>talk to girl that claims to be a huge nerd
>she actually knows her shit
Talk to girl that claims to be a huge nerd
name 1 game
>>talk to girl
I don't believe your claims
>talk to girl
literally impossible without hacks
said nobody ever
>girl calls herself a gamer
>I start a conversation about games
>she keeps thinking I'm testing her
>I just wanted to talk about games with someone
>Thought girl was a big normie
>Turns out she's really into anime
>girl claimed to be a literary nerd, turns out she was more into vidya
I feel cheated
We did it Reddit!
>criticising reddit posts
>posts a frog
>anime in 2017
>not normie as fuck
>talk to girl who like games in anime club in highschool
>I ask he about the games she likes, harvest moon, dark cloud, and minecraft
>I keep talking to her about it
>she thinks im some sort of sexist pigu that wants to test her and see how much she know so I can post it on my mra blog
>gets mad at me
>her beta orbiters all get mad at me
>mon visage quand
Funny thing is, I don't like anime I was only in their because my black friend was in there
Anime is for girl and fags
Wow good one, you sure showed him!
Epic burn, we win again boys.
>we did it reddit
Ironic cancer is still cancer
You mean a nigger/slave? Are you his parol officer?
>go out on date with a SSBBW tier girl from college
>go for food, but she doesn't eat anything
>go to some anime shop
>she starts sperging out over some mangas
>feeling really awkward
>walk out of the shop
>go home
>she leaves me a really long message on facebook about how sorry she is
hooooly shit never again
>anybody self proclaimed nerd after 2005
>knowing shit
>she knows her shit for a couple consoles or game series
>doesn't recognize Dark Souls
>"it looks like wow and skyrim combined"
This happened to me.
What do you mean by know her shit? You talking about she babling walls of text about characters and plot points like a parroting encyclopedia or someone who has really created a real sense of critical taste and analyze in videogames?
>Stereotypical frat bro friend
>Watches exclusively harem anime
>Owns a couple highschool DxD figurines
That was a weird one.
user, I....
You know the rules.
stream it
haha XD is that a RARE PEPE?!?! DO you mind if I save it for my collection ?!?! XDDD PRAISE KEK AMIRITE?
How? I tried cytube, but I couldn't upload the movie directly.
>being a nigger lover apologist
user, around blacks never relax.
13% of the population didn't get to be over 50% of the homicide rate by watching anime.
No idea desu but what's the name I forgot and wanna re-watch it
Calls them Reddit posters
While using a picture from tumblr
Pottery in motion
hey mlady, do u ple bideo gems?
user, I know you're larping as a Sup Forumsack, there's no need. We're all friends here
People who aren't sissy faggots afraid of their own shadows can be good friends even with minorities.
>talk to a girl who said she loves shoujo mango
>didn't recognise most shoujo mango I asked her about
fucking normie plebs
I met a girl a while ago and she claimed to be a real gamer who plays good stuff and I said "uh huh.. yeah.. right.. like candy crush yeah?" in a kind of dismissive way, but she surprised me when she said she loves Zelda and Skyrim.
I guess there are actual gamer girls out there user, just keep looking.
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist
>checks the file name just to sperg out
I swear using tumbler filename is the best troll. I've never changed it because I've got like 10 of you fucking faggots butthurt off of it.
Just say what you think, faggots, stop being so fucking pussies with this passive aggressive thing
i read that as chins instead of claims at first
>tfw a girl likes you
>friends with a nigger
>bragging "because my BLACK friend was in it"
>defends niggers over 3 posts
You are brainwashed lib-shit scum and when you get brutally murdered and/or mugged I will laugh because you let your guard down around sub-human violent stupid nigger scum.
i already said what i thought retard
>le just because I want the destruction of all blacks I must be from Sup Forums!
how can you tell?
Umm sweetie, you don't have to try so hard to fit in :)
Are you disabled?
No you didn't you just acted retarded when I was making fun of you.
Back to re**it you go.
Lmao that was a different user, fucking neck yourself you paranoid soyboy, I bet you don't even have any white friends.
>at party
>girl is playing really good at smash 4
>say she’s pretty good for a girl
>she gets offended
Why can’t girls handle the bants?
I've been on this site for over 6 years and I won't let a handful of libtard re**it faggots turn the internet hate machine into nigger lover safe space.
Go watch your Blacked porn on Reddit and fuck off Sup Forums the streets ain't safe for you nu-male cucks
you just replied to me with the same facebook frog i was calling a hypocrite and i didn't want to make the same post again.
you can call me reddit all you want but your filenames are giving you away friend :^)
But I didn't say you were from Sup Forums I said you were false flagging as a guy from Sup Forums you silly billy willy
>girl claims to be a huge nerd
>she actually knows her shit
>shes fat and ugly
you'll know
fake nerd girls are a turnoff
so are real nerd girls
>make fun of niggers
>make fun of nigger-apologists
>3 flaming faggits crawl out of the woodwork to spam "lol u have no friends" bullshit
I want you to go back to your respective websites and fuck off mine you absolute unreconcilable faggots.
