Free AssCreed IV Black Fag next week

>eurogamer .net/articles/2017-12-04-ubisoft-is-giving-away-assassins-creed-black-flag-for-free-next-week-on-pc
>game about pirates
>it's free

Really activates my almonds. Is it good tho?

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>Both titles are only available on PC to users of Ubisoft’s proprietary Uplay client.
No thank you.

>tfw playing this on PS4 right now

Everyone always praised those naval battles but I'm not feeling them desu.

You'll need to use Uplay so nah fuck that I'd rather just pirate again instead.

What's wrong with Uplay tho? I play Siege and don't even notice that shit running in the background.

this going to sound silly
but are you using the companion app to expand your ship power?

It's more that Ubisoft is trying to get a foothold in the Steam market. I don't like Steam either but having 2 of these things open at once just because they say so? Fuck em

>people praised the game for the terrible paper thin naval combat
fucking gross
the regular on-foot combat in AC isn't particularly deep but its fun and flashy, 2 things black flag lacks
the only fun thing about 4 was discovering new islands, other than that the game is the only one in the series i haven't finished (except for origins because it hasn't gone on a good sale yet), i also liked the ship boarding i guess but it got old after the first couple times
so much of the game is spent in the water which i genuinely don't understand why they'd do this when the point of AC has always been parkour, melee combat, and assassinations
2 = brotherhood > unity post-patch > syndicate > revelations >>>>> 1 >>>>> shit >>> 4 >>>>>> 2D games

There's an app for it? No, I'm too much of a bitter grandpa for that.

yeah you can use it as a map but more important you can manage send your ship friends to missions outside of game.

Nice, but I wanted the Season Pass included. (well, maybe I'm asking too much to Ubishit)

>tfw went to uplay to create an account
>some inbred motherfucker already took my regular username

The best if not the only good Ass Creed
Can recommend, especially for free

>uplay shilling

You don't need both open at once and you don't need to sick Steam dick to the point that you won't play any game not exclusive to the platform. Get it on uplay, play the game through the client, and close out when you're done.

Does it run well on PC or is a piece of shit like the rest of the AC games?

Worked fine when I last played it

>tfw got uplay, steam and origin running at the same time

Don't forget to open too! Unused RAM is wasted RAM!

I think I'm good.

Once you remove the stupid framerate limit it runs rather well

use d3doverrider for constant (mostly) hiccup free 60fps otherwise the game runs like anus.

Sail until you find a Manowar surrounded by it's escort ships and pick a fight with them. Shit gets intense.

You need to run D3DOverrider in the background or the game will try and knock down your fps below 30 whenever it hits 60

shilling a free game

It runs fine once you turn off/down the PhysX effects. At maximum they still result in drops below 60fps on a 1080 Ti. The implementation is outright broken.

You don't need any dumb program running in the background. Just use Nvidia Inspector to force triple buffering at a driver level.

should I pirate it now that it's free?

Why not Epic Launcher, Battlenet and WB Launcher as well?

I will try that, back in the day when I played the game I used Nvidia's shitty control panel and it didn't do shit. I will use inspector this time around and see what happens.

Fight the boss ships.

Way too many "follow person to hear their conversation whoops it didn't matter anyway" missions but the ship fighting is top notch.

sweet, Watch Dogs a few weeks ago, ano now this? What's Ubisoft up to?



Play rogue instead then, similar navel combat + none of that those listen in on conversation missions

They also gave away AC3, Rayman, Prince of Persia and The Crew a while back
Origin gave pretty much everything away, BF3, BF4 all DLC, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age Origins, Crysis, SimCity, Ultima, Wing Commander
On Steam there are sometimes things like Dirt 3, Dirt Showdown, Shadow Warrior, XCOM, Fallout
Humble Bundle always gives stuff away too, right now they have Homefront

PC gaming feels good. I haven't pirated in ages since they already flood me with games

>have to install uplay to play it
I'd rather pirate it but I won't because it's shit

Does the Steam version not necessitate the Uplay?

>tfw that would eat up half of my 4gb ram
I have none of these clients open if I'm not actively playing something that needs one or when launching a game

atleast he has DDR3, im sitting here with my DDR2 like some third-world shitter

It's literally the best pirate game on the market right now.

