What a fucking borefest

What a fucking borefest.

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>not catalyst

Mirror's Edge is boring, Catalyst is god awful

First 15 minutes it's a good thrill of platforming fun, running through buildings and shit, after that it's the same repetitive crap all over again.

No, mirror's edge is great. The soundtrack is amazing, graphics is still impressive even now, parkour mechanics is good, the story could be better though, but the vibe you get off of the game couple with its soundtrack is just magnificent. I still play the game from time to time just to feel it. It's been almost 10 years and the game still holds a special place in my heart.

Empty city and buildings. Felt lame. Still finished it tho.

Worst sequel ever. Main bitch got lock up for like a year right. So when catalyst comes out she has to UNLOCK THE ABILITY TO ROLL. the first thing you learn about falling to the ground in parkour is to roll. It's the most obvious thing. Yet the badass parkour goddess forgot that?

Progression system we're a mistake why do stupid like ADHD kids have to be unlocking shit to enjoy a game.

If it's a fucking game about parkour I want to start the game with a character that knows at least the very first rule of parkour.

Well it's not like it's a long game anyway, so at least it doesn't overstay it's welcome.

It wasn't a sequel, dumbass. It was a reboot.

It is honestly pretty boring unless you try and get git gud. The platforming systems are deep enough that it's incredibly fun and challenging to speed run, which is what it was made for really.


Beautiful game, beautiful fun maps.


Anyone who claims it was boring probably ran in a straight line and sucked at the game. And you know it.

the feeling of emptiness is what makes me love this game so much, it's extreme comfy. i hope if afterlife exists, after i die i could live in empty dazzling world like that.

I just like it for the environment and music.
Also, there was no way they were able to get off the Shard Building at the end when the entire police force was patrolling it.

The unlock system and switch to open world made me not want to try it. Those are two things the game really didn't need. I know for a long time that every game which wasn't open world was criticized for it, but now more people realize that open world is usually repetitive, boring, and with too much filler content.

> i could live in empty dazzling world like that.
In a dystopian city with Mass Surveillance everywhere? The whole point is that it looks pretty but there's a dark side to it.

I feel you senpai. Would really love to live in a city with the same aesthetics.

That's why I prefer the first game. The Second game had a near-future type city that was pretty generic and standard. The first game actually felt like it could be a real city if you ignore all the impossibly clean buildings.

>In a dystopian city with Mass Surveillance everywhere?
That's already true for some people, but without the pretty part

I really liked the Mirror's Edge series but I wish that they would have continued the series instead of rebooting it with cataylst. Do you think we'll ever see another mirror's edge game?

Apparently Catalyst sold pretty well and even though there was a backlash, if it sells more then that's all that really matters.

Most likely not.

No, but hopefully we'll see some other good FPS platformers. Indies have been trying for a while now with Cloudbuilt, Downward, etc. They aren't as good as Mirror's Edge though.

Spire is coming out sometime, which is by the Dustforce devs which gives me some hope for it.

There's an indie game that has been repeatedly described as being a mix Mirror's Edge and Jet Set Radio but I'm not sure if it's still finished. Also, Dying Light was an interesting take on the Zombie Genre.

>There's an indie game that has been repeatedly described as being a mix Mirror's Edge and Jet Set Radio but I'm not sure if it's still finished

Hover: Revolt of Gamers.

Looks too colorful to me.

What's your favorite level?
Mine has to be Kate. Starting off being chased by the PK units was tight and the long climb up that atrium is pure parkour perfection. The descent down the final stairwell where you gotta get through all those cops was glorious.
The level's soundtrack is the icing on the cake.