Why are there so few good Cakes in video games?

Why are there so few good Cakes in video games?

ask GladOS about it

>tfw no Kaede gf

the cake is a lie


Because they are a lie

if only

I want to perpetuate alcoholism with Kaede!

Why does "cake" mean older women? I always thought that it means "ass".

Video games need more MILF/cakes ad romance options.

The joke is that you wouldn't buy a Christmas Cake if it's past December 25th, so why would you marry a girl if she's 25 or older? At least that's what it used to mean, now it's just used by people who like older women.

A woman over 25 is referred to as a "Christmas cake" in Japan. Based off of the reasoning that Christmas cake goes bad after the 25th.

Can someone explain to me why this dimple under Kawakami's lips turns me on so much?

I think most of cakes' recent popularity comes from anons who like women their own age or younger.

Better version.
I want to fuck that dimple.

Drunk hotspring sex with Kaede





>tfw no good MMO to play

>When someone calls IM@S a LL-ripoff

MHO is fun

us gamers, huh? xD

more like 'us people who don't give a shit about video game politics and disliking stuff just because others like it xd'

How about you bake me a cake you fucking faggot