Post them bros.
Post them bros
That's way too much shit to fill out you dumb leafcunt. 6 categories would already be stretching it, 24 are just ridiculous.
Is this meant to be a parody of the leaf stereotype?
grow up kid, mentally and physically
jesus it's like fucking homework.
>liking that piece of shit series known as Maze Runner
Also sage for not video games
wtf does this have to do with video games ?
It's just breaking the ice so we can get to know one another
these threads are dumb
>Big Hero 6
Please fuck off
You're that guy in the group that contributes nothing much but you're still invited just because
Fucking cancer.
oh well
There is something unfitting about one of your personal tastes compared to the rest but I can't seem to put my finger on it.
>saber marrionette
My basketball american
>Fallout 4
shit taste but where you at in leaftown? i'm in ottawa
>doesn't even post the correct template
Fucking leaf
I hate underage Sup Forumsedditers so fucking much
so much shit taste, hope it's a troll
>p&s on cartoon
>shitby on anime
>ikke hanrei-porno
ikke lyv, Kalle
This has so much dumb trivial shit like place and comedian added to it.
This template is by far the most clumsy thing I've seen
Shit taste overall
Leon is fine, rest is actually retarded
you're ok
nice pokemon, vidya, movie and drink
not really worth rating
godtier pokemon
overall very good taste
if i had remembered, i'd put mad men as well
nice taste
>the walking dead
stopped there
also godtier pokemon taste
rest is pretty shit, especially that "celebrity"
>christopher lee
you're my kinda guy
Who is that chick?
>nigga music
>strip sandwich
You are a nigga from britbongistan.
You must be.
Brittney White
Nope, from America
I am underage: the post
I'm I hate that movie, but otherwise very solid, would friend
my man
Oh shit that movie, I watched that this month. Usually I like slow movies but this one was slooooooooow. I enjoyed it but probably wouldn't watch again. Reminded me of Altered States if you haven't seen it
sigur ros my nigga, seen them twice live
I'm having a hard time deciding what TV show. I really don't watch much western stuff.
>an anime
ahh still got it
knew you were black
how narcissistic do you have to be to put the time into one of these things for some (You)s?
>how narcisstic
I really love myself and think I've got the best taste in everything ever. I'm not a pleb though, so that's on you.
killing time at work so why not
Is that the 99 dollar so called “Les Paul”?