Switch Resident Evil Revelations

Docked/Handheld - 1080p/720p.
Visuals same as on 360, drops to 30-40fps.

Docked/Handheld - 1080p/720p.
No shadows from flash light.
Much worse grass draw distance.
Very heavy fps drops.
1 minute loading times.


And people said switch can run new Monster Hunter, because MT Framework can run on anything.

Other urls found in this thread:


Did the 3DS version hit 30fps at least?

>docked Switch mode has same graphics as 2005 console
Why do people waste their money like this?

seems like a bad port

Not always.
Same as WiiU.


How many times do we have to go through this?

There are several shit studios offering up their services to port games over to Switch and they’re doing a shit job.

Fuck even the guys who ported Doom Made Hulk Hogans main event.

>bad port
Seems like WiiU all over again.

mobility and muh exclusives

some wii u ports were good to the point of being arguably the definitive versions of the games, although the wii u port of this game was also quite poor.

>who'd of thought

>First up, Resident Evil Revelations requires 13GB of free space. Resident Evil Revelations 2 doubles that at 26GB. With the second game, since it won’t fit within Switch’s internal memory, a separate microSD card will be needed if you intend to purchase the game.
Whoops. Can't even install both games on switch without SD card.

Besides NFS, which games?
Bayo 1 wasn't btw, same or worse than 360.


Need for speed
Ninja Gaiden
Deus Ex off the top of my head

Switch version looks better and is portable
Switch wins

>Switch version looks better
Than 360 version?

Capcom is hitting levels of retardation I didnt know were possible

>Bayo 1 wasn't btw, same or worse than 360.
literally false, bayo 1 runs marginally better on wii u and has exclusive extras

>who'd of thought
Oh fuck off. Who wrote this script? It's trash.

>uns marginally better on wii u
It isn't, at times worse fps than on 360.


>1 minute loading times.
Weren0t cartridges supposed to be faster than discs?

You saying?

This. DO NOT BLAME Nintendo or the Switch because devs are lazy.

I'm sure it's the same dude who also rushed to make threads for both Skyrim and Rocket League as soon as DF had their videos uploaded

yeah nice cherrypicked screencap from this vid (below), you'll notice that the wii u's framerate is sometimes worse but usually better than 360. Also the article I linked literally uses this vid as one of its references before stating the game generally performs better on wii u. Another thing to consider is that the wii u version eliminates screen tearing issues the 360 version had as well.

"Superior version"

Battles too chaotic to compare.
In exploration stable 60 on 360 and wiiu.
In cutscenes 360 slightly better.

So i do not see how wiiu version can be definitive.

try actually reading the article I linked, it's written by the people that made that framerate test.

Cards actually slower than HDDs.

At least americans got a good box cov- oh...

As someone who actually has a switch and actually fucking plays games I can tell you that the claims of 1 min load times are bullshit.
You are looking at maybe 10 seconds or less.
The only framedrops ive seen are for the RE6 stages on raid mode, other than that it does run sadly at a stable 30fps not 60 which would have been more better.
Still the game looks very good and from comparing them to the ps4 and pc versions I can say that its a different res version of the ps4 version since it looks the same just the ps4 has somewhat more details in subtle things like clairs jacket.

Switch showing it's a bad piece of hardware for third party games, what a surprise

Did you missed no shadows from flash light?
It is pretty huge for horror game.

>buy game
>need to buy sd card to play it


>It isn't, at times worse fps
Lol no.
The wii u average fps is certainly higher than xbox360. Mind you, it still has the same problems at the opening scene.

blown. the. fuck. out.
how will user ever recover?

PC version is the best anyway. Why are you retards arguing?

well duh, but when it released the wii u version was the definitive version, then the xbone version came out and finally the pc port.

Lmao who plays in pc?
So irrelevant to the conversation


>b-b-b-but its portable
>bing bing w-wahoo

This is a pc board kiddo

I don't understand why that retarded logo is there
Doom doesn't have one and it needs 8 extra gigs

a-at least it's better than ps vita version

And people want the DMC collection to be on the Switch

>Is clearly running on it
Sup Forums intelligence.

user, you're being a retard.

MT Framework CAN run on anything. The only issue here is how much money Capcom invested in the port. Making a Switch Port that runs WELL takes work.

>Fuck even the guys who ported Doom Made Hulk Hogans main event.
Don't shit on that port though. It's a pretty solid job they've done.

I see you weren't alive during the PS2 era. Which means you need to leave this site.

It doesn't have the bonus Nintendo content.

I'm not 15 so I'm not going to "blame" anybody for this situation but clearly it's going to be a recurring problem on the Switch.

If you want your multiplat to run well on the console it means that you'll have to invest a significant dev effort to take advantage of the hardware. You'll also have to do some work twice because you need separate docked and handheld modes.

