>post yfw video games
Post yfw video games
>mfw gay thread
every thread is a gay thread. get used to it
>dick cheese
No. Every thread was c.u.c.k. or f.a.m. thread before, no one had to get used to that.
Tails won't be doing much flying at that weight.
good thread
Sup Forums is gay deal with it
Anyone has OpenRCT2 server?
Who needs to fly when you can crush?
>video games
>on Sup Forums
You are, I'm not. This is Sup Forums, we fap to Tifa, Ivy and Junko, fuck off to the current 'Link is CUTE OwO' thread and remember you fags will always be the minority.
Good point but he'll be more of a liability as he won't be able to follow sonic through the zones anymore.
>using "everyday until you like it" threads to prove your point
tails IS the zone
>tfw vidya
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
So its like that episode of Boom where Eggman gave them metal fleas but this time they are huge to accommodate Tails' new figure?
Remember Doodle or Die?
>this is Sup Forums
>le reaction gifs
You need to go back
you get it now
sonic has to run fast enough to get off tails while he's continually expanding so he can go to the doctor and get some fucking diet pills
it's not gay if it's (male)
ill never understand this shit. if you like girls and want to draw girls why not just make it a girl. if you like dudes and want to draw dudes just make it look like a dude
Is being gay the biggest meme of 2017?
The slower you take to beat each act, the longer and harder it is to do the next one due to having to deal with more of Tails' expanded body. Make it like CD in it can have a good or bad future.
You'll have to go to exhentai, find Kemokko Lovers, start looking from seventh one and look for page with filename "211.jpg" and then check comment section, because there's probably a list of artists and you can figure out who art on this page belongs to
>mfw Nioh
>mfw Destiny 2
>mfw playing Red Dead Redemption again
>mfw co-oping RE5 with one of my best bros
Video games are pretty good tbqh, senpai.
Source please.