What EXACTLY did he do wrong?
What EXACTLY did he do wrong?
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he's ugly
really Bioware?
Well due to the game story, we really don't know if he did something wrong or not.
The lesson I took away from Prey was that women can't be smart and career driven unless they're carpet munchers.
God he even fucking sounds fat
"Moargen *heavy breathing* Da nuro modz moargen. *smacks lips* Take da nuro mods"
>God he even fucking sounds fat
That's how fat people sound. They breath so heavy they seem tired simply of existing, it's disgusting and pathetic at the same time.
great character
Not killing the Typhon at first contact
It's a slight slurring/marble mouth pronunciation that's present in a lot of Asian-Americans with immigrant parents.
Prey is one of those games where the setting is arguably more coherent and interesting than actual gameplay. The devs did a fantastic job creating a believable world, like you can find every single crew member in the game. The game also did a awesome twist in style of Planescape where you cannot trust your former selves, since they had completely different personalities which explains why some want to save the station and others want to destroy it.
I have a balding stereotypical obese nerd friend who is able to exist just fine without guzzling air through his nose holes.
What was the point in making Alex an obese chink-jew btw?
The Typhon had already arrived in Earth's general vicinity back in the 1960's. Earth's demise was inevitable unless Alex could uplift humanity to compete with the Typhon. The choice was either all of humanity going extinct when the Typhon invade 100 years or so after first contact, or 99% of humanity dies with a slight chance of survival 70 years after first contact.
Yeah. And then the final twist shits all over that with a "twas only a dream" slap in the face. Never even find out what happens to Morgan. Not to mention the literal "Push A to be good guy, push B to be bad guy" ending. I love this game but I can't stand the ending and final act. I hope they get to expand on what they set up in a future title.
What was the point in not making him that? It's refreshing to see characters of larger size actually given serious roles. Otherwise they're often used for comedy.
Not taking the extra time to make a giant nullwave weapon
is this game worth a playthrough?
>"twas only a dream" slap in the face
Way to go and miss the point, or maybe you're actually a black goo alien incapable of being immersed in a video game?
He stopped making games and just runs steam now.
Well the setting was still real. It was reconstructed from Morgan's memories. It was just slightly edited to provide the Mimic with more clear moral choices. Alex likely edited his own role in the story to give it an obvious villain. He probably wanted you to kill him at the end. The real story probably played out with Morgan saving the survivors but betraying January, something Alex regrets talking Morgan into.
Yes, but only if you're the type of player who likes to take a moment to reflect. The levels and setting is extremely tight, and exploration is borderline one of the best I've seen. I cannot count the amount of times I thought I was breaking the game only to find out the developers knew about it all along.
Combat is 'meh'. it does its job, but it's the atmosphere and storytelling that makes Prey stand out.
It bombed hard so you could probably find it cheap as heck physical. It's pretty classic open ended resource based FPS, and not in the faux way Bioshock was. You can actually get sidetracked for hours trying to optimize your play through.
thirding these sentiments. It's good for one or two playthroughs.
Can we all agree that the people who sided with January/Paranoid Morgan were retards?
But real Alex almost praises you for choosing to kill simulation Alex.
I shouldn't use bio upgrades for true ending?
He does? What exactly does he say?
It's not really praise but rather him acknowledging that he can be a prick at times, so Morgan's actions are understandable.
You choice of modding only affects a small piece of dialogue in the ding sequence and cheevos.
Yes, the intro and first 7-8 hrs is one of the best I've ever played. Combat never really evolves much and the game starts to show it's weaknesses later on, but it's still worth playing to the end.
What's the point then, Cuckmodious Jones? Since you're so brilliant and the ending totally wasn't a half assed shitty idea and likely rushed.
medium kek
If you kill him in the simulation he literally says nothing
No, he remarks about it at the ending.
just made it to the arboretum how much longer is the game?
im getting bored
You're halfway, I think? There's a couple more asspulls and a couple handfulls of sidequests they throw at you just as you think you're making progress.
It's a virtual run of Morgan's memories in an attempt to see if the ooz can actually help humanity evolve, and if you paid attention, you'd see that even that was a virtual run and you're actually in a room with just the operators, because more than likely humanity is dead and the operators are just running simulations to either see if they can change things to try and bring humanity back somehow, see if it could have been different, or just killing time until their robot batteries die.
Well I have a better question for you that relates to the point, how exactly did the ending invalidate the rest of the experience for you? I'm presuming you were engaged and immersed up to that point, are you telling me that all that time you spent enjoying and making choices in a video game was all just a pointless dream? Is that how you view other video games as well?