I know that feel

I'm upgrading to i5 4760k and 8gb DDR3 tomorrow

every ubi game launches through uplay as all the services are connected through uplay. friendlists, servers etc...
when you buy it on steam and click play. steam launches uplay in the background and the game launches through uplay

we have equally shit PC, hail brother

>how many layers of drm are you on

It's objectively

Nice, then I don't even lose out on anything. They had Watchdogs for free a couple weeks ago as well and I got that, but couldn't run it.

>tfw divinity original sin 2 ran so fucking bad in the second area I had to stop playing
Hopefully with the new CPU I can play games with 60+ fps on low settings instead of how it's now where graphic settings hardly even affect fps since it's so badly CPU and/or ram bottlenecked

>buying ubi games from steam

why would anyone do this?

I did it once
And probably never again

the best thing about AC was the multiplayer. it's a shame ubishit stopped at least tacking it on

what toaster do you have that cant run watchdogs 1?

I mean, my shit is overclocked, and im running fames like For Honor and Shadow of War just fine on low-medium settings, but i wish that one day i will get a solid pc

Swag Flag is the only Asscreeds worth playing. It's a 10/10 pirate game brought down to a solid 8/10 by virtue of them forcing it to be an Asscreeds game.

Definitely worth a play.

Macbook. Please don't point and laugh at me, at least it runs Star Wars Battlefront 2 so I don't feel like i am in a hurry to upgrade.

Arguably the most fun AC game. The ship combat is great, especially with boarding actions.
Hence with Ubisoft has awkwardly shoe-horned ship combat into every AC since Blackflag.

AC3 had ship combat first

No it's not. 2 was only decent because of the good story. Gameplay was pretty barebones. Brotherhood was quite good with the recruit sytem, revelations did fuck all, and 3 was just shit. 4 is better than 1,3,2, revelations and WE.

It's been free since the release. No reason to make any threads OP.

>anything less than 32gbs of ram

The fucking game is horribly optimized my african american friend

Threadly reminder Black Flag is reddit as fuck and Sup Forums's only defense of it is "muh shanty songs!" and an ending that gave them epic feels because they lack emotional experiences IRL.
Also Revelations is criminally underrated Origins is pretty sweet, and 3 is insultingly bad.

I only played up to IV, do any of the following games also have naval combat?

>Revelations is criminally underrated Origins is pretty sweet

>Ubisoft gave away Watch_Dogs 1 for free a few weeks ago
>now this
Ubisoft... are you okay?

This is probably the best asscreed game ever

>I don't like something, but I don't know why
>I know! I'll just call it reddit xDDDD

Let me guess, Uplay, right?

fuck u retarded shill

>implying im going to install uplay just because this shit is free


Had you said Rogue instead of Rveelations I would have believed you.

>I don't like something, but I don't know why
Wrong. The game suffers from the exact same hangups and shortcomings of the engine as previous entries, the game is boring as fuck in the tiny villages and wilderness that make up 90% of the time you aren't on your ship, and 1/4th of the ship missions are TRAILING OTHER SHIPS.


haha, no

It's objectively WE>4>Unity>2>1>3. Where the spinoffs go is subjective, I personally hated them all, especially Brotherhood for just rehashing 2 and making it even less oriented about assassinations than 2 was.

Friendly reminder that if you use Steam but complain about UPlay, you're actually retarded.

>b-but Ubisoft
Valve is no better and you know it.

Best Ass Creed since it's mostly not about Ass Creed. Already pirated it ages ago though.

As long as you never touch dry land it's great.

I thought Rogue was better than Black Flag in every way. Its the same game but with improvements and a more interesting character.

No thanks.

Assassin's Creed with the body stealing mechanics of the Prototype games

Her new album is good desu

>the mortars in a storm legendary

Why don't you go home?

>Ubisoft... are you okay?
Vivendi has been trying to pull off a hostile takeover of Ubisoft. So no, not really.

Even then, they've given away a bunch of games for the last few years.

>BF3, BF4
I must have missed this FeelsBadMan

So a less interesting Prototype then?

Actually very glad to see someone who else who recognises that the ship combat is absolutely shit after maybe the first five or so times. Seriously. It’s the same fucking thing every time and it takes fucking forever to upgrade your ship and make the battles at least somewhat interesting because Ubisoft clearly nerfed the amount of materials you get each time to get you to buy the time saver packs. I actually preferred 3 to 4, with my personal ranking being 2>WE>1>Unity>3>Revelations>Brotherhood= 4=Rogue>Syndicate