Why are video game aliens so incredibly hostile most of the time? Why are genuinely friendly aliens so rare?

Why are video game aliens so incredibly hostile most of the time? Why are genuinely friendly aliens so rare?

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Post more Alien yuri


I don't know but I want to see more cute alien yuri.

this shit reminds me of this fucked up movie where a couple creates some weird fucked up dna creature thing, that genderbends after having sex with it.

more please


What was it called?


I think hes talking about Splice

>ywn marry this artist
why even live

Spliced. It's not very good.

she better be a tranny

>tfw I live in sweden
>only 5'9

>those teeths


>shy swedish 6 foot christmas cake

christ can that lady get any more perfect?

Fucking yuricucks.


uh huh

Thats a man.

Friendly aliens coming down to hug everybody doesn't really make for a good video game plot.

From what I can see you're right about it being pretty bad.

Cute things are cute


>allergies (tomatoes)
>also likes tomatoes

>Year not age
>Blood type
>"Silly name"
>Sushi and tomatoes (lmao so randum xDDD)


You can joke about Sweden all you want. But the average height is still really tall in Sweden.
Yes 182cm is above average for a girl, but it's more common than you'd think.

tis her

gays not welcome

I am allergic to cats but still like them


into the trash

>year not age
Are you just pretending to be retarded?

t. manlets who can't handle nordic goddesses

into the trash it goes

Video games don't HAVE to revolve around conflict.

What is this? A cat for ants?

You don't understand what it means to post the year you were born but not your age, clearly you've never had a girlfriend.


2D still better than 3D


We can't invent interstellar travel soon enough.
I want my xenos goddamnit.

>clearly you've never had a girlfriend


Is her site


But then they're boring

Hey, ants need cats to cuddle with, too.

Please, I'm being serious, once you spend a long time with a woman you are able to understand the way they think, asshole women only post the year, those that got nothing to hide post their age.

If she just lost a little weight she'd look more like her avatar and be perfect

says you

Don't test me boy, you'll be impressed with the things I can do!

>write age on picture
>it's only valid for a year
>write date of birth
>it's valid forever

Problem is that they do. Conflict can be something other than violence, but without a conflict, there's no impulse in the plot.

You can make a neat walking sim, but the ones that are any good trade gameplay conflict for narrative conflict.

I'm sure one day you'll understand what I mean, women are such bitches.

has got you there.

Why couldn't you have a fluffy slice of life style plot supporting it?

Conflict is intrinsic to all but the most pathetic, revisionist definition of games.

Knees too sharp.

That makes too much damn sense.

you could make it about protecting your alien gf from the fbi


Writing your age on an image is retarded, because that shit will stick around for year and no longer be valid, though people might believe you're younger than you actually are if they don't know how old the image is. Writing the year of birth is on the other hand is the entirely logical choice and doesn't actually hide how old you are when people see it down the line.

based frogposter

How can she french her with those teeth? How does that even work? What the fuck.


Because then you need a gameplay conflict to have something to play, otherwise you're just making a VN or animation.

Personally, I prefer the inclusion of SOL scenes into larger narratives because it allows you to have your cake and eat it too: You to immerse yourself into the setting and enjoy the characters, which has the effect of increasing your investment in them for future conflict or drama.

>Tetris is barely a game according to you

I suppose that would work. It certainly satisfies my desire for friendly aliens.

You're fighting against the blocks

Tetris's conflict is that you are under time pressure.Harder difficulties increase this time pressure.

Completing a trivial task under a time limit is a simple way to apply tension, see literally every countdown in fiction.

Stealth game where you sneak in alien kisses. You get caught you get fired.

>ywn fuck a cute alien

I don't know if I'd consider pressure conflict.

That sounds pretty darn cute.

Why do cute things make me angry

That makes no sense. Cute things should make you feel warm and fuzzy. Like you want to cradle and protect the cute person / thing.

Aliens are terrifying user, not cute.

>terrifying things can't be cute
How dare you

On one hand, this is the kind of thing that, when disrupted, ends in an alien rampage.

On the other hand, humanity's only hope for peaceful integration with sophonts is compatible relationship structures

It's cute that she thinks there's any point where they would be un-monitored. Not even for security; behavioral analysis is 80% of risk management.

Pressure + Conclusion = Conflict.

A game pushes you towards game over, you push back. If you press hard enough, you win, if you don't, you lose.

A narrative games invokes a "fake" failure state, but because there is no significant gameplay, a failure state is unnecessary, since you'd just retry the scene.

Things get more intricate, but never really more complicated: You are pushed towards failure and you need to push back to win.

But they MAKE me angry

it doesn't hold a candle to species

Monster girls are ALWAYS cute!

I don't consider myself in conflict with anything if I'm just playing with shapes under a time limit.

Why would you enter a thread full of cute things if cuteness gets you pissed?

Alien looks similar to some anime girl with the same color scheme, but I can't remember who the fuck it is.

I thought it was porn

And yet, if you don't play fast enough, you lose.

Frame it however you want, but you're fighting the clock.

This thing did get announced as "horror" but we're yet to see it in action. Other than those ominous egg pictures it just feels like a cutesy SoL so far.

Then again this artist really likes horror-like settings where monster girls only dwell and talk.

Does this count as furfaggory?

Nah, Its a Xeno. take that as you will

For shame user. Ada is pure.

But I'm not actually being impeded by anything as I play. There are no obstacles.

Because you've been hurt before or you are jealous that you don't get cute things irl

Dead Wonderland or something like that?



Because xenos are hostile and hideous otherworldly monsters that will be a stepping stone towards Humanities conquest of the stars.

>There are no obstacles.
Of course there are, leaving things as they are is never an option and the very same objects you are placing can become actual obstacles with one wrong move.

nah, just following orders from my Commissar

Elites are bros


This is why I love Metroid and Halo.