Don't put them in the snow maybe?
buy some Hand warmers, they cost basically nothing.
>what is indoor heating
>what is a space heater
>what is an electric blanket
>what is a fire
>place hands on ass cheeks through undies
problem solved
>piss in bottle
>hold bottle
poor blood circulation. Exercise regularly.
>not pissing directly on your hands
Poor diet
Poor circulation due to lack of exercise
>you smoke
>you drink
>you dont drink enough water
>Buergers Disease
>too much oestrogen (soy)
>not enough sport/sleep
This user knows what's up. Increase your APM until your keyboard is on fire.
Remember that non-vidya Twitter/e-celeb/shitpost/flamebait threads like this get deleted if enough people report. Fuck off.
Sounds like your home has poor insulation. Instead of retaining heat, it releases it. If things are this bad now, it could be deadly in the winter.
These are good ideas
I like the fire idea.
I usually just pump up the computer with some resource heavy shit to get the GPU and CPU warm enough to heat up the room.
Sweden sucks.
Switch to cold showers and you won't get cold anymore.
>That pic
Jesus, Shinji.
It is winter. -20C outside, and a bunch of snow.
Northern Sweden
How about
>it's cold as shit
Google "what vitamins make my hands and feet less cold"
and then eat those vitamins
just set yourself on fire
This is objectively the correct answer. A healthy person who has clean arteries and low fat will ironically stay warmer than a fatty with poor heart health.
t.fat fuck who is always cold in the extremities
Vitamins won't warm your hands wtf are you talking about
Holy shit fatty kys talking like you know shit
did you know that anecdotal evidence is not proper evidence?
have you ever been in -20º C weather? health has very little to do
fuck off all you stupid know-it-alls who want to appear smart by giving some weird ass reasons why OP's hands are cold when it's just the fucking cold
I'm a literal skeleton and have the same problem tho.
I'm ultra sedentary so yeah, exercice would help.
Low blood pressure, the blood just can't circulate fast enough into your far limps to stay warm
>have you ever been in -20º C weather?
Yes, and it's not that cold. It could've been -10C and I wouldn't have noticed.
sports are for young people pretty much, you don't really see that many people starting in their late 20s playing sports (outside of professionals who get paid to play) compared to those in their young 20s. Like exercise just means "use a treadmill" to most of these old people, and it makes me sad.
drink vodka in winter to raise blood pressure
lmao pretending you're so tough to get internet cookie points
>I'm so fucked up
>t. Socal resident who's never seen snow
You can be a skeleton and still have shit arteries from eating high fat diets and smoking. My friend was 5'8 and stood at 115lbs, ate like shit and smoked, was always cold and couldn't exercise for shit. But he is still in a million times better position to do something about it than a fat fuck whose arteries are clogged for life and vital organs are beyond repair.
As a homeless fuck, I simply put a blanket all over my body and play under it, the heat coming from my lungs help me to fight the cold when I'm playing 3ds games.
This is no joke, winter is a shit season.
eat better, I used to have the same. Be healthy,eat healthy things and atleast tryto get some excersize in every week.
depends entierily on air humidity retardo
Why do people live in snowy areas where just going outside without protection long enough would kill you?
I'm a Floridafag, just curious.
>op is just cold
>Sup Forums is trying to convince him that he's got a serious health problem
is the board full of hypochondriacs?
OP just get some actual heating that works
>As a homeless fuck
drink alcohol
a shot of good rum will keep you pleasantly warm for a good 30 minutes or more
The temperature was -20C, and it wasn't cold. There was no talk of any "humidity".
>high fat diets
>fucking with arteries
lmao guess who got bamboozled by the Coca-Cola Company
I found this post useless because those things easily cost $4-5 for a 2 pack what with fake inflation raping every human being in the states.
I would say use texting gloves, however family dollar has discontinued them so you'd have to hit wal mart.
People in this thread don't understand what you mean cause you worded it like an idiot.
You got bad blood circulation to your hands just take a break every 30 mins and fucking move your arms you neet fuck
My parents only let me live in below ground room that doesn't have any heat. It gets pretty cold there.
where do you live?
i need to turn the heater on when temperature drops below 15º C
Winters great, maybe have more drive to improve your situation instead of sitting around playing video games. Your lack of self-motivation is part of why you're where you're at, which from the sounds of it, is probably where you should stay, so you don't get in others ways
I'd probably die of heatstroke in Florida in summer without protection. You get used to the cold. Plus with good protection you hardly feel it.
>as a homeless fuck
A-user? Are you okay?
Why do people live in the tropical areas where just going outside without a water bottle long enough would kill you?
Yeah, figured that might happen.
Will do
I still have money, I don't live in third world like burgerica.
I'm a "fancy" hobo. I bet see food at computer have a more sorry life than me.
Man, fuck that computer case. Had one for years. It was cramped and overheats like hell, even in winter time. So glad I got myself a Fractal.
Just start taking cold showers and you'll become pretty resistant to the cold. There are people who can endure up to two hours covered in ice cubes due to training and you complain about chilly hands.
Maybe have a little wine too, that never hurt anyone.
>hahahaha this guy believes in cholesterol get a load of him
>move your arms you neet fuck
How do I achieve this?
I hope you're ok, I'll be thinking of you come Crimbo
>Low blood pressure
Haha, my nutritious diet of instant ramen and energy drinks wins again!
