Half-Life died for this

Half-Life died for this.

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pretty sure it died when gaben became too self conscious about the fuck ups in past half life games and is now too afraid to ever touch the IP again because it's his baby.

Dota is one of the deepest and best games ever made and in no way cause half life to die.

Dota 2 is the shittiest shitpile of shittiness to ever exist. It's a glorified cookie clicker simulator that actively and constantly rots and taints the gaming industry by introducing cancerous concepts such as lootboxes and anti-consumer policies while at the same time Valve is literally killing off beloved games such as Half-Life, Portal and Team Fortress 2 in favor of Dota 2, meaning Valve literally never develop any video games . Dota 2 is the worst game to ever exist for these reasons alone.

good, dota is better
>but uuuh you can drop boxes onto ramps and there's a crowbar

>a peruvian/russian daycare game is the best game ever made

>im too dumb for dota

>this is what the 7 people still playing TF2 actually believe

>>a peruvian/russian daycare game is the best game ever made
>>a peruvian/russian daycare central
So IT IS the best game ever made.

>dota killed WC3 custom games
>dota 2 killed half-life


I like dota AND tf2, tf2 has millions of players still.

I like TF2 too, but lets not pretend it wasn't patient zero for everything people complain about in dota 2 (that's not part of the WC3 dota)

Funnily enough, Dota 2 fans are the Rick and Morty fans of video games, which is to say that they're deadbrained idiots who think they're geniuses.

Good trade desu


Slav and shitskin doesn't watch rick and morty.

>Dotards will defend this

I turned all the Reporters Into Supporting Dewarders

>2 years ago
so back when it was good

It's literally still the same great game you spastic

Pretty much this. Half Life 2 is boring as fuck when you go back and play it today. Gaben knows he can't make a new game for today's market.

>reddit the game
>reddit the developer
>reddit the cartoon announcers


It was never good or great. It has and will always be a terrible game.

im talking about the tv show you absolute retard

I am for Doter , Thats why me no Reporter

>Buys Warders pl0x

>26 post
>14 ip
Stop bumping this shit thread.

>announcing your sage

>28 post
>14 ip

And Dota2 died against LoL and PUBG.

I am not sure what you're trying to prove here.

Gabe cocksucker

>you're not allowed to post more than once!
I hate these brainlet posts

Actually, Heroes of the Storm is what executed Trashta 2 once and for all. Based Blizzard showing that Valve are just incompetent idiots.

Half-Life 2 was a tech demo with a story stapled on later. DotA is a magic money tree.
Which one do you really expect a company to give a shit about?

The one who the vast majority of the world actually gives a fuck about? Nobody gives a fuck about Dota 2.

>heroes of the snore-m

You sound like Meleefags at this point.

HL is(was) a legendary franchise that they just killed off because they are more interested in making money off crates and esports, something that Sup Forums agrees is killing gaming. Yet it's ok when Valve does it.

Deepest, maybe
Best, nope, heres your (You)

Now DOTA 2 is dying for Steam Store. Valve are lazy cunts. Glad I became a /consolegamer/

But I am Egyptian and I do

But it's not okay when valve does it, it's just that they haven't made a game in like 5 years or some shit so nobody talks about how they made the first loot boxes. If they actually made a new game and it had loot boxes people would voice their opinion. Yes people are partial to valve but not as much as 10 years ago when everything seemed so much better.

fucking hell
it's literally a standalone of warcraft 3 hero mod
what the fuck is with the egos on assfaggot players?

>tfw bought vr and now i'm calmly waiting for valve to drop their 3 vr games
can't wait fellas. loving life.

>The entirety of Dota 2 can be remade in Warcraft 3
Really makes you think and realize Valve's extremely low standards.

yes and counter strike is a standalone of a half life mod. and look where counter strike is and where half life is today.

But it literally can't. Certain aspects of the game changed drastically when IceFrog dropped parity with the WC3 version. Not just major overhauls like 7.0, but smaller things such as BAT, the formulas for armor types, uphill inaccuracy, regeneration formulas, etc. All these things and a lot more were simply hardcoded into WC3 and impossible to change.

So niche quality games should be dropped for things that appeal to the lowest common denominator, which is retards?
Good to know you care so much about video games and not the financial status of the people who make them.

