
What makes link such a good protagonist?

He's both a blank slate for the player, but has enough background and character to not be just an avatar


Imagine stuffing your face in his sweaty armpit after he's done a workout while you're slowly stroking your dick.
Fuck he makes my dick so fucking hard.

On the one hand, he is a "silent protagonist" in the sense that he's capable of doing whatever you'd like to do and so you can act in the game through him. While a lot of games get stuck in the "but thou must" mindset or just outright say you can't do something, Zelda games tend to let you be a dick or rude (to an extent) and so behave more like the player intends. That, and Zelda games tend to be more open about a lot of things so you can do stuff like throw bombs at people you don't like.

On the other hand, he isn't entirely mute and the action of the game doesn't just revolve around him. A lot of games have a silent protagonist and them just follow a plot as if they weren't there. Link, by contrast, is still the main protagonist. And for that matter, he isn't silent - he screams and grunts and reacts to things which most people would reasonably react to. So he does have a voice, but it's one which lets players identify with what's happening. Rather than getting hit and just having the screen shake and tint red, Link actually cries out and gets tossed around.

the duality of man

Both things are true.
You can appreciate Link from a technical point of view in the way he's built as a video game protagonist and built upon over the years, and still want to atomize his boyhole with your enola gay.

More like the duality of Sup Forums

link a hot


with hips like that, can you blame 'em?



mmm Link

He's cute and gay.

Link has the best armpits

Imagine tying Link up and raping his boipuccy while slowly edging his hard dick

Not really. This was bound to attract all the ironic and unironic faggots due to OP using an attractive Link picture.

Anyone else fap to the thought of gerudo Link having sex with random men?

yeah that's true

>This was bound to attract all the ironic and unironic faggots due to OP using an attractive Link picture.
It's just a normal innocent drawing of Link.

I rather have Link with tight clothing

Poor Link. If only he didn't dress so slutty

Nah that would be TOO gay. I imagine myself fucking him, which is less gay

and now for some ERP
*Link walks into tent all shy and stuff*

y'all niggas gay af

he sees a nice man offering him bananas, and proceeds to get on his knees. Blushing, he quickly wraps his lips around the banana while holding two other bananas

I wish you people could realize how bad blond eyebrows look in real life.

>Link in the tightest and second-most feminine outfit in the game with all the detail going to his abs and lean body
Yeah, you're not fooling anyone. If you wanted a real discussion, you would gave used a picture like this.

he's a cool guy.

"Thank you for the meal!" Link says to the man

He still looks so fuckable in that pic

can you fucks stop being so gay for a minute?

prove it


come on. You'd fuck Link. We'd all fuck Link.

how long? I give it 70-100 posts.

>Gerudo outfit was supposed to be a unique and funny way of getting inside the strict all-women only Gerudo Town
>faggots ruin it by sexualizing it non-stop

Want more?


It doesn't matter anyway, the OP is a third worlder ESL that can barely ageing a sentence together that knows how to ban evade. Look at how he talks and the titles of the threads, it's always the same guy and he bumps his own thread over and over until someone bites and keeps it going.

fuck all of you, link is straight.


Hey it's just a fan art thread. It's not like I'm fapping here.
What's the problem officer?


The best part about Link's new game is how creative the modding is

Much better.

His sweet ass

Sup Forums is full of faggots i swear

Much better. Link should be a twink, not a literal woman without tits.

Princess Link on his honeymoon~

anyone else see that wedding dress mod for CEMU?

How's this?

Right one is so much better than the gerudo outfit.

yes, very good

Why do link threads make people so fucking mad here?

*blocks your path*

I dunno lol.
I unironically think it's hilarious when art like this ruins Link's overall image.

mfw Nintendo decided to give him girly eyes and long eyelashes

>implying that'll stop me

>link threads
Husbando threads in general. Blame the hypocrite newfags nu-Sup Forums brought here.

mfw Nintendo employs soyboy asian men to make their games.

need more hair buns in this thread

he isn't though


>tfw I save tons of pics of link lewd and non-lewd because I aspire to look like him physically and plan to cosplay as him for my bf's birthday

You literally are a cuck if you don't like cute feminine boys

>lower case L

post face

He come to town. He come to save, the Princess Zelda.


>A Japanese male is a more attractive female than most Western females

How did it come to this?

I would but I dont have any flattering pics on me with exif data off them haha
also I'm super self conscious about my face. My body is pretty good but personally I hate my face so I cover it up with my hair a lot. Its nice when anons on Sup Forums threads or my camshow followers call me cute/pretty tho


>there's only like 4 "BOTW Link gets fucking rammed" -doujins/hentais
Cmon now, step it up.
Where the fuck is my monster x Link?

I think you know the answer to that.
Begins with an 'S', and ends with an 'oy', then gets turned into a sauce and poured all over a certain ethnic culture's rice and consumed for ages.

reminder that Link has been gay for a while now

They're off topic gay hookup threads a lot of the time.

Aww come on. We promise we'll call you cute like you probably are anyways!
Don't be a tease now~

>was having a great time playing BotW
>come to Gerudo town
>realize that every doujin is going to be faggot Link getting his shitter remodeled

maybe you should stop buying games made by Nintendo, literally the Fisher-Price of gaming companies now, and expecting them to not be faggy.

>realize that every doujin is going to be faggot Link getting his shitter remodeled
There's very few of those right now.
Trust me, I've been looking

Silent protagonist, minus a few screams and grunts
> No annoying voice/personality
> Getting involved in others' shenanigans comes off as comical rather than Link being a beta male
> His reactions to bizarre characters/situations can also be hilarious yet minimal
> Stoic in the face of adversity
> Pretty much possesses a can-do attitude
> Gets shit done
> Physically stronk and mentally sharp (assuming the player isn't a complete dumbass)
> Looks good in any outfit
> Combination of action hero, pretty boy, explorer/adventurer, silly guy - appealing to almost every demographic

wrong nintendo franchise

It's the logical (but unfortunate) conclusion since LoZ characters have been becoming more effeminate since Twilight Princess.

>no nudist of the wild mod


Pardon me, what part of any of those is pornography?

Why so small?

I have a strong dislike for shota/loli but none of those pics are pornography you retard.

>cheerleading is pornography

Bruv in what world is game accurate conservatively dressed cuteboys considered shota porn?

lmao imagine being so straight you see drawings of teens sitting down and think its porn

He saw a picture of a little girl in swimwear once and went into hiding for weeks because he was afraid the FBI would assassinate him for viewing CP

The Gerudo probably take turns domming Link.

need full image.
gib website where I can find it now.

with their futa cocks

and armpit hair pls