This will probably just piss you off even more due to how pretentious it sounds, but the whole point is that they're trying to study and see how (Yu) approach virtual fictional simulations (i.e. video games) where you're pretending to be someone you're not, the developers were clearly trying to be meta
So what, you're saying the final encounter with Alex is a sim made the operators? When was it said that operators even had the capabilities to do this? Morgan made the first operator that had any resemblance of intelligence and it just had his voice and did nothing but guide him. Your idea implies that the operators are truly intelligent which there isn't any evidence for.
>Alex and January arguing at the end of the game
>want to stop Alex from frying January but not kill him
>there is a flower pot nearby
>grab it and throw it at him when he draws out his gun
>it kills him instantly
Morgan stronk.
January was the first operator implanted with a human consciousness, yes. By the time the final scene with Alex and the other operators rolls around, Earth has been fucked to death by Typhon. Enough time has passed to imply that they were able to reverse-engineer January and do the same thing with the other scientists from Talos.
Or maybe they're just remote operating them from safe locations if they aren't dead. The "bad" ending strongly implies that when you smash them that's basically the end of humanity though.
>not doing a super strength playthrough and crushing everything with fridges and whacking them to death
Damn right it is. Music, atmosphere, storytelling, and exploration are amazing in that game. Combat is boring, but you can cheese it super hard.
Presumably fucking around with a race of eldritch abominations and leading them to earth.
Also potentially trusting one of those eldritch abominations.
Also not exercising.
>The Typhon had already arrived in Earth's general vicinity back in the 1960's.
What? I thought they were isolated to the surface of the moon and it's orbit?
Since the first contact with them was during a soviet lunar mission.
I don't know, man, but getting a flower pot thrown at my head would problably hurt.
I aimed at the body
Although I did have strength maxed out
>. Never even find out what happens to Morgan.
It was pretty clear from context that the original Morgan was dead.
You can tell from the way that Alex talks to (Yu) that he's looking for some fragment of his sibling inside of (Yu)
That sure is an interpretation. And you're right, that does sound pretentious. But it doesn't piss me off, just seems lame. Like I said, what's the point? What kind of statement is trying to be made with that idea of yours? It just seems like they're simply acknowledging that people play games and kill characters in them.
And yeah I was immersed and loving it until the third act. With the never ending lazor operators, the fucking mercenary hunting you down, the giant tentacle beast crashing through the station, and the survivors all holed up with turrets like a zombie movie scenario... Its a complete tonal shift from the isolated feel of being alone and exploring the ship.
You don't know how much time has passed. This is all fierce speculation and you creating story where the writers didn't. I like Prey, but whatever ideas they were trying to express could've been done better.
he had some super calm and caring voice and good with words and he did nothing wrong back then
honestly the game isn't for you. I wasn't bored once, getting lost in the side quests and atmosphere.
You've seen all the game has to offer in terms of gameplay, if not settings and enemies / weapons.
What's a Reployer?
>mfw that e-mail asking what the fuck it is
January's reasons for not wanting to try the nullwave made no sense at all, If the nullwave works you can kill the typhon without having to sacrifice Talos but if it doesn't you could still blow up Talos as a backup plan, neither plan had any guarantee of success so it makes no sense not to try the nullwave first.
Literally just a Talos meme. Like Glooey.
It reploys comedic emails and audio logs of confused people
I'm guessing he is counting the moon as earth's general vicinity
Not clear at all. Also that reminds me. Is the Sim Alex just a program/AI in the sim? Or is he in the sim with the typhon? You'd think he'd want to be in the same to have more control and input, but he's just standing there when you get out. So why would AI Alex be looking for bits of his former sibling in (Yu)
We only know what was given to us in the simulation, we have no idea how much of it is true. For all we know, the actual trolley problem in the game with the escape pod could be the reason why there's Typhon on Earth. Or it could have not been isolated and they made it to Earth in the 60s. I'm sad that the game disappointed in sales.
i dont know what i was expecting, something fun atleast
its basically bioshock+deus ex+deadspace
For real though I think the artist didn't know what he was doing, and just mashed something together that the writers could use as they see fit. They problably couldn't and ended up using it as a joke.
Even less people understood it. The whole purpose was to HUMANIZE the Typhon, so its put into the shoes of Moo NYu and is made to think that they ARE human. If Alex could extend his hand and not get stabbed, then thats a victory for them. If the Typhon still reacts violently, then theres no hope for it. Alex is very well aware that Morgan is dead and not coming back. They sacrificed themselves somewhere along the way and no sane person, no matter how fat would dare to call the Typhon a replacement.
>Track down the chef
>He's in a escape pod
>Baiting me to come in and get him
>There is a recycler mine right next to him
>Use telekinesis to disarm it first
>Walk into escape pod
>He tries to blow up mine
>Nothing happens
>He still screams as if the bomb went off and drops dead from nothing.
It reploys
The fug
I remember him laughing his ass off when you do this then he dies out of shame I guess.
play the demo. it is huge.
after i played it i had to break my usual 'wait until it's less than 15$' - rule
fucking love that game
>Is the Sim Alex just a program/AI in the sim? Or is he in the sim with the typhon?
