don't mind easy but charming games.

>I am extremely confused by this
They're good JRPGs. 13-2 and LR especially were some GOTY tier JRPGs.

Patrician taste.

>bragging about being a pleb who plays a story heavy series out of order

Neck your life.

yakuza 4

Check the local classifieds. I got mine for 50 bucks

Wrong. Kiwami 2 is ps4 only but 1 and 2 were ported to ps3 in japan. Then Kiwami 1 was also released on ps4. The only games you cant play on ps3 are kiwami 2, 6, and the psp games.

>PS3 games

haha, good one man!

>PS3 lived its whole life in shame of being the nogames station
>Now the PS4 has a game deprivation so huge it makes its ancestor look rich and varied
I fear for the PS5.

Demon's Souls is the only essential

but if you have some money to burn, infamous collection is quite alright
mgs 4 if you have autism and can endure japanese writing
and...nope, that's it