Which game has the greatest love story ever told?
Which game has the greatest love story ever told?
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You posted it.
You posted it, i can't think of another one.
god damn I keep forgetting how fucking legendary the Xenogears OST is.
>yfw we'll never get a complete disk 2
Maria and Seibzehn
Outside of VNs few games across any genre focus on love stories.
Xenogears was one of the few to focus on that and do it fairly well.
Do people really like this? I thought the romance aspect of the game was perhaps the weakest plot point.
If those Xenosaga HD collection on the switch are true and it sell well, maybe someday squenix will want to remake the game. I hope they use monolith soft for the work and that they do not turn it into a brainless hack and slash like ff15 and ff7 remake.
it picks up very quickly during the mid-game
The beach and pillar scenes in SC are to this day the undisputed best romantic moments in vidya.
Not the gratest, but it is pretty cute.
Saddly she's now a seagull. Well, better than dead. Maybe she can become Tesla's waifu.
Best theme coming through
One of the best themes for sure. Problem is you had to play far enough to get to it
That just makes it more worthwhile.
This shit was fucking hilarious when nobody comprehend well that fucking system.
Im seconding this one.
Xenoblade 2
That gave me a good chuckle, good joke.
This. First time a game ever made me cry was that beach scene, it was fantastically done.
What's bad about the romance in Xeno2?
There is only one greatest love story ever told at least until they make a Your Name videogame.
I personally hate both characters involved in the romance. The game is overly indulgent in shitty anime tropes, and then even adds a second tsundere personality to the girl that is just hard to watch. The most important part about a romance is that I enjoy both characters and want them to be with each other. I want Rex to suffer a violent death and Pyra to go back to sleep forever.
This has a game? Why?
The more interesting question, though, is why you like it so much? I'd love to hear your opinion.
>tfw you cuck yourself so hard you become an immortal supervillain
Being Grahf is pure suffering.
>innately predisposed to fall in love with each other because of a preplanned, genetic, super computer designed it that way
>turns out your love is actually the manifestation of your childhood desire for your mother
This is a joke. Also, best girl didn't deserve to end this way.
>So this is the power of Gears. Not bad...
>nipples in a Japanese game
>sex in a japanese game
90s sure were wild
Now the weebs would burn down Akibara
this game gave me some weird fetishes
>this entire scene
like what?
mecha fetish?
Demi-human fetish?
Soylent fetish?
Nanomachine colony fetish is for patricians only.
>Also, best girl didn't deserve to end this way.
It was too painless for an ntr-ing slut
What the fuck was his problem?
too intelligent.
>manifestation of your childhood desire for your mother
Can't think of a huge amount of game romances I was highly invested in. Most are either the final payoff, or the tragic reason for establishing motivations.
For all the shit that Bioware romance gets I give the ME trilogy props for having three games to build up optional relationships with.
Lots of games are still aimed at emo 15 year olds and manchildren.
Wouldn't mind some well written romance in games. Some VNs do it but that's not really games.
>I personally hate both characters involved in the romance
Half-agree. Rex is alright, the first 20 minutes of him won me over and I got over his dumb design. But 60 hours in I still hate Pyra and Mithra. Pyra's voice acting sounds like a random person off the street, her design is neon vomit and her chesticles seem intent on deflating any tension or emotion the game tries to stir in me.
Being Alice's 30 year old kid brother is tough. I like that you beat the shit out of him in a martial arts tournament.
it's great. realistically your mother is the only woman who will ever love you.
>I like that you beat the shit out of him in a martial arts tournament.
The right course of action is not attacking him there and letting him take out his anger on Fei until it blows off. Asshole.
Bullied for his hair style and brows
It happens, man
Fug. This is fucking true.
>tfw you will never have a gf/mother like Elly
Life is suffering
Do what you want i've already won.
She is a coalburner in their universe
with love, we all won, user.
