pass is rage
Other urls found in this thread:
>idiots not bumping the thread
The people in this game are absolute retards
>tfw you're fash and hitler leaves the game
>full rooms
guess ill just masturbate my winer then
>dead room
>tfw playing fasc and get brazillians as players
fas is so fucking ez
what's the new pass fucking hell
Not loss, cuck, braz, or fasc.
5 letter word starts with v
If you see mejic he's a newfag retard who hasn't even read teh rules ban him
Sup ForumsIRGINS
Better work on that impatto.
Reminder that if you leave you deserve being banned from Sup Forums rooms
>let's throw hitler under the bus lmao
Laser, ebinks, you're the worst fucking teammates ever
>An episode of Vacx accusing 9 all day with no evidence
>Tide thinks covering his own tracks will get him trusted
>Tide was Hitler and Vacx was a retarded lib
Did the impossible and won with Vacx on my team
Retarded site without punishment for leaving
Fascists can't pick R on last card you moron. Shooting chancellor in that situation makes sense. Unlike voting ja on 2 libs when they're about to win which is ALWAYS stupid.
9 here, vacx is one of the most acutely fucking retarded autists i've ever seen, he must be destroyed.
what about player 5 getting his fucking panties in a twist over an internet card game?
>join pub game
>get stomped
back to my Sup Forums safe space of retards who fall for my 1D chess I guess
Regardless you are more suspicious, there is literally no proof you didn't force an R and shoot the player to cover it up, conflict with 9 is better. Hiding shows you aren't transparent and can't be trusted by anyone.
Sup Vacx, it is 9, or as you know me, definitely a fascist.
>tfw someone inspects you in the beginning of the game and discovers you're a fas, and keeps sperging out about it though the whole game to the point that they start believing you're lib and he's fas
vac here why are you talking shit about me I spent 2 games afk
The investigations end up helping fas almost 100% of the time.
The absolute state of Vacx
Fash have won literally every game I have been in
Sup Forums cannot into liberals because even when somebody gets frozen they still end up voting them in late game and the shoosting begins
not enough planned gun plays, not enough forced BB's to guarantee blue cards, libs are too passive and invested in "testing"
join fags
>Letting an obvious fascist pick the chancellor with 3+ reds
Great move, libs.
>The shittiest hitler known to mankind
shut up 10 you threw it
>1 is Hitler
>10 is Fasc
>1 gets into conflict with 10 on the first turn (10 claims RR, 1 claims RB)
>Later, 10 gets the gun and has to find a dumb excuse not to just shoot 1
Fuck off 10. Learn to strategy.
I just aim for the one next to him and do it as fast as possible while saying "FUCK MISSCLICK"
At that point killing a fasc to prove loyalty would be necessary.
It did almost work because I did think 1 was inno when we saw 10 was fascist.
Unfortunately, 1 then investigating 10 and claiming Fasc was super dumb. Also, it was bad that 10 got the gun.
I have never seen fash lose. Ever. Also new game where
He should had admitted to be a fas by shooting 2 and then hoped we would somehow pull a 3 8 gov. Which would be hard.
Any open games? seems all Sup Forums games are full.
>try to cover Hitlers ass by claiming RB and taking red
>Hitler claims RRR
>Everybody suspects me instead of Hitler
>5 votes in Hitler and wins
The absolute state of libtards.
Also I now understand the hate for Vacx, he makes dumb assumptions, last time it was 9 is fasc this time it was 7 is fasc
Conflict between 2 fas = both are frozen = game over for fas, you guys are braindead
It would have worked if he'd have fallen on the sword rather than throwing an autistic fit and threatening to restart the game
>Dispute claim when hitler gets RRR
Thats actually pretty clever, good luck ever pulling it off though.
conflict between 2 fas = game over simple as, it kept going because the libs also happened to be retarded.
How can you even support that inter-fas conflict might be a good strategy is ludicrous, that guy won't admit he just played terribly
I am that guy and my bad for thinking we could try a new strat. I wanted to openly throw someone under the bus and remove suspicion from myself. It didnt work cause the guy happened to be a tard
conflict = both parties are frozen how many times do I have to repeat it mongo
Hitler claimed RRR like 0.5 seconds after my claim, almost certain people would be hinted, an RRR is always suspicious
Not according to the game I just had.
I got into conflict with one guy and then investigated another guy and found out he's fascist too.
Instead of freezing all of us, they froze just me, the lib.
Then they votes for 8, who was investigated by 2 (for some reason even though they should know they're in the same team) as a "lib".
2 was then in ANOTHER conflict and people still somehow voted for 8, Hitler. How did he even GET those votes considering so many people were in conflict with either him or someone who they knew is safe?
bad geimu
Make the password rage retards
No we want to keep you out
*blocks your path*
We need to elect this man, look how presidential he is
Bump for Hitler
If you don't instaquit when you don't get hitler then you're a cuck
Avoid KingKang at all costs AFKer
>3rd world internet
Do the servers compound the problem?
reporting for not vidya, go to /tg/
not an argument
thanks for the bump nerd
2 RR
4 RR
PC games aren't Sup Forums? Don't mind too much if mods move us there.
more /vg/ desu
>A dumb fash shouted sieg preemptively
>Immediately next round vote for the same guy
>Hitler wins
This is the state of libtards folks.
this is a bored game, Sup Forums is for video gamers, fucking get out
Is this better or worse than Mafia?
>The only one taking notes and sharing my findings with the libs
>Claim someone is a fash because they're trying to take attention away from my claims with obviously false bullshit
>Get executed immediately after
>Everyone just moves on immediately with no questions, just assumes the prez had a reason
Jesus christ, libs. Get it together.
I'm always in the habit of trusting meticulous notetakers. I only questioned this when I played as fash one time, and noticed Hitler doing this, acting like a completely responsible lib. Absolutely devilish.
>faggot makes Sup Forums game with one of Sup Forumss passwords
>Lol invite your friends
>Boots people that came from Sup Forums
the creators are cuckholds who want to hammer soft minds with their "liberals are the good guys and if you're not a liberal you're a hitler and also hitler was a reptilian who came to earth to hunt jews for sport"
he was a big guy
>I only questioned this when I played as fash one time, and noticed Hitler doing this, acting like a completely responsible lib. Absolutely devilish.
There's nothing you can really do about this, though. It's not a good reason to distrust people with clean records.
I didnt boot anyone you fag
>gets switched to "observer" after taking a seat and calling out how gay you are
>Cant get back in
Why do people feel the need to stall out votes everyone round? Is it just 3rd world connections?
I didnt click shit. Refresh the page retard