Next time a Nintenbro tries to tell you they are not the saltiest mother fuckers on the earth

Next time a Nintenbro tries to tell you they are not the saltiest mother fuckers on the earth...

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Looks like you already forgot about Bayo2.


I can't say anything because I would be pure sodium if PC was left out AGAIN

Switch port begging is the worst

This seems pretty desperate

These people are the fucking worst, every single game announcement or dev twitter update now is FLOODED with begging, if a switch port isn't mentioned or available. WayForward even got flooded with it on their YT trailer for Mystik Belle.


I like the guy that says "No Switch port is dumb" and then immediately follows that up with "And we already have it on PS3 anyway" without a hint of irony. Like if you have it on ps3 already why would it matter that it's not on switch. fucking retards

These dumb idiots should have just waited I’m getting one in 2019 when it has Metroid 5 and a big library of games. They should know when you get a Nintendo console you buy another console for multiplats.

This is getting outta hand.

It's not unique to Switchfags in fairness

Nobody gives a shit what completely disingenuous shitposters do on Sup Forums fag. None of those posts are actually serious, nobody on here is honest or genuine in the slightest. They post that garbage because it upsets you, much like it upset the person who made that collage.

Serious question though, why isn't it on Switch? Personally I don't give a shit, I have all the originals to begin with.


>Nobody gives a shit what completely disingenuous shitposters do on Sup Forums fag
And twitter is any different how?

a hat in time devs had to delete their tweet saying that it got annoying that switch owners kept spamming for a port every post when they explained why it was too difficult for one (and it most likely won't make sense money wise, competition with SMO, UE3 not friendly with the switch, and they got the dev kit a week before pc release)


fucking nintentoddlers

Because I can find you on Twitter.

Where have all these switch port beggars come from? Am I really to believe that all these clowns have gone this entire generation without a PS4 Xbone or decent PC? I swear a single game cannot be announced without floods of people bitching about the lack of a switch release.

This only shows that Capcom are retards for not porting this to Switch when there's a big demand for it.

They're STILL stuck in the past with the Wii U and their safe zone.

the collages at the top are people begging genuinely and uniformly, they aren't being disingenuous because there is nobody to upset by begging.

nobody posts anything on Sup Forums like wojaks or the shit in that collage for any reason beyond hoping it angers other people. nobody here is genuine or expressing an actual personally held belief. but being disingenuous and posting blatantly retarded shit is guaranteed to piss people off.

Is there a good reason why there's no Switch port? It there a good reason why this doesn't include DMC4 and DmC?

because the switch offers portably. PS4/xbone/PC port offers nothing over the ps3

DMC4 and DmC suck. Capcom doesn't like the switch

Capcom needs money Dmcfans will lap up anything in anticipation of a fifth game.

Explain to me what the $1000 iPhone X offered that older phones did not, other than the quality of "being a new iphone"

Then explain to me why the $1000 iphone x sold well

Nintenbro? More like Nintenbro.
They're the most starved playerbase for games and are always defending Nintendo's bullshit.
I don't fucking get it. The Switch and Wii U are the biggest no games consoles. And all they have is Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 and Breath of the Wild. How the fuck can you own a console with only three decent games on it?
Nintenbros got scammed badly.

>i-it was just BAIT. Y-yeah! Just... bait...

No, capcom is smart not taking an unnecessary risk and spending money to make a port for the switch when PS4, Xbone, and PC have the biggest playerbases.

The Switch is a cult. A lot of people won't even look at a fucking game if it isn't available on the Switch. It's irrational as fuck.

One of those guys on twitter said he'll continue NOT playing this series until it hits the Switch. So an underpowered piece of handheld shit is what it takes for him to finally get around to playing 12+ year old games.

N I N T O D D L E R S.

Fuck this board.

Or it could be they tried (albeit poorly) with gauging the switch audience's interest with USF2 and the game sold like absolute dog shit. At least they've gotten smart and are porting the legacy collections over. DMC wouldn't benefit from a switch release anyway, with 60 FPS being a big deal in those games and I just cannot see the undocked switch hitting that at all.


what the fuck are you talking about?
Capcom said USF2 was a success and they were working hard on supporting the Switch

maybe if people wouldnt waste their money on a tablet with no games they wouldnt have to fucking beg like this

>60 fps being a big deal in those games
>60 fps a big deal in DMC

Not really, DOOM works perfectly fine on the Switch. You can do 60 fps games on the Switch just fine.

Because an iPhone is a status symbol more than just a phone. What does this have to do with DMC?

*replies with "SWITCH PLEASE! to falseflag as a nintendo fan*
*posts result to Sup Forums*

>saltiest mother fuckers on the earth

Anyone that has frequented here the last 5 years could attest

What? Sodium is a metal

B........B....BUT ON DA GOOOOO!!!!!