Sweaty, I'm just offering advice. I don't care what your stand is on minorities. But at least read the >>>/rules/
>I've been on this site for over 6 years
lol newfag. That is nothing.
>i'm le oldfag!!
>le internet hate machine!!
>reddit is censored in the first line but not the second
>reddit spacing
Ironic "sweety :^)" posting isn't funny and doesn't win arguments.
Just proves to me and everyone reading the thread that you liberal estronauts are massive unoriginal beta followers and back down to passive aggressiveness whenever your losing an argument
you know if you hadn't mentioned you had a black friend for no reason other than to brag about having a black friend this sspergout could have been prevented.
At this point I'd take a chubby girl or a feminine enough boy. Why is so hard to find someone interested in videogames, anime and the destruction of the jewish race?
This happened to me once but it all worked out in the end
>be watching streams of MCC after it comes out
>always ask the streamer if they've played the Halo games before and/or read the novels so I can avoid spoiling them/know how much I can reveal my powerelevel and talk to them about lore shit
>Even for the normie dudebros playing it when I revealed my powerlevel and just explained lore stuff as it got hinted at/came up in the games they thought it was neat and interesting and appreciated me saying it
>eventually be watching the stream of a girl playing it
>when I ask, she gets says she's played the games and read all the novels and gets insulted because I guess she assumed I was assuming she didn't actually play vidya because she was a girl
>I apologize, explain why I was asking, and the next 3 hours as she was streaming we both had a great time talking about lore bullshit from the novels
who says it was ironic?
and when was it established that i was liberal?
So you admit you don't have any friends? Not even online friends? Kinda sad t b h.
It's established you're desperate for my attention.
Nerd pride is a fucking embarassment. Nerd culture has been commodified for a decade now, just move on.
you replied to me
>drink soy milk
>can finally understand women
what the fuck?? Sup Forums told me not to drink this stuff. this shit is awesome dudes, fuck drumpf
What argument? We're just calling you a faggot and you're having a mental breakdown over it.
Haha you're a total LOSER NERD lmao what a sad GEEK I bet you don't have any friends hahaha
I'm not even going to tell you you're on the wrong website because you're not you're just underage and really really bad arguments.
what did he mean by this
>if I claim to have won, that makes it true
>match in Tinder with "gamer girl"
>she has massive bazoopers and doesn't look fat in any picture
>ask her what was the last game she finished (since I'm expecting her to only play online stuff)
>tells me that just yesterday finished 2 games the same day and both were released less than a month ago at that time
>conversation flows for about half an hour longer
>then she seems to decide to never reply again
>hasn't unmatched me, let it breathe for a while
>next attempts at start conversations are meet with silence
I'm still hurt.
It's been a long time since I last sucked on big, fat nipples.
the fuck is SSBBW? you kids know acronyms are meant to abbreviate things right? this isnt fucking Germany
>talk to girl that claims to be a huge nerd
>she's a cool person and you make friends with her and have fun playing video games together
>you and your friends hang out and do fun nerd activities
>when you go over her house her mom makes great food and is super friendly
>she is a severe burn victim who really cherishes having friends who can see past her disfigurement
>you give each other nice christmas presents every year
I think Sup Forums exaggerates how bad things really are.
>He doesn't have a weeb nigger friend to play fightans with
I pity you
Itt: one brave middle-aged fights off a half dozen neo-gaff/Redd*t refugees
Godspeed valued middle-fag. Godspeed.
>women so bad they retweet the wrong person
Every time
For fucks sake stop taking the bait.
>Talking to a girl about video games
>Brings up the dark souls is hard meme
>fucking dropped
Stop trying to match with gamer girls. You think you want it, but you don't.
>lying on the internet
Like seriously who does that?
im surprised she's even played dark souls desu
>be a huge megaman fan and nolife gamer
>meet cute girl in college that enjoys vidya, mainly japanese shit like project diva, but also claims to be a megaman fan
>talk to her about megaman
>really knows her shit
>like REALLY knows her shi, i've met my equal
>continue to talk about videogames in general
>nothing goes wrong
Im glad to have met a friend like you natja
Dude, I was in marching band in high school and this skinny cuck got mugged by one of the niggers in our band and to this day his FB account is full of BLM and defending them. So fucking pathetic.
>stale memes
>Late to thread
Super Smash Bros. Brawl...world?
>this happened to me once
>talking to a streamer
you see a real person, they see dollar signs
Anime, doramas and other japanese shit is normie tier for years now.
Super-Sized Big Beautiful Woman. Basically, user dated landbluewhale.
We will purge Sup Forums back piece by piece
The day of the rope is upon them.
>the fuck is SSBBW?
I think the word he was looking for is "landwhale".
She probably hasn't, it's just the meme everyone repeats. I thought we all learned that lesson with Portal.
I think it's supposed to be big black women but with the SS to indicate she's fucking huge
dated a*
>like what
>LoL, DOTA, Overwatch, CS:GO
t. tripfag
lmao, how fucking retarded do you have to be to mentally be a cuck like that?