Getting cold hands while sitting in front of a computer is a definite sign of poor blood circulation you stupid cunt.
How fucking retarded do you even need to be to compare that to being outside at -20
Been there, done that. Find somewhere industrial. If not that, big buildings tend to have vents 'n shit you can get up near to stay warm. Don't try for parks or that bullshit, you will likely literally die.
t. PAfag
I go outside with shorts/t-shirt/sandals in freezing weather just fine (for like 10-20 minutes usually), but I can't endure a second of a cold shower. Any reason why?
My dad is 67 and he's on a casual softball team.
lol t. webmd doctor
lolno. If you're native at least the heat isn't anything. It's usually humid. There's nothing worse than dry heat that you'd get in a desert. That heat can cook your brain. FL averages at 77-90 degrees.
>third world
do you know what third world means?
France literally give me free fucking money for existing
This month 680 euros hit the bank, thanks government. And I have free foods too. AH!
>Mfw amerifat die in the street
>Mfw land of the free
Working out at a gym helps
Michigander here. Why do people live in areas where the humidity combined with the heat could kill you?
Winter kills off bugs, so rodents don't have much to eat, which means snakes don't have much to eat. Children can play in sandboxes without fear of finding a rattlesnake, or having an alligator in their swimming pool.
it means you cannot afford basic stuff like healthcare or that you have to live with debt all your life
It is the winter you fucking retard
Stop eating chef boyardee and spaghettios straight out of the can, eat something warm you filthy sodomite.
>gaymur gloves when
Or you can try for a winter shelter. I'm a tall straight hwite male without kids, so I don't get priority. Maybe you're not, so maybe you will. If you see any community places (post office, YMCA, or whatnot) ask around and they can probably point you along somewhere to get help.
>cold weather means you don't need to drink water
learn something new every day
Iron deficiency. Stop eating dick and have some red meat and see if it persists, Load up on spanikopita otherwise.
In comparison with my home country, America is a third world liberal hell.
Enjoy gang violence, extreme poverty, gun violence, racism, homeless everywhere etc
need better circulation. or fingerless gloves
>Live in the desert
What is this snow you speak of?
Your hands get incredibly sweaty
I don't know a fix, except for drinking comfy glog/coco/tea/whatever
Obviously you have no idea how much fun this is, but the kicker is that every man will end up homeless in his lifetime and you'll eventually have the pleasure of finding out how OK this guy really is.
I stay outside 16+ hours a day regardless of temperature because I know I'll be homeless the second my owners decide to make it so. Rent must be the greatest outcome of capitalism. I love not knowing when my next second of life is going to be and I love knowing that I can lose every single thing I own and payed for as soon as master says so.
>All of my gaming shit is in the garage so no insulation
I'm from Texas and have worked outside in Oregon, Wyoming, and Colorado in the winters. You get used to both extremes once your body adjusts. I honestly prefer the cold because if you're working hard enough you'll naturally keep warm but all you can do in the summers in Texas and Florida is pray for clouds and rain.
>hands are naturally warm
>play one (1) game of Dota
>hands are so cold I can barely feel them
What the fuck is up with this. Even gloves don't help
it's your diabetus, op. contact a doctor.
The last time I creeped 50 feet into the woods in the appalachias a fucking bear walked up and threatened me in pitch black, though I had thought to buy a 120db alarm I could've easily died. Pennsylvania's deer are also the most violent, mean ass whitetails in the country.
Just knit some gloves yourself, Jesus. It's not that hard.
I don't have priority and I lost any hope for any apartments. So I squat and have some tents hidden in the forest. With heavy blanket and axe+tazer in case someone came.
I'm very territorial, the first fucker who try to get me out of here will be buried under a tree the next fucking hour
I have at least 30 gloves and I find knitting and sewing to be ridiculously unproductive.
Wasn't expecting them to exist
Come warm them up with me :3
do americans not have heating?
Because your body temperature doesn't stay the same through the day. Oh, and btw, your limbs are usually colder than your core.
holy shit, go down a soda can you fucking mongoloid
Pretty much. We have to rely on the insulation of our houses to keep warm. Some houses have fireplaces but not all. It can get into the 30s inside starting February.
I'm territorial like this no matter where I'm at, having nothing but a backpack and losing it could devestate you for years if your social security card or birth certificate get taken. It's happened to me before so I stay armed and armored now. Took two years to get a new as card and 4 years for a birth certificate.
>I'm snow fucked up.
It's probably just something mental or cold water is simply harsher than cold air.
Try getting into a warm shower and then gradually switching to cold but only dousing your feet/legs and hands/arms first. It shouldn't be so cold that it actually hurts but it should be uncomfortable.
I usually get into a hot shower for a good scrub and then finish it off with cold water until the body has no heat from the shower left. Then I get out and feel fantastic, very stimulating.
Depends on the location and age of the house. I lived in a really old on in college that didn't have heating or A/C. I was a poorfag and rent was $70/month. It could get down in the 30's but it wasn't ever that much of an issue. You just bundled up at home or snuggled with the roomies under blankets.
America qualifies as a third world nation for about 70 million of its people.
No access to health care
No meaningful protection by a police force
Predatory criminal groups that operate in full legality because of a ludicrous system of laws protecting business more than individuals
Shit like that, user.