They did? I swear that game sold fucking terribly. Capcom usually has stupid crazy expectations so I'm genuinely surprised to hear that.

>People who play a certain console ask for a game for that certain console

How is this bad again?

It's been less than a year since launch, and it has plenty of games I like. There are literally 0 games on the Xbox and PS4 that interest me, that I can't play on PC or Switch. The only one, Disgaea 5, got ported to switch.

If Mario Odyssey can run at 60fps on the switch a port of a ps2 game can

they realize the devs and publisher made a calculated decision not to release it on switch right

people are actually upset about this? it's a playstation series and we already got bayo.

fucking settle down.

Not true. X1/PC/PS4 offer better graphics and stable frame rate. Something the Switch will undoubtedly lack if previous port jobs are any indication. As for portability, let's be real here, you people barely leave your homes. I don't even take the Switch into the bathroom.

>60 fps not being a big deal in a DMC game

You fucking wot? 60 FPS in character action games is the standard buddy. Game fluidity is very important to these titles.

Now post Bayo2 being an exclusive to compare levels of asshurt

lmao so a fucking phone that has LOST functions over its previous models and costs MORE somehow, is fine to BURN MONEY on as a status symbol, but a new $400 console every 5 years is the worst fucking investment ever and cannot be a status symbol lol

how about you literally go fuck yourself dude

Just because Bethesda made some ports to the Switch, at 15/20fps with a blurred filter to hide the low res textures, doesn't mean other devs want to port to a underpower handheld.

It sold over 500k and that was from august. Considering it's a cheap cash grab of a 20 year old game that's not too bad

It's not really a status symbol though. Everyone owns a console and the ones that actually matter are the PS4 and whatever the new Pokemon game is on. Are you this disengaged from normie culture, user?

Better graphics in a ps2 port? Lol alright. Nice projection btw

>bragging about being poor and narrowminded

60FPS or bust. If Nintendo can optimize their games to almost always run at 60FPS, they better show these devs the ropes, because right now Devil May Cry sounding some type of sexy.

>p.....please give me p....ports I want s...something to play.....

These are literally ps2 games dumbass

>N-nintendo just gets ports they don't count as games

Reminder to report all console war threads.

HD ps2 games that a 368p handheld can't even handle

Sup Forums - Twitter discussion and Drama.

t. My ass

usf2 outsold mvc:i you know

>w.....where is my S...Switch version??? #Crapcom

I don't sprinkle metal on my cereal you FUCKING RETARD

That's not really salt, it's moreso desperation and just being annoying

The Switch is more powerful than the PS3, even undocked.
There's no excuse for it.

>Salt on ceral
Fucking what?

I think you have a speech impediment

Begging for PS2 games. Top kek.

The source is No DMC on the Switch. Can't you read?
lol? Why do you feel entitled to have the games?

Cereal has Zinc and Iron, retard.

Cereal jfc

Didn't it also out sell SFV or at least close to it?

even more reason to put it on the switch i'd think

>not applying a generous spoonful of iron to your Cracklin' Oat Bran in the morning

I know right, DMC fags are pathetic.
>I-its okay Capcom, we didn't want dmc5 anyway haha the ports are just as good really!

>Is there a good reason why there's no Switch port?
Because the Switch is WEAK as FUCK, why is this so fucking hard to grasp? People who bought one got fucked in the ass and can enjoy Zelda on 20 fps and that's literally it


Why did you waste your time making these?


Why would I buy a console I have 0 interest in? The only 3rd party game I'm interested in that has been announced is Valkyria 4, and that's coming to Switch. Other than rare games like that and Cuphead, the only games I have fun with are Nintendo ones.

you don't salt your cereal?

just because they didn't port it doesn't mean it can't run. Plenty of games don't get put on systems than can handle them



Any fanboy is trash regardless of the system you're all the same level of shit.

>not eating the iron spoon for your iron

Wow you sound mad. The switch could play these ps2 games whether you want to admit it or not



no botw does not count as a game that's a port idiot !

I'm more bothered that it's not 5 yet. Still remaking the same content. Hopefully the remaster will improve the gameplay for the first two games somehow.

So(n)yboys are the most bitter people on the planet. They waited almost a whole decade just so they could chant “LEL NO GAEMS XD” at others and these collages are obviously to get back at Nintendrumpf for the Bayonetta 2 collages.

Why are we arguing about this being on switch or not, and instead being angry this isn't devil may cry 5 but yet another fucking remaster no one asked?

Is this 1 2 3? Don't we have that already for pc?

god I hope V isnt comming to the switch, I dont want it gimped by handheld hardware.

Literally says "the problem is not that the switch is too weak" and that they could work with it

You literally just proved my point lol