am gay 22 year old faggot

> am gay 22 year old faggot
> play GW2
> fight giant wurm boss
> say "damn that's a big wurm"
> someone says "my wurm is bigger"
> jokingly say "snapchat me"
> same guy says "maybe I might wink wink"
> whisper him my snapchat
> continue to flirt a bit
> he tells me "what if I'm younger though?"
> tell him I'm NOT interested at all if he's a minor
> he continues to cock tease me about his massive cock
> get boner
> continue flirting
> he ends up telling me he's a minor and he'll report me
> tell him I'm not a pedo and that I'm seriously not into younger than 18
> continues to call me pedo and threaten to report me
> I tell him I'll report him for being a minor playing a game that's not meant to be played by minors, and also that he's trying to extort me, which is illegal
> total bullshit but he buys it
> blocks me

Am I fucked? :')

please kys

You explicitly said you're not into minors right? Chatlogs would clear you, anyway it's just some shitty kid thinking he's funny. How could you think you're fucked?


Chatlogs would indeed clear me, but this is ArenaNet we're talking about lmao.

OP is a literal faggot
And a britbong too

You know, Craigslist is better if you're trying to flirt with gay old men

chatlogs exist for a reason, you're not fucked
but please kill yourself for being a dumb fucking retard

I can't help myself. I was "born this way"

not talking about being gay
I was talking about you not using your brain to realize you're not fucked
now post your wurm

No, you were brainwashed by media into becoming gay.

Nobody is born a fag

This is now a femcharr thread.


This is why mmos died

Why do you want to see my dick.
I mean, I could post it, but why?

stfu moron, being gay is natural

>> am gay 22 year old faggot
>> play GW2
checks out

I don't know man, I'm not even gay, I just like femenine dicks

Why did you feel the need to create this thread here instead of a website specialized in legal matters? Won't fuck minors? Good, I respect you more for it. You're still, however, being an attention-whoring faggot, which is a double negative. Saged.


user don't be so mean, we're all here because of our love to shit post


Fuck off you blogposting cunt.

No one cares about your shallow online interactions.

Why, because she has no dick?

>not into minors

Why do you lie? We all know the truth. Every homosexual is also a pedophile.

but user, you replied to the thread... doesn't that mean you're feeding OP your delicious salty tears?

hahaha no

we all know what this thread is really about
officially sponsored art streams!

What the fuck is this piece of shit

we already told you to fuck off
nobody cares

did not see a subscribe button where can I subscribe?

>> whisper him
>> flirt a bit
>>cock tease me
>> get boner
>> continue flirting
>> ends up telling me he's a minor

>> I'm not a pedo

I have bad news for you user...

>playing GW2 when other MMOs without charr faggots exist

>GW died so faggots like this could rape its remains
It's just not fair.

Played GW2 the 3 first week and dropped it. I'm currently downloading the game cause I got a new key account from humble bundle.

Is the community still full of furfag of I can be safe from them playing a human?

Also what the best EU server?

I beg to differ, I could tell my younger brother was gay since he was little, the way he acted was very very feminine, always hoped I was wrong but no I was right

>tfw faggot
>have bf
>we're the same age
>don't identify with the degenerate gay community
>stick to ourselves and play vidya together
feels good