I think Sim Alex is an AI based on his mind kind of like January was for Morgan.
>So why would AI Alex be looking for bits of his former sibling in (Yu)
Because his entire gambit was based around using the Morgan simulation to make the mimic think like or think it is Morgan, and various things both Sim Alex and real Alex said seem to imply that he misses his sibling and is hoping he can seem something of them in the mimic all those "We're going to shake things up like old times" make me think this.
No shit. That's blatantly laid out. But there's no point in humanizing typhon if humans are truly fucked. The idea is to create a sympathic typhon that can understand humanities perail and bridge the gap between the two races. So that implies humans are still alive somewhere, but just endangered.
Happened to me, too. That was my first sign that the people making the game kinda half assed it in some areas, and think the story falls into that too. Its not as air tight as people pretend it is. Usually if you question the questionable things you'll get "you just don't understand it"
Where did the typhon come from?
Yeah, I played the demo and was absolutely hooked. Bought the game afterwards once I reached the end of it, and the save transferred perfectly and I continued playing. It's the kind of game that really does deserve a sequel.
Why and how would the AI Alex in the simulation know that Morgan is actually dead?
Not that guy, but the ending of Bioshock Infinite just about invalidated the positive points of the game for me.
The combat was stifled by only being able to carry two guns at a time, and most of the plasmids being completely redundant. The only thing keeping me going was the story. Between Ghostmom and the drowning scene, the plot holes were so large the enjoyment fell straight out for me to where I wish I had never spent my time on it.
Honestly, I’m amazed how anyone could think that January/Paranoid Morgan were wrong if you’ve finished the game.
The Typhon wind up taking over the world. Extreme paranoia and caution were absolutely warranted.
And you can still get everyone off Talos first, so it’s not like you’re killing people either. The only loss is the research, which is paltry compared to alien invasion.
Doesn't he do a small animation where he touches his mouth? I figured he was drinking poison or something. Maybe I'm just remembering completely wrong.
You put it better than I could have. Thats basically my experience with both Bio:Infinite and Prey
>but the ending of Bioshock Infinite just about invalidated the positive points of the game for me.
It did more than that; it basically wrecked every game in the series by introducing that shit time travel thing. Always a city, always a lighthouse and so on. Would be fine if they did so using hints or some shit like Morrowind did, but not the hamfisted way they did it in the game.
my concern was there was no proof that destroying the station would stop the Typhon gigabeast. Gaben at least had a plan for that and a science widget that seemed, at least on a small scale, to be proven. And from the station we could form a defensive point against future invasion.
Well that's completely fair since Bioshock Infinite is completely retarded and up its own ass, the ending being the peak of all the retardation since it does genuinely invalidate everything that happened and also doesn't make sense if you think about it for even a second since there's infinite universes, meaning that there's one where you didn't agree to killing yourself i.e. even the ending invalidates itself
>get to area with lot of survivors
>yo i need to go through that door
>but user there are aliens on the other side
>give us turrets and you get code to door
>fuck sake okay
>give them three turrets
>get the access code
>remove the turrets again
>punch in the code and run
>hear people get slaughtered behind me
>go back, kill the few remaining aliens and proceed
Well in the bad ending path he was really stupid if he didn't saw that coming.
nothin personnel
I literally sent up about 10-12 turrets all around the room. Way more than I needed to. As SOON as the doors opened those black string bean alien things where dead
I just did 5 upgraded but also ZA WARUDO and they never cleared the door
It's extra stupid because all they had to do was go back SLIGHTLY FURTHER to before the slaughter that made him want to be reborn. That would prevent not only the situation they were trying to prevent, but also save numerous native american lives. But nooooo, we need to make it more "dramatic."
That is why introducing time travel/alternate universes is ALWAYS a bad idea, because there is always some alternative to how things go.
Well you didn't get the actual bad ending then, because they kill (You) instead
He says
>Back then, I would have done the same thing to me
Someone give me a basic gestalt on this game.
Because he's made using real Alex's memories?
>put gaben in your game
>call him alex yu
>Find the survivors
>Get them Turrets
>I am nearly full typhon at this point, all turrets want me dead
>Didn't realize at the time that I could hack turrets to be my friend
>arrange turret so that they are facing the door but not the switch
>Make mad dash for door switch and then spend entire fight dodging friendly fire
Your friend is lucky. Most of my obese friends sound like they have asthma. And they are specially disgusting after eating, where they start to regurgitate and breath funny.
being fat
Does anyone know what happens if you do a run where you take on 0 alien powers but murder every single surviving member of the crew?
This theory is mostly based on somewhat weird graphical thingy at the end that for some it's a mistake and for others a hint to a true reality.
No john, you are the demons.