You can replicate warcraft 3 in minecraft

>it's literally a standalone of warcraft 3 hero mod
I have absolutely no idea how you think this disqualifies anything from being anything

Warcraft 3 is babbies first rts tier, and defense of the ancients made it even more casual.
Describing dota as deep or the best is just like casuals thinking they're ebin for beating dark souls.

yeah it can't cause they started to copy features from the assfaggots created by the guys who created wc3

Explain how it's simple/casual

>turn rates
>uphill inaccuracy
>copying from other assfaggots

It removed player controlled features from warcraft 3 to focusing only on the control and customization of the hero unit.
Letting the AI do things for you does not make the game more complex, if it did you're probably an idiot.

>you only have to move ONE (O N E) unit around and click four buttons sometimes
You can't get more casual than this.

But dota is deep as far as learning curve goes....

So the only form of skill or complexity worth considering in a game is micro-skill?

Not at all, there's plenty of other skill forms, which dota does not posses.

And have knowledge of the movesets of 100 some odd characters, the use and utility of hundreds of items. Not to mention the intricacies of lane mechanics and learning to successfully take advantage of your enemies fuck ups. what are you talking about?

i mean, you play one unit in a fighting game. and mid 1v1 is pretty much like a fighting game except with more map awareness.

With 10x slower tempo. Bad analogy.

Fighting games require actually quick thinking though, that's why they take skill.

What is simple about the other aspects of the game then?

yeah dota is for lame brain retards

which is why you won the international this year. congrats dude you were great

Fighting Games require basic thinking. Doshit 2 do not.

delete this icefrog is perfect dota is perfect

itt. herald players

How mad will be the Dota Comunity if they added TF2 characters as playable?

dota requires more thinking before the game even fucking starts than an rts requires in the entire match.


There are no other aspects that other genres don't do better, not twitch reactions, long term planning, teamwork, optimization, etc.
It's brainlet tier casual ass that only exists by and for stupid people, who seem to have a massive problem admitting it.

>enter teamfight
>click buttons
>win or lose
>repeat forever

Wow, such strategy. Much skill. So this is the power of DoTA...

>pick counters to enemy heroes
>ban counters to your heroes
Yes, it sure do.

>adding none league characters

sad your retard rts ass can't see strategy in any terms other than rock paper scissors.

wasnt pretty much everything just dota 1 stuff?

But rock paper scissors is literally 100% of the strategy in Dota 2. It's NOTHING but counterpicking and banning counterpicks. There's no thinking involved whatsoever.

>twitch reactions, long term planning, teamwork, optimization
What genre does all of these things better?
These are all present in Dota to varying levels aswell as there being other aspects to it.

post your dotabuff

Worth it.

Greatest competitive game of all time. Only games that come close are Brood War and King of Fighters 98.

if that was the case then winning or losing would depend solely on picking rock while the enemy picks scissors. but a lot of dota matches end with scissors beating rock. shame you can't identify that though.

fps, grand strat, games like squad, autism games

half life has reached elder meme status. It will sell but the reception might be questionable but we both know it will never happen so whatever

The other user interpreted the same way I do you third worlder piece of shit. Learn english before you speak, mentally ill abomination.

>rock player is buttfuckedly retarded and loses to scissors player for that reason, not because the scissors player is actually smart or skilled
But hey, go ahead and shill the "strategy" that supposedly exists in Dota 2.

>nobody cares about it because my butthurt ass doesnt

Dota is not an application for pandering to fans like HotS (which is not a game in general). Dota has cameos but nothing more.

No one can deny that DotA is less demanding on APM, but the way the game can branch out is more diverse than WC3 because of the sheer amount of hero lineups. Whether one should harass or creep is pretty much set in stone for all WC3 matchups, and the unit composition is not any better in terms of flexibility.

Being less action oriented does not make the game easier.

post your dotabuff.

You control more than one unit in Dota 2 if you choose to pick certain heroes. What's the point of this even? MOBAs are not RTS games.

the sad thing is that this is true
dota is probably the greatest game ever made and I am not just saying that because I almost reached the best meme medal

dota is way deeper than any tradtional RTS game
the micro requirements of a game don't determine how deep it is

no, but I will defend this until the end of time


Nobody mentioned any RTS games. You seem extremely insecure about how you're getting BTFO about how we're pointing out how casual and simple Dota 2 is.

Man the world would be so much better if people were physically incapable of talking about things they don't understand

pretty sure the gooks are too buglike for actual rtses like supcom and that's why they play shit ones like startcraft

why are you whining about variety in a video game

>ctrl+f RTS
>7 matches before the post