ITT: Obscure DS games you loves that everyone forgot about.
I'll start.
ITT: Obscure DS games you loves that everyone forgot about.
I'll start.
Literally the pinnacle of the genre
I remember some first person rpg where you played as real-world kid stuck in a fantasy world. I think it was real-time since you could control your sword swing with a stylus. Anyone remember this game? It was released during the first year of DS's lifespan, iirc
Bought this game before I even had a DS to ensure I could play it.
Better minigames than the DS WarioWare titles, excluding DIY.
I wish we had a 3DS installment along with more Sega costume pieces.
aka 'feel the magic' in yankville
isn't that contact
Contact wasn't first-person
i don't remember the name but i do remember that game was suck.
Flower, Sun and Rain by Suda51
This was probably my favorite DS game
Another Code: two memories. I was INFATUATED with this little silver haired hapa as a young teen. I wiah she had been in more stuff...
Twisted dreams is better tho but it's still a nice game to play.
Truly hidden gem of DS.
This cute little game felt like I was invited to be a part of a quirky little world that only I knew about. A feelgood game if I've ever played one.
Art Style Boxlife is a great little puzzle game that never really got any attention.
Henry Hatsworth is THE DS title
Also look into:
Rocket Slime
Space Invaders Extreme 1/2
Master of the Monster's Lair
Away Shuffle Dungeon
great game as well
the DS is hidden gem city
will we ever get something like it again?
The graphics are trash but I'm sure an emulator can fix the resolution. This is probably in my top 10
This game is art.
I post this in every DS thread, but I've never seen anyone else talk about it. It was a lot of fun.
This game?
Is the definition of "hidden gem" that we're going with "anything that's not Mario or TWEWY? Because some of the games mentioned in this thread were fairly popular among NDS enthusiasts.
whats the best way to pirate ds games outside emulation?
what ds model has he best battery life?
No we won't. The vita is has all the nippon's and indies attention, normies bought the 3ds for the ninty games and western devs stop caring about handhelds in general. Indies are too popular to be considered a hidden gems.
Yeah, thank you. I remember it being kinda meh but the novelty of using your stylus to slash monster was what sold me on it
what was it with early DS titles and short-hair qts?
not that i'm complaining
Muh fuken nigga
damn, I gotta get me a DSi again
>sequel comes out in EU only
>have to emulate it
Haven't play that yet, is english patch translate all story?
probably not, the DS was weak as shit, so devs had to make games creative & unique to make their games stand out. That same weak power meant that the games were cheap as hell to produce too, so they didn't have to sell gangbusters to be profitable. Nowadays if a game doesn't get 6 digit sales it's a flop
Same. I loved the new models and the multiplayer mode. Alot of untapped potential.
Is it good?
Everything is translated 100%
>tits THAT big
Fake and gay
I remember beating this game in one seating. I had the runs and spent an entire afternoon on the toilets, skipping classes and occasionally shitting.
I don't know what hurt the most at the end, my dried-out ass which bled, or my wrist.
It was alright, I suggest playing it if you have any interest in it.
It is fanart and she did age a bit between it and the sequel.
Was Wii region-locked?
unironically this game. it's way better than anyone gives it credit for and the soundtrack isn't that bad.
Cool dude. How's Wii emulation if one can't be bothered to fuck around with getting a Wiimote to work?
Megaman ZX
I used a PS2 controller with an old converter I've had, not sure what all changes and such has been done to dolphin because I shortly hacked my Wii so I could just play games natively on it.
Fuck Osu, the original games are god-tier
Yeah those character models are definitely with military regulations
Bought it on the advice of some game magazine that compared it to WarioWare, hated it and ended up returning it. I might give it another chance.
That's promising enough.
>mwf i discovered it got referenced in Rhythm Thief with a full song
Contact is GOAT.
I play this shit every year.
This is best fighting game on DS prove me wrong
It's Lemmings x Incredible Machine and a loli
If you liked that check out the Silver Case on steam
I want to fuck that silhouette
This desu
Lost in blue was great:
>Guy can make stuff, hunt, search and adventure
>Girl can cook and daydream
my fucking nigga
>Shonen Jump ultimate stars
>mfw that ending
>mfw I was conspiring with the true villain to manipulate Terry the entire time
What have we done?
the dark souls of ds fighting games
That would have been an all time classic had it not been so painfully easy
The sequel is even better. Sega had some great games on the ds, rush, monkey ball, phantasy star.
I seem to remember being really excited about this and it having massive potential and ended up finding it boring and couldn't stay interested in it.
Its exactly what it advertised. A bare bones classic jrpg with no nonsense.
Horrific dubbing aside, this and its sequel were a lot of fun. Part rhythm game, part dressing up, the tunes were surprisingly catchy and it was enjoyable dressing up your girl in a bunch of outfits and watch her take part in a dance off.
Forunately, there's undub patches around.
>tfw you will never be a corrupt game developer
Would you say you have Nostalgia for this game
The Wizardry game for people who complain that current Wizardry-likes aren't Wizardry enough.
sounds decent m8
Damn, I really want a flashcart now. Anyone know if they work on a hacked 3DS?
At the time I hated the Wii and DS era, but holy shit I wish we could go back to then.
No joke, my top ten ost of all time, this fucker is near the top. Its so godamned good. Shame im a casual baby who still doesnt understand the game all that well, guess thats what i get for playing consoles in the 90s.
The Japanese games had such fantastic titles
I would Die For You
Where Do Babies Come From?
Didn't finish this, but it was clear there was a lot of love put into it. Character designs by the guy who did Sonic the Hedgehog.
What was the name of that game in which you are shipwrecked on a deserted island with a cute girl and have to find materials and stuff to survive?
Also, Lost Magic was pretty fun.
Dude endless ocean was the shit, it must be laying around somewhere in my attic, really need to replay it
Lost in Blue
Lost in blue, which was mentioned in the thread. Its got 3 ds titles, and a wii one.
I've always felt like someone made this game exactly for me.
Fromsoft at their prime
Played this game during a road trip when I was younger. She was my silhouettefu.
Jake Kaufman's early music is novel.
Atlas best boss theme
also fuck the final boss hahaha let's make a boss with seven health bars and two phases of said seven health bars and even if you play damn near perfect on phase 1 you still end up with 93%+ corruption and phase 2 puts you at 1 HP so you have to do all the damage over again while never, ever getting hit or you start the whole fucking thing over again
it's a good pain
She was a total qt
I love almost everything about this game, except the rerolling/savescumming. In theory it's great but it didn't work that well, especially in character creation. But it's still a gem, I love it.
i don't think this is actually THAT forgotten, but, well, it's a good game. fuck you
the fucking BATTLE MUSIC YO