Name a Superior game where you can touch lil girls butts

Name a Superior game where you can touch lil girls butts

I can think of atleast some

One made by a Western Dev.

So if the girls are made ugly on purpose. Then what's the point?


It means the game has good combat at least.

No it doesn't?

Sims 4

>There will never be a Bully II where you play a girl bully who sexually bullies the younger girl students.

What Japanese anime porn game has combat again?

>devil may cry
>ninja gaiden

Reading is a skill


At least Bully 1 has Boyzu Rabu

Dead or Alive

Those aren't porn games thought.
The combat in Bully is good though

i can understand hating anime but come on now

Wow. Try reading.

But you can't make out with anyone like in Bully or touch little girl's butts.

>Those aren't porn games thought.
Neither is bully.

How about you try reading nibba?

Intelligent retort. I hope you overcome your ways.

I hope you stop bein a fuckin nibba

yeah you used that word twice now. Very convincing


in bully you cant have "little girl" doing you a poledance or going semi nude in a beach can you?

Very convincing

giv bully gf

Sengoku Rance.

Lets be honest, if modern Rockstar did make a Bully 2 it would suck.

Real time combat.

>moving goal posts

Bully is made by Rockstar Toronto, not the group that makes GTAV



I'd rather bully little boys by dressing them up as little girls desu.

That's so mean

Looks like Sealed Room Breed.

Is it like Sealed Room Breed?


>ywn have a girlfriend who bullies the shit out of you for being an anime watching lolicon

Same dev, different ptemise.
You have to capture and pimp out girls to make loadsamoney.
How much they earn depends on ther stats and training.

Looks a lot higher quality. Real time passing out, for one.

Can you make some into specialized anal slaves? That was like, my favorite part.

Mouth, ass and vaginal stats are raised seperatly.

Can I Tongue Vaginas and then Tongue the Anus?

Aggressive female delinquent is fucking top tier but so incredibly rare.

Besides Busou Shoujo's Amou and Majikoi's Momoyo what else has them.

Don't you dare say toradora, midget violent tsundere is not the same thing as bullying onee-san

you wouldn't have a woman in the first place, bozo