It's from bongland!
What's inside????
It's from bongland!
What's inside????
Other urls found in this thread:
dragon dildo.
another kitty OwO
it's a switch now fuck off
hurry the fuck up
wow i wonder if it's a fucking PS4
if shitendo op suga carajos
This is a big box
Damn, I want a cat now
I didn't order beer
Let's look under it
You take all of the images before making the thread OP. That way everyone does not leave because you are taking so fucking long.
>always wanted a cat as kid
>Brother had asthma and was allergic to animals
Fuck, now should I get a cat? I'm not so sure anymore...
Oh shit, it's happening
>A ps3 with test written on it
it's fucking nothing
is this the /fit/ version?
Post kot.
More like a complete region free model that plays all region ps1-3 and burned games
It was only sold to developers
Test it!
damn, I'd like that shit
Now, OP, take a sledehammer to it as we all know you are going to
Now go return it to Sony for free tickets to Blizzcon like the reddit cuck you are
Nice OP.
let's please not
Oh god it works, help
Holy shit.
Isn't the Ps3 already region free?
Give it to the RPCS3 guys
post more kitties and anime games, preferably together
Format the data, gut it, and turn it into a micro pc then post it on reddit for upboats
Most PS3 games are region free, except for a few like P4A. PS2/1 was not region free
cat is lazily trying to fuck his owner
owner thinks its funny and films it
The cat loves him user nothing wrong with that
post more pictures you fag
that's just cruel
It isn't like these are so rare that it would be a major loss. That xbox tower was pretty much the only one left. Also why is it always the fucking redditors who get cool shit, like the guy who found A fucking Starcraft source code CD.
>can play any ps2 game
>decides to play generic weebshit
What a world, what a world.
Well it's the only ntsc j game I had user
I'm trying to hunt down a few development disks
I'm the same but it never stopped my mother.
>redditor finds Starcraft Source Code
>instead of releasing and allowing for a crazy new age for modding and homebrew strategy games, he gives it to blizzard
>redditor finds Xbox Dev Tower
>instead of releasing the data held within, or giving the tower to someone who could make proper use of it, he decides to gut it, format and throw out the hard drive, along with all the other interior bits, and turn it into his PC case
Honestly I blame the stupidity of their circlejerk. The guy with the Starcraft disk gots TONS of shit for giving it back to fucking blizzard, probably because he though "Oh lul i'll get tons of karma do the right thing amirite?" The kid with the Xbox dev tower probably thought it was worsethless, did zero research on it, and just decided that this rare thing would be best to make a cool PC tower because you go on reddit there is literally zero discussion it's just people circlejerking off who can be the coolest. So instead of actually trying to do something, they just do what they think will bring them the most internet points. Eventually someone using this utter lack of logic ends up actually doing some serious harm, like potentially making it impossible to emulate Xbox games on PC, because they don't stop to think of the actual fucking implications of their actions, and can't think more than one step ahead. They rather just get those easy internet points than actually do something worthwhile, and they ruin shit for more countless amount of people.
>implying the starcraft source CD wasn't a hoax by Blizzard to generate hype for remastered
Anyone have the components that kid put in the Xbox tower, all I remember was it being some shitty budget build
cats cured my asthma
if you don't have a big back yard or a forest for your cat to take his shit dont bother taking one.
>It's from bongland!
>What's inside????
Probably a nailbomb of peace and tolerance
>what is a litterbox
Fuck off, cats don't have foreplay, it's all or nothing
Do these things get YLOD? I'm imagining they do, since they use the old Cell manufacturing process.
Excuse me, but I couldn't locate Skyrim Special edition, or VR edition in that pile. Mind posting it for me?
Whats the point, I can already emulate all those systems on my PC.
Lmao I like that cat
Nothing of value was lost.
>because they don't stop to think of the actual fucking implications of their actions
Most people can't do this, user.
What was the story behind this again? Anyone have a convenient screencap?
>Starcraft source code CD
Please don't remind me. I lie awake at night wondering what might have been.
Replying to my own post. I remember now and decided to post a link to share this retardedness with others.
Shit that people would play for a few times and then forget about.
Fallout 4 goty edition is in it Todd :)
old fats tend to fail eventually if you don't replace the thermal paste
>All that weebshit
please stop, it still hurts
>all those triggered redditors
that OP is based as fuck
>Box thread
>It's actually fucking something
How about a bon fire with it and I'll post it on Reddit
If quads of course