Video game awards

>best Role Playing Game

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Your mom's box

I would have put Nier under Action/Adventure personally, but whatever, its not a big deal.

It's an action adventure game with light RPG elements, they're very lite, only retards would consider it an RPG. Might as well call COD or Battlefront 2 an RPG too.

They want to give it an award but know that it can't win proper categories up against Mario and Zelda so they put it here.




No xenoblade

Role-playing by definition doesn't necessarily imply that you can play SEVERAL roles. Even playing the role of just one person is still technically an RPG, which is stupid as fuck.

>South Park
Why is this wannabe controversial and edgy normie shit on here? When I think of South Park I imagine edgy teens loving all the "lol it's so vulgar!!" humor.
Inb4 "B-But but, South Park very cleverly makes jokes about various topics!! It's a masterpiece!"

Xenoblade came out after Nominations, like FFXV it has a chance next year

Best RPG for me aswell user

How do they have a game of the year when it's not all the games of the year

>Nier has anime characters so it's a JRPG

I thought the pre-requisite for an awards show was that the people organising it knew about the subject it's covering?

>Even playing the role of just one person is still technically an RPG, which is stupid as fuck.

RPGs should be about mechanics, to differentiate them from other pseudo RPGs like Automata. They should have things like incremental stats, leveling up, attacks or weapons with different stats, an inventory system, quests and such. Enemies should also have stats bound to them, like defense, attack, Hp so that when you fight them, you can calculate how much damage you're doing and taking. Automata comes close but it's clearly an action game more than it is an RPG.

What bothers me, in that category and many others, is the prevalence of games that didn't even come out in 2017. Lots of older games are nominated for random shit, looking like they just ran out of ideas for what to promote.

Easier to run the show in January and treat it as a previous year thing, since FF15 is in there purely because they missed last year's deadline.
Retarded category and retarded nominees nonetheless.

>tmw only two of those games are rpgs
>tmw only one of those games is a true rpg

people who actually play vidoegames enough to call it a hobby would never watch these game awards. Like they called the Witcher 3
+dlc rpg of the year even though there is no choices to be made in game because you play as a defined character with a single combat style.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say "It's on there because it's an RPG that people like"

They're doing a Game Awards sale.
FFXV + season pass is on sale again for $30. P5 is also on sale for $30.

Yeah I agree South Park should be the one that wins.

>Easier to run the show in January and treat it as a previous year thing, since FF15 is in there purely because they missed last year's deadline.

No Xenoblade 2 either, they are really pulling this out of their ass. Is this year's going to be an online stream only affair too? Vidya Gaems award lost Spike Tv and sponsors for being too vague, bullshit and filled with shills. "Gamers" and excuse me for using the term, give no fucks about shilling cause we're shilled at every moment of every day. I unironically watch for the awards, and instead of making that the focus of the show, they use it as an opportunity to shill more games.


>there are no choices in TW3

i wasn't talking about south park

Genuine question. I don't want any memes. Is Nier good?

>dialogue choices that lead to a different cutscenes are real game choices
So do you think telltale games are rpgs?

Person 5, Divinity 2 and FF15 are RPGs, don't know about Fractured Butthole since I haven't played it.

>Vidya Gaems award lost Spike Tv and sponsors for being too vague, bullshit and filled with shills

you realize the entire reason they would have all those random celebrity guests who TOTALLY cared about the games was because of spike tv trying to appeal to a wider audience right

But user it's the only RPG on the list, just like you said.


Probably. Fucking hell.

There's 5 separate endings and we're not even taking the expansions into consideration. Your choices affect which characters live or die.


You do know choices in TW3 change how quests end, what endings you get, how some places look later, character relationships, rewards ect? That's all basic shit in a rpg. The only thing that TW3 does not have is a character creation, but it has every other element of a rpg.

Only one game came out in 2016 on that list. All the others came out in 2017.

Yeah, it is. What I like about Witcher 3 is how you can equip a low level weapon at high levels, and do really low, predictable and consistent damage. That's how you can tell it is an RPG.

>calling a Popularity Contest an "Awards Show"

welcome to every awards show in the history of existence

>yfw FFXV wins nothing.

It really feels weird how Zelda is going to win every single GOTY award and a mainline FF game, which used to be a system-seller franchise equivalent to Zelda (or even more in terms of hype), is barely getting recognized.