Porting stuff between PS4/XBone on the other hand is rather trivial in comparison, the power gap is not as huge and they're very similar on many aspects (there are many significant differences of course but most of the time they'll be abstracted by the 3rd party engines most devs use these days).

Even PC ports are relatively easier to make since you don't really have to worry about downgrading the game (at worst you'll have a badly optimized port, but we're used to these by now). You have to come up with a bunch of additional settings for the user to tweak however.

you could probably mod it in to be fair

>not running as intended
Nintendork """intelligence"""

Oh no, not my shitty costumes!
Neck yourself lad

Nintendo is playing some 5D chess I see.

Call me when this has been done user. Without it breaking the game and with it functional on every level of the original including the "halos become coins or rupees" features and all the sfx and the costumes appearing in cutscenes and the whole nine.

Both versions run at 60 fps without any meaningful drops. One version has more content.

Only the most hopeless graphics retards would disagree. Especially since the Wii U version also has the hidden bonus of actually being on the same console as the sequel.

I hope, for your sake, that you're just falseflagging. I played the game on wii u but you're fucking delusional if you think it's better than the pc port that can run in native 4k

>Both versions run at 60 fps without any meaningful drops.
Wii-U version has drops, PC doesn't at all and has the added benefit of higher resolutions and various aspect ratios
>One version has more content.
Cosmetic costumes aren't any meaningful content

Only the most delusional drone would try to say the Wii-U version is superior in any way

t.every youtube comment

4k is a retarded meme and you're a gigantic retard for buying into it. So yeah. You're a hopeless graphics retard.

>Cosmetic costumes aren't any meaningful content
They're more than cosmetic and cosmetics absolutely count for plenty more than a meaningful boos tin resolution. The Link Costume even comes with an build in Moon of Mahaa Kalaa.

Rev 1 runs like that lmao.
Its a 3DS game ffs.

Wow, it can't run a last gen game properly.
Honestly im used to the MHW delusion at this point, its getting to sad levels.

Its pretty evident the Switch is much worse than most people thought when it came to specs, but that should have been apparent pretty early on with its launch.

I didn't buy into 4k, I personally feel it's too early to be worth the investment. Now I'm convinced you're just falseflagging as a shitposting retard with these baseless assumptions and strawmanning you're spouting.

>4k is a retarded meme
Things dumb poorfags say
You're so delusional that it's sad

>I didn't buy into 4k,
So then you shouldn't believe that 4k is a meaningful upgrade that is more valuable than the Nintendo costumes and all their various effects.

user, I could have moved up to 4K two years ago. I chose not to, because it's literally not worth it. It's not good enough to be worth the cost. That disposable income went into buying games and drugs instead of a meaningless change in resolution for a handful of games/movies/shows I watch.

I'm sure 4k will be standard eventually, but I'm not buying into it until it's ubiquitous and 1080p has been phased out.

>Builds expensive gaming pc that can play 4K 60
>spends most of his time shitposting on 4chins
So the meme image was true huh..

>Not running as intended means it isn't running
Sup Forums intelligence

Sour grapes: the posts

Even if you don't own a 4k display you can downsample from it. The game looks far better and runs better too on PC, this is a fact. The Nintendo costumes aren't anything significant at all.

>I'm sure 4k will be standard eventually, but I'm not buying into it until it's ubiquitous and 1080p has been phased out.

That doesn't make sense. It's not like modern games don't support displaying in 4K, what would it becoming the "standard" change?

And 4K very much makes a difference in terms of image quality, aliasing is almost completely invisible, things remain sharp to a great distance etc... Even older games benefit from it.

Of course a 4K rig is super expensive nowadays so it might not be worth it but if you have the money to spare it's a significant upgrade.

>Could have bought a 4k TV 2 years ago but researched it and looked at some examples and decided that HD -> 4K is meaningless compared to SD -> HD
>Sour grapes
Diminishing returns are a thing user.

Irrelevant. It's still a meaningless graphical boost.
>The Nintendo costumes aren't anything significant at all.
They are 110% more noticeable and significant than looking mildly sharper and prettier.

Sorry user. If the Wii U version actually had meaningful drops in framerate, you'd have a leg to stand on with your performance and visuals issue. But it doesn't, and so you don't.

>what would it becoming the "standard" change?
Price. The price of 4k is not remotely balanced with regards the relatively minor increase in quality that it offers. HD was a "you can't go back" kind of change. 4k is a "I guess this is nicer?" kind of change.
>And 4K very much makes a difference in terms of image quality
None of that fucking matters.
>aliasing is almost completely invisible, things remain sharp to a great distance etc
Who gives a good god damn?
>Even older games benefit from it.
Good for them.