>Rinoa literally casts a spell on Squall "jokingly" to make him fall in love with him
>In the next scene Squall rejects Quistis despite clearly liking her earlier in the game
Fei is a a chink though
Which alternate universe has xenogears 2
Only goats will be unable to understand this one
This. Modern people could never deal with xenogears. Let it be what it is and give thanks that its still there for us to enjoy, because the level of buthurt it would create today could trully be out the charts
Imagine if Utena was made today
Or hell, even Evangelion
>Asuka spending the first ten episodes wanting to bang Kaji
>Rei wanting to bang Gendo, and both girls hating Shinji
>The same episode Shinji starts liking Misato ends with her fucking Kaji
It'd cause insane butthurt
I didn't keep up with umineko but didn't she end up being some tranny that was raped by their grandpa or something?
this is how love actually works. a man can only feel two types of love: love for his mother, and love as a father.
dont let these jrpg fags tell you otherwise.
This is a classic, only a step behind Radical Dreamers wich is my favorite.
>skyfags still this delusional
that's not weird.
I watched utena recently felt like a fucking idiot for not watching it ten years ago
Superb show
>Imagine if Utena was made today
It could be made today, you'd just call it pretentious and write it off though.
why is elly wearing a diaper
>Not the best music
Nigga please, it shows how their love will conquer anything, even GOD (and the Zohar)
Automata did a similar concept better because only one side suffers reincarnations while another can only watch in horror while being one of the reason this cycle continues.
In terms of emotional buildup and the way game reveals true nature of their relationships it's incomparable to anything i can remember in video games.
>not this one youtu.be
>tfw you will never put those on your mouth
Damn, this one is great aswell. This OST is gold.
>tfw when on 3rd playthrough you discover Emeralda can actually grow up if you take her to the Zeboim ruins
One of the most genuine moments of amazement Ive had playing games
>childhood friend
he's her adopted brother and she considered him a part of her family at the beginning of the game
hormones kick in later
Xenogears love story would probably be the one I would choose if trying to be objective, but the honest kid me of the time would say Grandia
First Grandia as a whole feels like what FF9 tried to accomplish with its own sense of journey and a romantic subplot but utterly failed to capture past disc 2.
>manga permanently stuck at volume 7
The one single time anime beats out manga.
That good huh? I'm gonna have to put this on my list.
Yeah, disc 2 Feena got pretty unbearable once the Leen reveal happened.
Atleast we got Rapp and one of the best regular battle themes in JRPG history as a tradeoff
Disc 2 gets a bit weird, but i do recommend it, it's great.
not him but there a great many doujins for Xenogears that are all top-tier.
While I wouldnt say its as good as dedicated, single heroine games appearing in this thread, Jacqlis route in Ar Tonelico 2 is pretty great, especially the camp conversations after completing her cosmosphere and her ending.
Metal Gear Solid 2.
Are there any good ones that don't involve the shitty-tier Elements? Kelvena is cool though
>The one single time anime beats out manga.
The general rule is that the original work is better than the adaptation. Usually the original work is a manga and the anime either never finishes or it's cheaply animated or it makes controversial changes, or any combination of the above, so the manga ends up being better, but since Toradora is originally a light novel series, one adaptation doesn't necessarily have to be better than the other.
>given as a wife to a total stranger and subjugated to a spell that would make her fall for him
>said stranger is a complete edgelord who already wrecked her on a battlefield
>but he's actually a great guy with a life as pitiful as her own so they get along greatly and protect each other multiple time
>goes as far for him as fighting a queen of the dead and he fights a king of inferno for her
>his route reveals that there was no spell on her and she fell for him on her own
>get the best ending in the game
i love Margie!
Yeah, she's pretty cute. Sadly Bart is tapping that ass.
>his cousin
>a child
Holy shit, Bart
>I'll never forget the time we met. I knew ours was a love that would last for eternity.
>But even when by his side, his feelings were a mystery. It was painful not to know what he was thinking. So painful.
>When I was close, I hurt him. Yet being distant hurt him more.
>I finally found my place in life. A place where I am as close as possible, yet eternally distant.
Been playing through this game the past week, it's fucking amazing and I usually drop older JRPG such as the older final fantasy pretty quickly.
Monster Girl Quest
Not even joking that shits heartwarming
The Hanako route in Katawa Shoujo.
Glad you're enjoying it, people usually seem to love it or hate it. It's my favorite vidya