I really wonder how the 400+ Dev that worked on the game are feeling right now that they killed a 30th year-old series, yeesh.

u mad

Divinity 2 will win.

Game awards judges hate weeb games after all.

League, DOTA2, Siege, and a few others are nominees.

Feeling threatened?

>a meme game
>an action adventure
>two JRPGs
-only one RPG

Gee, I wonder why the action adventure will win.

FF games are dead. Square can't make videogames anymore.

Bet they are proud with FFXV being the lowest scoring JRPG of this gen?

>incremental stats, leveling up
These are actually what ruins most RPG games because autistic faggots just like seeing numbers.
Tabletop ROLEPLAYING games that severely limit how much these things can grow, prove to be the best quality and completely destroy the dreaded "bullet sponge" enemies.

You'd think this but then you remember they added Camel-face as an award presenter.

South Park is ultra mega super normie garbage trash.

FFXV is eh, it sucks dick but it's okay, definitely not a contender.

Divinity 2 is some stupid normie shit again.

Nier shouldn't really be here.

Persona 5 deserves the award, fucking obviously.

Can't wait for Barrys breakdown when P5 beats FFXV again.

At some point I realized that SE went downhill starting at FF7, even if it is what made the series explode in popularity globally.

Two conflicting accounts. One is that Square Soft went to PS1 because cartridges were limited in storage and were expensive to make, while they could get CDs significantly cheaper and they could stack them up, 4 discs per game for example. This is the positive account of the jump the company made. They also have the record breaking sales numbers to boast about from this move.

The other account is that when the FF series director Hironobu Sakaguchi left Square Soft, he stated that he didn't like PS systems at all, in fact he hated Sony too. But this negative aspect seemed to be what remained in the company as it became Square Enix during the latter half of last last gen and the previous gen. They reached out to the Xbox 360 audience instead with FF, while keeping DQ for Nintendo. They developed games like the Last Remnant and Star Ocean 4 for the 360 while cancelling the PS3 version of Last Remnant. Sakaguchi would make 360 only RPGs too, like Lost Odyssey.

In comparison, during the PS1 days, Square made Tactics, Vagrant Story, three FF numbered titles, a lot of other non-FF series like Brave Fencer Musashi.

It would seem that the success they obtained from the PS1 era was not seen positively in the long term by Square Soft/Enix. They never captured the magic they once had during the PS1 era and briefly on the PS2 era with FFX, again. Also, for all the historical negativity they had for Sonyfags, they're the ones who are keeping them alive. FFXV sold more on PS4 than Xbone for example.

>Caring about a marketing event
>Caring about "Awards" in a marketing event
Can't get any more normalfag than this.

>Divinity 2 is some stupid normie shit again

Great bait mate.

Blame the gooch and his $120M unadjusted for inflation mistake.

Are you scared that one of your games won't win and that Sup Forums will make fun of that all the rest of the month?

Why would anyone care about people say on an anonymous board? hell, i'd faster join the shitposting than get mad about it.

Marie is shit

Can't be scared when none of the games I like are even marketed there, bro.
I bet you also shitpost about metacritic scores.

no it doesn't, because whoever decided to make the rules for nominees said that games for next year must have released AFTER December 7th.

Xenoblade got robbed big time...

Your face is shit

I forgot to talk about the game. Well, my post was long, but it has limited context without.

FFXV should have bombed. Looking back at it now with party swap DLC and off-road car mode, the original game on release was an incomplete mess.
SE had also been very shitty to sonyfags last gen as I've stated, but it seems their attachment to FF is quite strong still, as they bought boatloads of it anyway and the company's main franchise is still the number 1 selling JRPG.

I recall an user state that "SE has never made a good game." I wonder if its just one user or an objective opinion of several anons, which may represent a larger group in actuality.

Divinity is the only game on this list I'd consider to be an actual RPG. Not just some action or turn based combat game with RPG elements.

SE made quite a few decent games, it's just FF fags that keep lying to themselves thinking FF has ever being anything other than mediocre trash.
And of course, if there's no FF they like SE doesn't make other games, let alone good ones.

sadly persona 5 will probably win because it's on a sony console, even though divinity is a 10 times better game...

I see this going two ways, p5 wins or xv wins and a announcement for 30th anniversary

XV doesn't have a chance in hell of winning.