Have you even played a game in native 4k user? Because I have and you're full of shit. I could understand arguing that 1440p is better "bang for the buck" these days, but I'd never go back to 1080p.

You're so delusional it's not the effort replying to you anymore.

I bet you will big boy

>Have you even played a game in native 4k user?
Yep. It's prettier, but not in a fundamentally game changing kind of way. Keep throwing screenshots at me though. I'm sure it'll change my mind eventually if you show me a million pictures of games being rendered at 4k. Surely just one more pic is all it will take.
> I'd never go back to 1080p.
Your values are insanely warped and you're pissing away money that could be used in more meaningful ways.

Here's a tip that might help you understand my mindset: 4k doesn't actually improve the polygon count or particle effects. It doesn't impact physics or AI. It's a coating of paint, a shallow upgrade.

You're the only delusional one.

You've deluded yourself into thinking games about about graphics more than they are about gameplay. 4k doesn't make games any more enjoyable user. It merely makes them a bit prettier.

It doesn't need extra gigs.
You can play the game without downloading the MP.

Actually, what you can do is just refuse to patch the game at all. That's what you can do.

I was forced to download the 8GBs.

> 4k doesn't actually improve the polygon count or particle effects. It doesn't impact physics or AI. It's a coating of paint, a shallow upgrade.

Devs aren't developing games for cutting edge hardware, so owning cutting edge hardware is basically a waste of money. People playing DOOM on Switch are seeing just as many polygons as people playing on PC at 4k Native.

>You've deluded yourself into thinking games about about graphics more than they are about gameplay. 4k doesn't make games any more enjoyable user. It merely makes them a bit prettier.
But the PC version has both gameplay and graphics, it doesn't drop to 40 FPS when there's more than 10 enemies on screen Go neck yourself you deluded nintentoddler

>People playing DOOM on Switch are seeing just as many polygons as people playing on PC at 4k Native.
With the added benefit of cinematic 24fps

Deus Ex HR was great, due to the tablet functionality.

>it doesn't drop to 40 FPS when there's more than 10 enemies on screen
This is the definition of a meaningless drop. You're pointing at a cherrypicked instance of framedrops in what amounts to basically a playable cutscene with no ranking or consequences or fail states. I mean shit, I bet you're gonna come at me with that moment in a cutscene/QTE where it drops lower into the 20s for about 3 seconds next.

A meaningful drop is something that actually impacts REAL gameplay. Interactive cutscenes with no failstates or scoring systems are a pretty solid little exception to this.

>it's a coating of paint
how the fuck can you believe this? resolution = clarity. You can objectively see more information at a higher resolution. Not to mention the lower resolution textures which are loaded on the switch/consoles

But there's multiple drops like that, go watch the digital foundry video

Why the fuck not just lock it to 30 then? a "60 fps" with jumps all over the place plays worse than just 30 at all time.

I love this guy. He's trying so desperately to justify his switch purchase. No one brought up nintendo you fucking idiot. And it is kinda their fault either way. They knew what video games were becoming before the switch

Honestly they should lock the frame rate at 30 and they could probably implement shadows.

>resolution = clarity
Yeah but it's still the same simple little rock. A real upgrade would be a rock with 50% more polygons. It doesn't matter is you render Mario 64 in 40k. It's still Mario 64 and he's still an animated pile of simplistic polygons.

You mean the video that says Bayonetta Wii U is the definitive version?

Yeah. I've seen it. The other drops are all cutscenes/QTEs and whatever else. The game doesn't drop during actual combat or exploration.

>Yeah. I've seen it. The other drops are all cutscenes/QTEs and whatever else. The game doesn't drop during actual combat or exploration.
Lol sure. Keep being this delusional kid, it will help you in life.

>Revelations 2
>need an SD card because the game hogs the whole internal memory and capcom is too cheap to put a bigger cart in production or ship 2 carts
>have to deal minute long loadings anyways
And it's a linear shooter not an open world game.
What the fuck

It doesn’t look better than PS4

PS3/360/Wii U all run at 720p

The Switch in docked mode runs at 1080p

Nigga who cares

When this is hacked and we can overclock it, it might turn out fine.

>The Switch in docked mode runs at 1080p (CONSOLE UI ONLY NOT GAMES)

That the only real issue in the switch ports. They keep trying to run the game at 60fps when the games themselves are slower paced enough to work well at 30fps. If they were built to run at 30fps since the beginning there would be less cutbacks. Then again there wasn't many cutbacks in general and the game still look surprisingly close to the PS4 version, but the sharpening filter needs to be an option.

Except I haven't had to deal with memory card bullshit since the PS3/360. You have to buy an overpriced SD card to actually play Revelations Collection, and those SD cards are much more expensive than memory cards

Go back to where you belong. Go back to nothing, shitposter