Zelda vs final fantasy stems back to ocarina vs vii

Xenoblade is weebshit for waifuists. Then again so is Eltomato.

you underestimate the normies

>South Park is ultra mega super normie garbage trash.
Which is probably why it's on here.
If it wins I will flip my shit.

Battle system and move pool is a good indicator

At least its not uncharted 4, won 4 awards

Hows XV kun taking the news that Xeno 2 BTFO'd him in meta critic scores?

Divinity better win. Its the only true rpg on the list.

nah dude P5 doesn't deserve it.

I can't wait for all the butthurt Nier children tonight
It has a huge chance of winning desu
either Divinity or Persona will win

Camel face?
Not caramel face?

Persona 5 is the best Persona game so yeah it deserves it.

Why do I think that p5 is on that list and is still going to lose?

>dating sim is nominated for best RPG
wew lad

It's OK but not great.
Divinity is the best game on the list.

I liked the premise, the movie was okay. But what has a sci fi opera got to do with ff the game?
Forgotten about Advent children?

I wish, it's FF. That's almost enough to guarantee it a win
He will never stop saying that it's the best thing ever. Arguments only count when he says so, he was already banned again twice in the two days he came back here. His life is XV

It's pretty good, not a masterpiece but certainly something different. But Sup Forums has decided that it's hip to hate it now

Dont forget, its a marketing event,
Standard rules dont apply.
Watch it be a trailer for A final fantasy switch release or something.

why do metacritic scores matter...?

Shitposters like XV kun care if it suits him,
So its fun to watch the shitposters get BTFO
Playing xeno 2 by the way. Switch is recharging.

>XV-kun this, XV-kun that
Is it Autism or the FF fanbase is all this way?

Those are you trending gamers for tonight. Who wins?

The FF fanbase is autistic and pathetic.

I love FF but jesus christ the people on here are fucking awful. Constantly feuding over what is good and what is bad and "oh but FF has never been great"

so many pathetic virgins on here

Pic related is what killed Square. Dude was a complete suit that knew nothing about video games and just used Final Fantasy as a means to copy trends in games. Final Fantasy XI, while good, should've never been a mainline title. FFX-2 should've never existed, and they (unironically) shot themselves in the foot with releasing XIV so close to XIII.

The biggest offender is that they were so focused in milking FF, KH and DQ that they have nothing else noteworthy. KH's hype will dwell after 3, nobody cares about DQ outside of Japan, and FF, as of right now after the XV, is ultimately a second rate, or even a third, series.

But we still have them Marvel games, I guess...

All FF faggots are like that.
If you check those threads they don't even like their own games, they only like one or two for the characters and music and shit ferociously on anything else while simultaneously praising FF as the best and most innovative RPG series around.
And don't dare criticize their favourite games because that means you haven't played them.

The fuck, were all of their actual images replaced with profile pictures, or are these entirely different nominees?

XV kun is just a idiot, he shitposts on xeno series threads or any thread that compares the two.
Dont forget, Monolith soft left Square soft after Vii
Xenogears was basically takahashis project and square were incensed at nintendo .
>trending gamer

I like most FF games, that doesn't mean i can't shit on that one guy that ruined basicly every FF threads for more than 5 years and shits on every game that isn't FFXV on multiple websites, he even does it on Sup Forums and Sup Forums

XV-kun isn't the problem, he's just a variation of the many cancerous FF people on Sup Forums.

The reason they brought Wada to lead the company was because of

Yes? They are RPGs with action based combat, part of this 30 year old paradigm called Action RPG.

Entirely different people, with some actual quality in their stuff.

Seems like the average FF fag to me

Wada was retarded, but Square isn't really doing an amazing job to try any better. They're already making the same msitakes with 7R and shit and putting one guy as direcotr on two games without even knowing about one and character designer/artists on like 10 games. No wonder almost noone is left at Square and i doubt Nomura would even stay if it wasn't for KH

XV already has more GOTY awards than any other FF.

You guys have no idea. He does it almost 24/7 on tons of websites and even tracked down some girl on neofag back then and threatened her to rape her etc.
Even the ususal FF fags hate him

Monolith soft also left after completing xenogears
Strange how alpha dream, mistwalker and m9nolith soft all had ties to square soft
Let me guess, level 5 was former square too?